View Full Version : new vid tell me what u think

11-03-2010, 11:36 AM

11-03-2010, 12:21 PM
Hmm, first off like it has been pointed out before You need to come up with better thread names than "new vid tell me what u think"

It seems like you dont play out any of the footage its just getting a kill moving on, show some more footage than that and throw in some funny stuff, teabags trash talking everything a growing youtube fan needs.

At the end where you say Subscribe over and over is annoying. If people want to sub to you will only need it to say once. You said wait till the end to see bloopers, I didnt see anything but kills. So if your going to have a blooper section I would suggest throw up a title screen saying its bloopers so people know.

11-03-2010, 12:23 PM
Oh my ..

1. Why have a title that doesn't tell you what the video is about on this thread (again)?
2. Why have a video that shows 1 minute 20 seconds or so or gameplay, then fill the other 2 and a half minutes with lame 'subscribe to me' text? That's just not gonna get people to subscribe mate .. making good videos will ..
3. What was the point of the video? It wasn't clear really.
4. Why is the text so fast at the start of the video - I had no chance to read it.
5. Tiny red square .. why?
6. Nice tune .. this was the highlight for me .. I guess.

I'm trying to be constructive here .. but it's getting harder .. I'm just amazed I sat through it all. Sorry, but you asked for feedback .. are you rushing these videos?

11-03-2010, 12:58 PM
1. Saying "suscribe" a billion times will make people not subscribe.
2. Making good videos will get people to watch your videos and subscribe.
3. Posting "what u think of video lawlz" will make people not want to watch it.

Next time you make a video, really take to heart EVERYTHING that was posted in this topic and in the "tell me what you think PLZZZZZZZZ" topic to heart.

11-03-2010, 01:48 PM
I already told you about the thread titles several times, so -rep

And I stopped watching your videos after your second one or so because of quality and I guess now you're just filling your videos with the word 'subscribe' which makes people want to watch your future videos even less.

So you really should work on the titles and the actual content. Don't try to force anyone to do anything and don't try to nag them into doing it either. It's like someone bothering his parents to get him a game by saying:
"Can I get the game? Can I get the game? Can I get the game? Can I get the game? Can I get the game? Can I get the game? Can I get the game? Can I get the game?"

Don't look at my -rep as a form of dislike, but as a reminder for you to do better like I told you several other times which you have clearly ignored.

11-03-2010, 01:54 PM
The biggest thing you need to do is NOT RUSH your videos out to youtube. You need to do quality control over and over and over again. You play that video so much it annoys you in your sleep. That is the best advice I can personal give you.

11-03-2010, 05:27 PM

You need a lot of work on everything tbh.. and everyone right you need a better title.. I've stopped watching your videos... sigh