View Full Version : The Internet Rant Thread

10-29-2010, 12:46 AM
Does the internet make people stupider? cuz i've had some of the dumbest conversations i've ever had in my life over the internet.

here's one. so theres a video and this dude is all like super gothed out and this other dudes like where can i get that i checked hot topic.

so i'm like go on hottopic.com they have some stuff, its not the greatest but it's close enough.

i get a response saying that his hot topic sucks and that we don't live in the same area so he can't go to mine.

so i'm like dude, you can access a website from any computer in the world.

like......the pure levels of stupidity that people are able to reach on the internet astonishes me. I have many better examples of pure internet stupidity, i just dont remember them right now

10-29-2010, 04:09 AM
I don't think it makes people stupider, seeing as the internet is such a gargantuan source of information. I could basically school myself with the internet if I wasn't so lazy.

But yeah, I see what you mean. You get some real idiots who don't have enough brains to fill an eggcup on the internet, especially places like 4chan & StormFront.

10-29-2010, 05:01 AM
I think it doesn't make you more stupid, I believe the reason for that is, that it's so HUGE that you meet/see way more people than in "Real life" so that number of stupid people you meet goes up too!

10-29-2010, 08:29 AM
the internet doesn't make people more stupid... the "stupid" people are the ones that "live" on the internet. While there are a host of reasons someone's lifestyle may tend towards an immersion into online activities, one of the (I'd suspect more frequent) reasons is that the person, for lack of motivation, social skills, and/or general maturity, finds safe haven and cheap thrills in online communities and/or games.

Those are some fancy words to say no-lifers comprise the trolls and flamers of the world and they are stupid. The internet doesn't breed stupid people, it just gives them a venue to continue being stupid and postpone growing up.

But, yes, because stupid people are eventually attracted to the internet, we see a higher concentration of them here than we do irl XD

10-29-2010, 10:51 AM
But it's like...how stupid can you get?

10-29-2010, 11:13 AM
another stupid thing i've seen on the internet is somebody tried telling me that queen is a heavy metal band and somebody else tried telling me job for a cowboy isn't. its like wat.

10-29-2010, 11:37 AM
basically what dili said lmfao

10-29-2010, 12:08 PM
basically what dili said lmfao


11-01-2010, 07:02 AM
So that same guy from the first post, he was looking for goth looking shirts which is why i sent him to HT.com i said "they have decent but not great stuff" and he goes are you kidding me that sucks so im like "dude, i clearly said its decent but not GREAT"

I get in return

"one you typed it did u say no did u make a video saying it no you didnt mabey u should go ahead stupid 2 no its not that is not close to it at all so idk what ur on besides your grandma so shake the beef ****"

and i'm like really? you're the dumbest person ive ever encountered on youtube. his response:

"u said u SAID this and that but where typeing so i said u wanna say **** make a video and THIS IS YOUTUBE YOU ****ING **** GO **** YOUR GRANDMOTHER AND EAT MY **** GOODDAZE"

I have no hope for the continuing existence of the human race....

11-01-2010, 08:41 AM
man... and here I thought we encountered some stupid internet people on the forum here. Youtube always takes the cake.


11-01-2010, 09:00 AM
I can sympathise with Youtube stupidity .. I once had a comment on one of my vids that was basically a semi-literate rant about a game I've NEVER reviewed. Some people are just weird ..

11-01-2010, 09:19 AM
He freaked out because i said "i said" instead of "i typed" I mean, if you type something, its something that you say. you just don't use your mouth....

I simply don't understand people.

11-01-2010, 09:36 AM
Just tell them you use speech-to-type technology or whatever and you actually did say it, but the computer wrote it for you.

11-01-2010, 09:37 AM
Best. Idea. Ever.

11-01-2010, 12:09 PM
eps that was pretty good . I can agree a lot of stupid stuff is said on the internet . I find stuff I wrote a long time back and go .....WOW i am stupid ... or rather was stupid . I am less stupid now XD. But yeah Some of the older post by my youthism Account .....woah.... Stupid . So yeah but that hot topic thing was funny .