View Full Version : Funny situation is funny.

11-06-2010, 10:23 PM
my brother told me this joke but before i tell you anything I have to tell you a story.

At my University alot of the... monitories were complaining that they dont have equal rights and other things. This complaining has came from several campus clubs and now finally someone heard the cries so now we have a NAACP club on campus to help bring more rights to monitories, but according to the paper its mainly for black rights.

So now that you know this, my brother said this.. He told me to get some of my friends and go join the club because I want equal rights for all, once I am denied access to join to go to the dean and get the club disbanded for racism.

Before anyone judges me as rude, offensive or just plain racist, my campus has allowed the creation of clubs and other organisations that can refuse whites from joining and whites cant create those types of organisations. So in a matter of speaking its just a way to show the school their wrong doing.

11-06-2010, 11:04 PM
Minorities? Sorry but I thought you were talking about monitors first.

Don't know why your school allowed that...at my school, you can't discriminate based on race, gender, or ethnicity (for clubs only). Any club found to be doing that would be disbanded.

The only exception is the Fraternity - Sorority thing. Frats are for guys only but they cant discriminate there, and sororities are for girls and they can't discriminate among themselves.

I wouldn't call you rude, offensive or racist if you did that - I don't think the school should allow that in the first place - it just creates division which isn't good for any organization, whether it's a school or a gaming forum.

11-06-2010, 11:15 PM
Ya... i didnt look over the spelling corrections and than i got lazy and didnt feel like changing them.

sorry lol

Well they shouldnt do it, its against the rules, and what not problem is they look the other way alot of the times for many different reasons. Mainly the argument of "They dont have enough rights on campus." Biggest issue I see is that there is a club on my campus called "BMI" they are suppose to allow anyone to join but they have to meet.. requirements, not educational requirements, person requirements, pretty much being black, I know this because my old room mate was the VP of membership and I asked to join and he told me.

This club hazes people, makes them degrade themselves to join, by running around campus screaming we are slaves to BMI, and sometimes marches around campus trying to scare people. So there is alot of crap going on.

So to make a long story short, there is some crap going on campus that shouldnt be happening in the first place at all.

11-06-2010, 11:22 PM
Aye .. positive discrimination is a strange thing .. I can understand why it can breed more resentment than it intends to by isolating people. At my Uni I used to be involved with a few 'race-related' groups .. obviously not the type that meant I needed to wear a black shirt and do the goose step .. and they were always very welcoming of anyone who cared about it, rather than discriminating about who joined. Seems almost counter-productive to go about it the way they're doing it judging from the description in your post Joker .. very odd.

11-06-2010, 11:25 PM
It's like, people who say they're proud to be white it's seen as racist, but proud to be anything else it's respectable.

this topic isn't going to go over well

11-06-2010, 11:27 PM
I always think that most things that you are are things to be proud of, but once you think everyone else should be the same you suddenly transform into a gigantic cock .. just my view ofc :)

11-07-2010, 12:22 AM
This entire problem comes down to one thing, race. People are throwing out that card left and right and its truly annoying. It truly is annoying to see that all the time.

people want equality, same rights, same pay, same everything, but its not happening.

Bah, the only true race is the human race, calling yourself anything else, besides being proud of who you are, is just plain racism.

Ilyich Valken
11-07-2010, 03:42 PM
This entire problem comes down to one thing, race. People are throwing out that card left and right and its truly annoying. It truly is annoying to see that all the time.

people want equality, same rights, same pay, same everything, but its not happening.

Bah, the only true race is the human race, calling yourself anything else, besides being proud of who you are, is just plain racism.

Basically. People say they want equality but then play the race card when they don't get their way for something small.. I wouldn't worry about offending people with something like this.. it makes sense, is for a certain cause, etc.

11-07-2010, 03:49 PM
I swear to you I am not racist either but this is funny .
I hope that t is not too off topic , it just reminds me of this .

11-07-2010, 04:04 PM
Another situation that Ive been noticing is that homecoming was this past weekend and people put up "Vote or die" posters. I found that offensive because well.. you dont threaten me. most of the buildings pulled them down and I pulled off one or two myself and got yelled at because "I dont like for others to express themselves."

So this situation is funny because They said its a joke and not meant to be taken seriously I told them "by putting up vote or die your making a threaten, indirect threat, but none the less a threat its like if I put up a poster saying "vote or someone will be ... sexually harmed"" According to them thats taking it to far yet saying vote or die is fine..

Sorry I needed to blow off some steam and I thought was funny how its ok to be a hypocrite and junk.