View Full Version : That stupid song that gets stuck in your head or you repeat it over and over

11-05-2010, 11:21 AM
Ever since jango's falout New vegas Sniper post . I have listened to the song from his video over and over . No joke I am listening to it as I write this post , So I was wondering what other Songs you guys either get stuck in your head and cant get it out . Or those songs like this one that you just keep re playing over and over . I was going to put this in the music section so I could get some GFP for it . But I knew that with the amount of songs I have in my head . It would be safer to put this in the lounge so I could double post or whatever . So guys what songs do you got . I will start off with the one now stuck with me from jango's Video .


11-05-2010, 01:12 PM
This happens to me a lot, where I can't stop listening to a certain song, but eventually I get over it.

The last song that this happened to me with was Apocalyptica's cover of "Fade to Black"


I was ESPECIALLY enraptured by 0:55-1:05 ... so...beautiful.. anyway.. this song is gorgeous and I listened to it over and over for a while.

also this song forever, which I have definitely posted a million times


edit: also, I just remembered a song that gets me every time. The orchestral version of "Freeze My Love" by GLAY (from their SONGBOOK album) - I can't find it on youtube, but oh my god it is AMAZING.

11-05-2010, 03:13 PM
Here's a few that have been stuck in my head in the last year..






and that's just the one's I found in my youtube favorite's, there's many more I lack the motivation to seek.

11-05-2010, 07:11 PM
This, argh Margret!


If you listen to it enough it gets stuck


Ill probably post some more

Ilyich Valken
11-08-2010, 06:55 AM

edit: also, I just remembered a song that gets me every time. The orchestral version of "Freeze My Love" by GLAY (from their SONGBOOK album) - I can't find it on youtube, but oh my god it is AMAZING.

You just love this song cause of the Pikachus I bet xD

11-08-2010, 09:12 AM
No, I loved it before I saw that particular video :P but those pikachus are preeetyyy adorable :P