View Full Version : Need some advice on knifes

10-11-2010, 12:36 AM
Well the steel used to create the knife. I am looking for something very durable and for self defense purposes only, and when needing to open things.

These are the two knifes I want:

1) Gil Hibben - Karambit Claw II - 420 stainless steel

2) Army Fighting Folding Knife - stainless steel tanto blade

Im not sure if it will be help but I will add the links just incase you see something I missed.

My friends say since they are cheap, 20 bucks and 10 bucks, they are worthless as knifes in general, is this true?

1) Gil Hibben - Karambit Claw II (http://www.trueswords.com/hibben-karambit-claw-p-4741.html)
2) Army Fighting Folding Knife - Designed to Open Fast (http://www.trueswords.com/army-fighting-folding-knife-designed-open-fast-p-4703.html)

10-11-2010, 12:39 AM
a $20 knife won't be worthless. I mean, it's not some high quality super durable rambo knife, but it'll be decent.

btw, plural is knives.

10-11-2010, 12:41 AM
Ehh, I stopped caring about my spelling about 40 minutes ago, midnight, So i will correct it when i wake up in the morning. :P

But ya Im not looking for any super rambo knives just something to get the job done, whatever it might be, and still be able to have a quick draw on both. If that makes any sense.

10-11-2010, 01:08 AM
I could give some Very Detailed Advice. but seeing as your too poor and only need it to stab something go with a $20 Knife just make sure the Handle is decent Quality because if it's flimsy the Blade is useless.

10-11-2010, 01:24 AM
Your using it as self defense right, can't you just use any knife? and or blunt objects. Are you worried it will break?

10-11-2010, 01:35 AM
I have taste in knives :P.

This is how I look upon it. If I have to pull out my knife im killing someone. Thats my definition of self defense. I dont have any small blunt objects that I can carry in my pocket. T

Mostly breaking due to just normal wear and daily use is what my greatest worry is.

10-11-2010, 09:47 AM

Does that not seem like a really irritating and uncomfortable way to hold a knife?

Also, knives are useless unless you know how to use them. Do you? Because if your "attacker" takes it from you, you're screwed. o.o How likely is it that you actually NEED a knife, anyway? I have a couple decent ones myself, but like. Mostly just to have, and I don't go around carrying them around everywhere or anything.

Also, I would advise against buying one online. Go to a store where you can hold them in your hand and feel the differences. Get advice from the store owner (if they are reliable, clearly).

10-11-2010, 09:56 AM
Im not really so much about comfort as I am durability and what not. Ive been around knives for a while so I would say I know how to use them. Not true. if they get the knife away from me I know a way or two to get it back or just curb stomp them into the ground. How likely is not a good question, attacks on my campus happen almost every night and since I like to go for walks at night its a matter of being prepared for the worse. I dont know of any shops that would allow me to hold a knife due to the fact all of them are in packaging and they dont have any "display knives."

10-11-2010, 10:27 AM
lol joker .. ur slowly become ur avatar, with every day that passes :p

this will be you in about 2 years ..


10-11-2010, 11:31 AM
Hopefully im becoming dark knight joker and not Adam west batman joker

10-11-2010, 01:56 PM
420 stainless is bad stainless, it rusts, tarnishes, and gets dull much easier.
You need some 300 grade stainless. Not sure what the tens place is (330?) but 300 grade is better.
You can test it out by using a magnet. If the stainless is magnetic, it's crappy. If it isn't magnetic, it's good stainless.

It just depends on how good of a knife you want. A Stun Gun could also be something to look into, along with some MACE

10-11-2010, 04:07 PM
Actually I cant get a stun gun nor mace. They are both illegal on my campus and arrestable offenses. So if I have a knife, in said picture muffin showed, It would be fine cause everyone and their mother carries a knife. Stun gun or mace would scare people, dont ask me why...

But I did find another knife I do want, with the help of mr Shixx. It was created by a company called "Cold Steel" and watching their videos they are scary good at making knives, swords and everything else. PLUS this new knife is cheaper :)