View Full Version : stupid computer

10-21-2010, 07:53 PM
Ok, due to blizzard my harddrive is now screwed up beyond repair... There are several, 182 to be exact, file record segments that are unreadable on my hard drive. So now to get on the internet I have to get on the computer at the damn learning resource center.... This is crap...

So until my dad stops being a complete jackass I might not be on for a while. and the reason he has to stop being a complete ass is due to the fact he wont help me because he thinks he knows everything...

10-21-2010, 07:58 PM
Uninstall vista and install linux?

10-21-2010, 08:49 PM
or see if you can set up a partition using the linux install and install that. But can you do any kind of system restore? Even through bios or even a manufacturer restore software that sometimes come installed will work.

10-22-2010, 02:13 PM
-Jaykub No the harddrive is fried, computer would not allow me to uninstall anything, wouldnt even let me run checkdisk.

-Linux cant do a system restore, when the first 181 files segments were destroyed they seem to take what little system restore points i had left. I did a restore to default and all it did for 3 hours was loop from boot up, error check, loading windows, blue screen, crash.
after shutting it down by request of dell tech support, I will have a new harddrive by monday, I got a "Notice" of "Your hard drive is actting outside the normal parameters"

So when I get that hard drive out and get my new one im going to try not to destroy it and use it as target practice.

10-22-2010, 02:23 PM
lol good luck joker

computers can be fffff sometimes