View Full Version : Saw Related lawls

11-07-2010, 10:33 PM
Hello Gamers-forum, I wanna play a game.
The game is pretty much design your own funny lawl saw tape. If you dont know what that is, its the tape found at the start of each trap telling us what the evil person did to deserve his punishment.

So the rules are simple, cant be hateful, disrespectful towards anyone, sex, gender, religion, terrorist are ok to bash, nothing.

So I guess I will start it off?

Hello Osama Bin Liden, I wanna play a game... For years youve been a little whiny ***** and making hate speeches towards the US for no real reasons. Your hatred has grown, and so have your numbers, but today that will all change... In front of you is a television, in 60 seconds it will turn on and You will be watching the most annoying show till the moment of your death... Captain planet... If you want to survive... Oh hell, your going to die... Hit the switch Billy Bob!

Not perfect, but its a start >.>