View Full Version : Music Games

10-15-2010, 06:49 PM
is it me or is guitar hero just releasing new games like dj hero with new songs then releasing limited edition games.

i personally think its a waste of money as you can get a real guitar and play most of the songs on the games with a lot of practice.

but i want to know your view ?

10-15-2010, 08:06 PM
I kinda do agree with you...? I dont know if that even made sense... but anyway
most of my friends got these for their parties and I would play them... eventually I got into guitar cause... I didn't really feel like playing tunes from a piece of plastic & buttons..

in other words, guitar hero, dj hero, banjo hero.. whatever hero.... can motivate people to play REAL instruments? I'm not sure. they're just adding new variations (like strings on the guitar controller on future rock band/guitar hero games, even a keyboard controller) <--- what do you think of this.. will it even help?

10-16-2010, 06:14 AM
i love gutar hero and so forth..... i think it was a great invention :)
they are fun to play and pretty much everyone can get up and have a go......
i do agree that they inspire poeple tomplay real instruments :)
but over all i love them :) :) :) :) :)

10-16-2010, 07:03 AM
I prefered when Guitar Hero was Guitar Hero only. Now it's DJ Hero, Band Hero, what are they going to make next?

10-16-2010, 07:07 PM
is it me or is guitar hero just releasing new games like dj hero with new songs then releasing limited edition games.

i personally think its a waste of money as you can get a real guitar and play most of the songs on the games with a lot of practice.

but i want to know your view ?

That's like telling people to stop playing Madden and actually go play football, or telling people to stop playing Call of Duty and go join the army. Yes playing guitar is fun, but it's different. This is a game. Playing guitar takes a LOT of practice, and to be able to play some of those songs a LOT of discipline. I'd know, i've played guitar for about 6 years and there are a lot of songs i can't come anywhere near playing.

10-16-2010, 11:03 PM
I agree with Epsilon. Guitar hero gives people a chance to "play" their favorite songs, without taking the years and years of practice to actually play it.

But on the other hand, playing music is a great thing for people and I highly recommend that everyone learns how to play an instrument.

10-18-2010, 04:46 PM
im just trying to make a point that your wasting your money on other guitar heros and dj hero games. im not saying oh yh stop playing them cus there a waste of time im just making a point

10-18-2010, 09:56 PM
Well I mean it is kinda a waste of money. The best way to do it is to get one of the guitar hero games, then rent/borrow the other ones and import all the songs. its like $7 per game to import all the songs.

Are you trying to say that buying multiple GH games is a waste of money? and all the spin offs and stuff? Cuz that's solved by what I just said

10-18-2010, 10:07 PM
I have to be honest here .. while I can see the appeal of the guitar hero games, I can't help thinking that when I see people playing it that they look ridiculous.

One of my mates is a GH addict and even managed to chat up a girl in a bar citing his guitar skills .. it took her about 4 days to realise he meant GH, because he can't play an instrument what-so-ever. /facepalm