View Full Version : Dead Space Good?

10-31-2010, 03:48 PM
im thinking about getting dead space but im not sure if i should could you guys help

10-31-2010, 03:51 PM
it was okay. It's basically a 3rd person shooter set in an abandoned space ship. It's creepy at first but after a while it just turns into a gorefest. Horror games are one things, but that game was a little too over the top IMO. I mean, seeing your charcter ripped in half like 6 times by a monster that you can't kill isn't really fun, instead it always put me in a bad mood.

Ilyich Valken
10-31-2010, 04:14 PM
It was a great game once you get the hang of it. The on-the-fly inventory really added to the frantic feel at first, but it wasn't all that hard if you use all of the tools at your disposal instead of going for the line gun achievement the first time through.

10-31-2010, 04:15 PM
I strongly recommend you get it, especially with Dead Space 2 around the corner.

11-02-2010, 07:46 AM
This is the simplest question I ever heard so far.
It's a good game, go buy it. I have try one and its awesome.
The graphic, the gameplay, the storyline, and the third person shooter is really incredible.

11-02-2010, 11:28 AM
The game is a awsome , It makes you think that something is after you all the time . The Ai in the game is outstanding . The game was written with a tru sense of horror . Although after a while in certain spots the since of horror may wear off it will still be fun . But no worries plenty of great spots to be scared even after it wears off . The boss battle at the end was in no way scary but truly epic . This game will stay with you , the music and sound is very eary and creepy . The game has a average replay value . Trophies are very easy to earn and the game is VERY short . It could easily be beaten in I would say 4 hours . Maybe 5 ... But that should not stop you from buying and playing this Gem of a game . Do not bother with the movie and the Wii version was not all that bad . But it does not compare to the Ps3 and Xbox Version. Now then I hope that helps and feels you in on this game anymore questions please ask . I love this game and have beaten it about 8 times.

11-05-2010, 06:20 AM
Dead Space is really a great game to play and the monsters catch you unexpected and wow they ugly his games graphics is really awesome too you should play the game more I played it 3 times over that how much I enjoyed this game.

11-05-2010, 11:27 AM
The game is a awsome , It makes you think that something is after you all the time . The Ai in the game is outstanding . The game was written with a tru sense of horror . Although after a while in certain spots the since of horror may wear off it will still be fun . But no worries plenty of great spots to be scared even after it wears off . The boss battle at the end was in no way scary but truly epic . This game will stay with you , the music and sound is very eary and creepy . The game has a average replay value . Trophies are very easy to earn and the game is VERY short . It could easily be beaten in I would say 4 hours . Maybe 5 ... But that should not stop you from buying and playing this Gem of a game . Do not bother with the movie and the Wii version was not all that bad . But it does not compare to the Ps3 and Xbox Version. Now then I hope that helps and feels you in on this game anymore questions please ask . I love this game and have beaten it about 8 times.

Directed at a mod , would this be good material if I had done a Review ?

11-05-2010, 11:32 AM
Directed at a mod , would this be good material if I had done a Review ?

Well I can only speak for myself (and tbh I'm not sure only a mod needs to respond tbh) .. to me it looks like the start of a review, but obviously it's nice to have a fleshed-out perspective of a game with optional screenshots/videos etc. As a suggestion, it might be worthwhile looking in the reviews section at the many styles people adopt, and deciding which works best for you.

That's my view at least .. not as a mod, or as a reviewer, but as a GF member ..

11-08-2010, 08:28 AM
Directed at a mod , would this be good material if I had done a Review ?

As jango said, I'm say this as a member and not really a "mod" per say, but your review could use all the things jango mentioned AND I don't know if I could stand to try and read it if you didn't fix up your grammer... I know it's something you fight with all the time, but your longer posts become an unreadable mashup of broken sentence fragments and confusingly placed spaces before all of your punctuation.

01-14-2011, 02:33 PM
when u get it play it in the dark with the door closed at midnight

01-14-2011, 06:13 PM
I highly recommend that you get this game, atleast rent it if you cant really decide. Definitely worth the time if your a big fan of thrillers. I believe a demo is available for the first Dead Space aswell as the second on the Xbox Live marketplace.

Dark War 1556
01-15-2011, 12:47 AM
I Think you should get it as well i borrowed it from a friend of mine and he didn't get it back for like 6 months i'm most likely going to get dead space 2 and i know its gonna be an even better game than the first

01-17-2011, 04:55 AM
I agree with HiTechSavvy that you must get the game it is really awesome to play I love playing this game and I can't even wait for Dead Space 2 to come out for PC:cheesy::D

01-18-2011, 12:49 AM
Dead Space is an awesome game I'm looking foward to Dead Space 2.

01-18-2011, 01:37 AM
I hope they make each master in the game really tough to beat and not easy to follow there pattern, because in Dead Space 1 the ending master was even way easies than all the other masters in the game, but still Dead Space 1 is still awesome:cheesy: