View Full Version : Deep or just Stupid

10-03-2010, 01:52 AM
Do you care if I dye my hair ,
Turn it black , just sit and stair .
Emo is a word , Do I deserve a label , I think I am emotional stable
She said as she shed ,
Prevail my veiled honest work of terror and disease . be what I wanted you to be .
I wanted you to be like me , But you changed .... for the worse side if the line form the look to the feel . I could tell I was the one who put you through hell .. I just watched as you fell , ..
For me I was being a shadow , in the background of the day , looking so awkward i could get people to say it aloud . I was so proud .

Now she is free to be something different form me , I have grown up she is still stuck . My choices her thoughts , My role was to stop her growth the place were people tell you how they feel

Change me inside , change my mind . Stop this from the start I never wanted to darken her heart. She is soo sad ... I can only watch I can only blame myself . Now I am truly what I thought I wanted to feel sorrow . It chills my bones .

You can read between the lines , Maybe this meant something to you maybe it seemed like a really random and dark rant . But I can assure you this has true meaning . Like the reason I wrote it like this ......

Just so you know she never changed ...... Not after that

When I wrote this she was never really that upset , but it has been years and my fears came true like i knew they always do .

So there was this one girl I use to know , her name was Maple, I loved this girl more then anything in the world . She was a true symbol of beauty full of joy and hope . I decided way back when that I wanted to be one of those out cast kids . The type who would wear black clothes and dyed my hair black . I thought it would be "cool" back then that I got her to do this with me . But she just became the real thing . Someone lost , and forgotten . Somebody who truly found that they were actually sad , As I tried to pull out of it for her sake so we could be happy kids again she just became more and more depressed . She soon turned to self harm . and found that was a new way to deal with a problem I had given her . So .. after 3 years she had ended it for herself . It did not end there though... I became full of the regret she once held . I kinda lost it , I did not want her death on my hands . I wanted her death in my hands at the end of our life when we are gray and old she was to die by my side . Now i will always have this in my mind never can I forget this never .
Well I can supress it until I die , but in the end I guess I know why , I was wrong maple I was the one who told you to do it . And somethings never change

Try not to take any of this to heart non of it is a true story , more or less it is a mixture of events that have happens in my life blended into a story of it's own ,
The Facts of this story
I was really close to a girl Named MAPLE
that is about the only thing that can be taken for fact from this post .

I just have a lot of random stuff in my head ... kinda crazy like that , IDK I am sure I will get a lot of post saying I am emo or whatever I expect them to a point. But that is ok , I just would like a place to get this out of my mind . To many things left to say , and more coming each day . Just portal ed through a human , with my Mind melt post
You know what I freaking hate that stupid ad in front of those youtube video's the one of the guy making a American flag from poptarts ERR it is soo annoying . Guys guys guys , Random post well I supose this is the place to put it
I know this one kid who is uber white soooo white that IDK he is just really white . I have to admit I find those really hairless cat's to be kinda stupid looking , Also I am going to guess this thread will get closed or maybe just deleted it is kinda strange , But that was always the point . To see how wierd of thought's I could come up with , I guess i can just keep adding to this post . until I run out of ideas or the thread is closed . Wow I just keep flooding with more and more I could put on here wow.
You know what a really strane thing is everybody connect anime and goth .... why and why do they all love nightmare before christmas . Like it is soo happy , but dark l

10-03-2010, 01:54 AM
I vote stupid , This means nothing even if you know what it means . It is just a story one that nobody can understand . They can not get what I myself am still deciding . So don't go getting tired so early

10-03-2010, 02:30 AM
Did you write this or