View Full Version : Help Me Conkers petition! for anyone who wants the red squirrel back :P

10-08-2010, 01:21 AM
I hope there are people on here who remember the good'ol n64 >__>;;

Theres a game called "conkers bad fur day" (most.epic.game.ever.)

and there was a remake made in 2005 called "Conker live and reloaded" (possibly more wellknown amongst xbox fans)

Well anyway, they were gonna make a seuquel when suddenly Microsoft announced they werent canning it, now I know internet petitions barely ever work, and that no one can actually tell microsoft, one of the worlds most successful company, what to do.

but maybe
just MAYBE o_O

if this petition gets enough signatures, they could go through with it.

So far it only has around 5000 (bleh >_<; )

I cant post URL's yet, but type in "conkers other bad fut day petition" into youtube, or "coker 2 petition" into google.

REMEMBER: im not dellusional or anything, I understand this probably wont work >_<; but we can always be overly opdimistic afterall 8DD;;

PLus, it would be helpful if anyone knew a popular gamers forumn to advertise this (spam much? >_>: ) I'll give you a cookie :D

10-08-2010, 01:23 AM
if you make enough quality posts and are here long enough to post a link, i might join in.

10-08-2010, 01:25 AM
Ive only just joined. about 5 minutes ago actually, Im a big fan of conker and well... yeah I thought I might be able to get some help by advertising it a bit >_>:

10-08-2010, 01:28 AM
Ehh It was an ok series. Instead of bringing back old school games destroying my child hood memories of the games i loved they should move on to better things. If they do a remake it will be the same game such as conkers bad fur day which will entail same map designs same weapons etc etc, but just better graphics and maybe some online play.

Its not really worth it. Keep it on the N64 and let it RIP.

10-08-2010, 01:32 AM

they already remade the game, that didnt go down to well with the original game fans >_>;

for me, I didnt really mind, it had online play and an epic multiplayer setup, but all gamers percieved it differently.

I recon they wont be un-creative if they do decide to make a sequel, who knows what differences there couldve have been (before they canned it in 2008 ofcourse...)

10-08-2010, 01:37 AM
Thank you for not attempting to post a link like most people do when they first join. If you wait till you have 10 posts and then post the link I'd be happy to help you out. Second please don't double post.

Also welcome to the forum and please read the rules in Forum Talk!

10-08-2010, 12:54 PM
I AM In , Next to MGS conker is my favorite game . I use to have him as my avatar on here . SoYESSSS I will join .