View Full Version : enough stupidity is enough.

10-12-2010, 05:56 PM
So... Today has been interesting... Today is the day I stop keeping my mouth shut and standing by while ****ing morons run around my campus blasting their music through there phones. I've had enough, and today Ive already told two people I am done. How so you might ask? Simple I ask them nicely why they are blasting their music, so far two things have happened: 1) pissed off people for screwing with the ways they express themselves, 2) got fight offers..

Out of two people ive seen do it today, already got offers to fight them over that stupid crap... What is the point of this little campaign of mine? Simple take my campus back and stop being afraid of those idiots who think they can do anything they want and that they are immune to the rules and being rude to to others.

Sooner or later I will be punched for this but Im tired of this crap and I dont have to deal with it. If you change you have to go after it, cant be passive and let it come to you. So I want to see if any of these aholes will hit me, see how far they are willing to take it.

10-12-2010, 06:04 PM
I see that all the time.
They just think they're cool.

The fight offers are just a replacement for the lack of intelligence to explain their "expression".

10-12-2010, 06:12 PM
It really is scary what society has become ;)

Nobody has ever thought of fighting me.... for a number of reasons:

1. I am a very large guy.... not fat.... not tall..... just large.... maybe thick is a good word as well
2. I have an extremely deep voice.... it tens to scare a lot of people
3. I'm normally nice
4. I'm strong.... sort of like number 1.... i've never lost an arm wrestle lol

People who don't know me personally tend to do what i ask them to do... they're scared

It's really a shame.

10-12-2010, 06:15 PM
Get a cute girl to tell them to stop. Guys do anything for a cute girl.

10-12-2010, 06:23 PM
I wish that was true muffin, but some seriously bad stuff hass occured on my campus, the girls are afraid to go out anymore...

Glen, people are just stupid anymore. Nothing can fix stupid violence isnt the answer, but ehh. I just feel its my duty to tell them to stfu and knock it off.

10-12-2010, 06:40 PM
Don't get shot. :/

10-12-2010, 07:07 PM
Get a cute girl to tell them to stop. Guys do anything for a cute girl. it depends kinda , like if a cute girl ask me for money and i know they have no interest in me , I say nope

10-12-2010, 07:14 PM
Ehh none of these punks on campus have the guts to pull a firearm. They might act tough and think they're hard in groups and what not, but really they are nothing more than cowards.

10-12-2010, 07:19 PM
Any guy that walks around with his pants draggin' on the ground blastin gangsta rap will most definitely NOT listen to a cute girl. He has other ideas...

10-12-2010, 08:45 PM
are you complaining about the listening to of music? or the fact that they get mad at you for telling them to turn it off?

10-12-2010, 09:52 PM
probably the over agressive "I AM A DDDD AND ILL FIGHT YOU YO? YOU GOT BEEFFS?" and how hard it is to talk sensibly to people.

also obnoxiously loud music in small campuses/apartments is obnoxious.

10-12-2010, 10:41 PM
Idk, i dont mind some background music, unless i'm in class or something. If somebody was blaring music in the hall while i was in class i'd get mad, but otherwise i probably wouldnt care lol.

so i'm assuming it's their reactions

10-12-2010, 11:36 PM
are you complaining about the listening to of music? or the fact that they get mad at you for telling them to turn it off?

Im complaining about how they need to turn that crap down and stop being a burden on society and how they should go do a barrel roll off a cliff.

10-13-2010, 05:43 AM
I will try to giving them some sort of advices. Kinda if that is work though.

10-13-2010, 11:05 AM
You dont reason with stupid people ixel. Cant talk to them about nothing, as I did note I was polite when I asked them why they have their music so loud and they wanted to fight me.

So please read my entire first post again before trying to say something ixel...

10-13-2010, 12:29 PM
boys will be boys dude

or is douches will be douches

10-13-2010, 01:31 PM
You're going on a tirade about how people have their ipods really loud?

10-13-2010, 01:36 PM
I know how it is joker. I was on a 21 hour train ride yesterday and some idiot was blasting ****ty ass music out of his phone. He was finally asked to stop but he kept doing it anyways.

10-13-2010, 01:50 PM
Jaykub - yes that is annoying people think they are better than everyone else and that by asking them to turn it down its invading their right to express themselves. Im looking at some headphones im going to buy carry my ipod around with me, with my favorite playlist called "Piss people off" and will see how they like it.

Eps - Im getting mad that when im trying to carry on a conversation walking somewhere trying to have a moment to myself to think, doing whatever I hear some scumbag walking my direction with their music extremely loud. Its annoying and there is no purpose for it... To put it in another way... Its like trying to voice what you think but someone else is screaming over you to voice theres and they wont give you a second to speak, and its not Ipods its there retarded phones.

from what your saying eps you seem to think this is childish.

10-13-2010, 02:03 PM
Well in my opinion you seem to be overreacting, but I guess I just don't mind when people have loud music. Like I said once on this thread, if I'm trying to study or really focus on something, yea it'll annoy me but if i'm sitting somewhere just chillin i welcome it; It's not often I want complete silence. Different viewpoints, I guess

10-13-2010, 05:41 PM
Im old school, and by that I mean music should be loud enough for you to hear yourself, not everyone in a 20 ft radius.

Im not really overacting in sense its more or less im asking them nicely why its so loud and im getting violence thrown back. If it was me screaming at them to turn it down and stop being an idiot ya thats overacting.

10-13-2010, 06:19 PM
lol i meant the topic as the overreacting part.

10-13-2010, 08:13 PM
In a way im using this thread as a way to make a stand against stupidity. People view it differently as you say overacting and I say its stupid to play music that loud. People need to start telling aholes to turn down their music, I dont go around campus blasting my music and annoying people why should anyone else?

The common theme here is respect, I respect you enough not to annoy you or your friends with my loud music, why cant you do the same.

10-17-2010, 01:19 PM
So there was this dude in the lounge at school the other day blasting crappy rap music from his phone. it was just like click click click click click click cshhh click click click. People told him to turn it off and he didnt. And i was sittin there "oh, THIS is what Joker meant"

10-17-2010, 01:55 PM
Get a cute girl to tell them to stop. Guys do anything for a cute girl.

Its like when a guy wont eat food that is offered to him, but when a girl feeds it to him he will eat it! Lol! Gets me every time.

The youth nowadays are pretty ridiculous, especially the ones just becoming freshman in highschool.

10-17-2010, 04:45 PM
On the ride home some dude decided to play Michael Jackson as loud as he could at 2 am. Moments later some guy started screaming lyrics with his headphones... People just don't care.

10-17-2010, 04:51 PM
So there was this dude in the lounge at school the other day blasting crappy rap music from his phone. it was just like click click click click click click cshhh click click click. People told him to turn it off and he didnt. And i was sittin there "oh, THIS is what Joker meant"

lol @ relating

the worst is on buses going to school early in the morning.