View Full Version : Palestinian Kids Get Run Over By Jewish Man

10-09-2010, 04:38 AM
This world need more judgment.



F*** Israel. Poor Palestine.

I wish Israel will visit hell once their death.

If you watch the video, it's clearly show that two of them are actually hit by the car.


Leader of Jewish settlers in the East al-Quds (Jerusalem) neighborhood of Silwan has deliberately run over two Palestinian children and fled the scene.

The incident happened during protests that followed the Friday Prayers.

The Israeli car driven by David Be'eri, the leader of hardline Elad organization trying to settle Jews in Silwan, charged a group of Palestinian kids, hitting one boy full on and throwing another off his feet.

The boys, Imran Mansur, 11, and Iyad Gheit, 10, both sustained severe injuries and were rushed to hospital. The incident was recorded by photographers and journalists present on the scene.

The disturbing footage also shows that one of the injured boys resisted efforts to get him into a car and to the hospital. Palestinian youngsters fear getting into strangers' cars because they have seen their friends taken away by Israeli troops on a regular basis.

Israeli intelligence and police have been accused of torturing confessions out of Palestinian children, subjecting them to sexual abuse and removing the organs of injured Palestinians.

10-09-2010, 05:06 AM
What the **** ?! I better not say anything now but I'm disgusted

Yet, Ixel there are some Israelis that are not happy what their country is doing, so there are some that are nice. But I hate the government.
They disgust me. I have many Palestinian friends over here and some of them never ever got to see their home country :(

The US (the government) is just gonna ignore this video, and I don't expect it to be shown on any news channel. But if it was the other way around ( a Palestinian man running over Israeli kids) Then it would be ALL OVER THE WORLD.

10-09-2010, 05:08 AM
if you were in israel you would of saw what this guys are doing they are friggen terroists you should live here to see what they are doing when jewish cars run by they throw rocks at it they wallk around with knifes playing gangster games they are deliquents they shouldnt thereted like poor people dont cunfuse with what you saw they where thrownig rocks at this car and getting in his way he drove and they didnt move i am asking you nicely dont be a soker they throwing rockts at us they sueside with bombs and kill a lot of people dont forget the war of iraq you saw what the terrorist can do in this case they kill people and wine to the world let me tell you thet we are the only country thet give arabs there own citys and villages alltho we dont hurt them they keep wanting to fight and they will not stop im want you to see the news of il and you will see what this guys are doing i am making this long post so you wouldnt think thet this guys are angles this subject hurt like hell to me thet all the world hate jews and they are not seeing our side i know thet we sometimes acsedently hurt civliens but war cant be cut and clean people get hurt and if the hamas will have guts they would fight face to face and they wouldnt let there civliens handle the war armless civilens they are keep hiding behind they citizens plz dont see this only video thet they go wild and get hurt one in a million years you should see all the videos in the subject so plz dont see one video and decide thet we should burn in hell

10-09-2010, 05:15 AM
if you were in israel you would of saw what this guys are doing they are friggen terroists you should live here to see what they are doing when jewish cars run by they throw rocks at it they wallk around with knifes playing gangster games they are deliquents they shouldnt thereted like poor people dont cunfuse with what you saw they where thrownig rocks at this car and getting in his way he drove and they didnt move i am asking you nicely dont be a soker they throwing rockts at us they sueside with bombs and kill a lot of people dont forget the war of iraq you saw what the terrorist can do in this case they kill people and wine to the world let me tell you thet we are the only country thet give arabs there own citys and villages alltho we dont hurt them they keep wanting to fight and they will not stop im want you to see the news of il and you will see what this guys are doing i am making this long post so you wouldnt think thet this guys are angles this subject hurt like hell to me thet all the world hate jews and they are not seeing our side i know thet we sometimes acsedently hurt civliens but war cant be cut and clean people get hurt and if the hamas will have guts they would fight face to face and they wouldnt let there civliens handle the war armless civilens they are keep hiding behind they citizens plz dont see this only video thet they go wild and get hurt one in a million years you should see all the videos in the subject so plz dont see one video and decide thet we should burn in hell

They throw ROCKS at you, you throw BOMBS at them! Poisoned ones too, which have been banned by the UN. :mad1:

10-09-2010, 05:21 AM
Sorry, but I think it's probably a good idea to close this thread. The highly provocative nature of the subject and the less than objective intro post and subsequent responses so far mean that this thread will probably descend rapidly into an area that's likely only to open the door to drama.

There's nothing wrong with posting difficult or contraversial 'serious news' but at least be aware that there are people all over the world that visit GF (from varied cultures), so perhaps the language of the initial post or intention of posting it, and responses thereafter, need to be a little more well balanced.
