View Full Version : Walked Away

11-04-2010, 10:07 PM
I walked away from a fight today it took more strength then the fight would had . I quit one of my jobs , .....sigh...
So whats the point of this thread huh ....
Tell me the stuff you did to stop a fight or resolve something , SOMEONE should know when you have done something this epic .

11-04-2010, 10:22 PM
Walking away is the hardest thing a man can do, but its the best choice. I will walk away till either 1) my life or those I care about are threatened. or 2) someone threatens harm against someone else.

I will admit here.. at school I refuse to get in the middle of fights due to the "gang" situations and they carry. As much as I want to do the police code and stop it or try and calm it down I wont put myself in a situation that I am not equipped for.

11-05-2010, 05:16 AM
I never calm fights down as long as they're not involving me or any of my friends, usually it's just the best thing to stay out of it and watch/walk away.
But if it's about me or my friends I stand :P I know it's not a good thing but I would always stand my ground except if it's like me vs 5 or 4 others :P then I'll be like ok screw this you guys win :P ahaha

11-05-2010, 10:02 AM
Walking away is definitely the best thing to do. But if I see a fight brawling, I might step in depending on the circumstances. As hamada pointed out, if it was a friend, or if it was getting way out of control and I know for a fact that I could contain it. If I see that it's out of my control, there is no point in getting involved because I wouldn't have the power to stop it.

But I'm glad you walked away. Took strength and it sets a good example.