View Full Version : Final Post ,

10-05-2010, 03:36 PM
Well , thanks everyone had a good run . I am sorry I know I begged to come back . But it seems to me now everybody is always like We want more people and you should invite people . The only problem is I did and the forum is so unfriendly the person left . I tried to get over it , but it seems you guys are to set in your ways . You only like the people who have been here for ages. So I am going to leave it may sound stupid or whatever in anyone wishes for me to come back please send me a E-Mail at
linxisme@ yahoo.com other wise , Thanks for letting me back but I do not want to be here anymore .

Special thanks to
Jango , Eps , Lemon , and Linux
you guys were pretty cool

10-05-2010, 03:44 PM
You're quitting because Lav didn't get along with people? No offense to him but really all he did was come here, post 10000 stories and them complained a lot. That's not the easiest way to get people to like you. HarleyQuinn seems to be well-liked, I haven't seen any of her posts recently though, but I don't know if that's cuz she left or because I'm just not seeing her posts, so it's not like we just blow off people you invite. You don't have to leave just because the forum doesn't agree with one poster.

And if you think that people have problems with you, its not you personally, but you do some things like...bad grammar in posts. Sometimes I dont think you know what you're talking about but everyone has their faults. I don't mean to sound mean though, so don't take it like that.

If you're really gonna leave then cya. If this is just some cry for attention like i've seen on other sites, then >.>

10-05-2010, 03:44 PM
Dude, I've been here for like what, 2 months. I have friends like Knibbler and Lemon, and all the others! I take any member as a friend of mine, like even you! If you want to leave, your choice, but I'll vote for a big NO! Don't leave D:

10-05-2010, 03:51 PM
I can't believe you're saying we're unwelcoming...

When it comes to Lav, then Eps has already said it.. he just came in, posted a bazillion stories ( all in the wrong place, and in new threads, and made a huge mess) but instead of infracting him like we could have we just let him know and cleaned it up... We understand new members don't know the rules and stuff yet, so we go easy on them.

There are several new members that come in everyday, and we do our best to make them feel welcome. I'm sorry you see it differently.

If that makes you feel the need to leave then that's all you, but like Eps said.. if you're just getting attention... B|

10-05-2010, 03:52 PM
I know that sounds harsh, but some people ive seen make this big "omg im leaving" post and they want to hear people say "no dont leave we love you zomg lawl" somebody accused me of doing that once actually

10-05-2010, 07:11 PM
.... Nope honestly , IDK I am very Bi- Polar it would appear . I guess the main problem is , I really want to fix whatever it is that is making people get upset or what not . I go off to find out what the problem is and Nobody wants to help . Yes I read what Ep had put about the grammar and the IRC . Well first Off , you can not blame me for not understanding what was going on nothing is very organized in IRC . Then about the grammar , I have not had any complaint about that since I came back . So I had no idea that my grammar was still very bad , actually I reall do not know what is wrong with it . I just really want to start again . No grudges no youthism . Just a new clean slate nothing comeing down on my head from the past . But it would seem that once you have done something wrong then everybody just tries to act like it nothing is wrong but they just don't like you . I just want to fit in well . Just forget about the Lav thing . It was just out of rush of typeing the first post. More or less I guess this does stand as a cry for attention but I would like for it to stand as a cry for help . I want you to tell me what it is I am doing that seems to have all of you guys so pissed off . I honestly have no Idea . Plus after I asked where do I stand , some body gave me negative rep with the comment " you do not stand well with me " I have no idea who this person is . I need to know who has a problem with me and why . I can not fix something when I do not know how I broke it .
Please look past the bi-polar switch from gone to here , and tell me in a nice calm manner what it is you want from me ..

10-05-2010, 07:55 PM
don't really get who's being an asshole but ok. I've been around since the dinosaurs and haven't seen a dbag older member being mean to newcomers. but I guess having adhd I might just not pay attention, but I'd see somethin like that, and they'd get an asschewin paha. but sure

10-05-2010, 08:37 PM
What do you mean, IRC? i don't see eps mentioning it lol.

and yes, unfortunately there are no such things as truly fresh starts. unless you go to a whole new place with different people.
We've talked about the knowing when to make matters private, so keep that in mind, alright?

10-05-2010, 08:42 PM
I think the best thing to do would be to just drop it altogether. If you truly like the site stick around and make posts. Somebody doesn't like you, big deal right? If you dont like the site and wanna leave, then do that. Its up to you

in the future, keep somethin like this to PM or somethin

10-06-2010, 02:26 AM
Eh. I had a pretty warm welcome and have yet to have anyone really appear hostile in any of my threads or in response to any posts I have made anywhere else. I have been here for like a week now. Did make a few potential friends here and there and a lot more I could see myself becoming friends with. Been pretty nice so far. A few misunderstandings but nothing too big to drive me to want to quit. I have been on some pretty hostile boards before and this definitely isn't anywhere near those kinds.

10-06-2010, 07:48 AM
Dude it's just a forum, like no offense to you at all... but if you think someone doesn't like you or you don't like someone... what's the big deal? You're most probably never ever gonna see him in real life so it shouldn't be that big of a problem. If you wanna leave it's not that hard either no ones gonna stop you.
Whatever choice you make it alllll up to you buddy

10-06-2010, 07:31 PM
I agree with Hamada its like who cares
not everyone will like you
I didn't think we were that unwelcoming
but if you think that then you have your own opinion

about your grammar its better but its still bad I mean words are missing in your sentences and its just not good
so its kinda hard to understand what your saying
but its not that big of a deal I don't really care about that

10-06-2010, 09:56 PM
SOOO , guys I made this thread . Then I saw how stupid it was . So...... YEah sorry I am still here .

10-06-2010, 11:46 PM
SOOO , guys I made this thread . Then I saw how stupid it was . So...... YEah sorry I am still here .

i'm about to send you a message.

mods, i think we should close this and let it go away or something

10-06-2010, 11:58 PM