View Full Version : GF Random Rant Thread

11-08-2010, 10:47 PM
I hate to be off topic but sometimes I want to change the subject . So here is my chance . I can ramble off in any direction sense this has no direct topic .
Well I thought I might start with how mad I am that the ps3 FF online has been delayed ...ERRR

11-08-2010, 11:38 PM
I can ramble off in any direction sense this has no direct topic .

don't you do that anyway?

11-08-2010, 11:53 PM
yeah , I got a pm from a admin asking me to stop , So I figured if a thread seems to go off like that then I will start a convo about it on here . it should be interesting how this thread develops

11-09-2010, 06:51 AM
A Adminstrator? There's only one admin, and that is the awesome mysterious Linux. Anyway, I'm kinda confused, what's happening? xD I've been a little off from GF the last days.

11-09-2010, 07:00 AM
Hmmmmm a random thread to post anything sounds fun I don't really go online that much on the ps3 so I have no idea what you are going on about hehe sorry :) :) :)

11-09-2010, 09:07 AM
this is a random other being random thread.

anyways, I won't be getting FF14 anyways, i don't wanna pay monthly

11-09-2010, 11:15 AM
Well it is cheaper then Wow , and the graphics are WAY better

Ilyich Valken
11-09-2010, 11:28 AM
It's... two dollars a month cheaper. Whoop de doo.

It's received horrid reviews and scores, citing a bad interface, quest restrictions, among other problems.

Edit: Graphics don't make the game. Why do you think WoW has so many subscribers?

11-09-2010, 11:30 AM
Yeah, I've heard it's terrible o.o

11-09-2010, 01:17 PM
I must be more of a Fanboy then I thought.. because I loved it lol

Haven't played it lately but I played it non-stop for a week.

11-09-2010, 05:55 PM
I hate to be off topic but sometimes I want to change the subject . So here is my chance . I can ramble off in any direction sense this has no direct topic .
Well I thought I might start with how mad I am that the ps3 FF online has been delayed ...ERRR

FFIV is bad... dont buy it....

11-09-2010, 06:25 PM
I am sure by the time the it gets to the ps3 the bugs will be fixed .

Ilyich Valken
11-09-2010, 06:29 PM
I wouldn't really consider a horrible UI and quest restrictions "bugs"... I'd call it "bad development".

11-09-2010, 06:31 PM
I wouldn't really consider a horrible UI and quest restrictions "bugs"... I'd call it "bad development".

I am not sure what the Quest restrictions are . But I have been told if you fancy 11 , Then you should be good to go . I am a pro at 11 plus , Although many people find the game boring because so many quest are monotonous , I dont mind really .

11-09-2010, 08:35 PM
i loved 11... hated 14

11-09-2010, 10:23 PM
Did you play 11 on he ps2 , or pc .

11-10-2010, 12:49 AM
I played it on the ps2

11-13-2010, 12:07 AM
I am really getting sick of all these stupid Tweens that dress up like they are from the matrix and Call themselfs vampires. They take like four sips of each others blood like freaks who have never heard of AIDS. They are really annoying then No joke they all love the movie twilight . OMFG , just want to knock some sense into these fools .

11-14-2010, 03:04 PM
Got Fallout 3 today it will be Sick , it is not gOTY Addition but i still want to play it full through on my own . The last time I played it I just played bits and parts off a friends PS3 . This time I own it I Will be the hero and stuff. I also got MW2 . .... and Um...Stop giving me bad rep in the gamers forum lounge . IDK about you but to me that seems like a cheap shot . I dont really try very hard to appease very many people in here . Thanks :)

11-16-2010, 09:20 PM
Hey if you have not already seen this . I would take the time to watch it ....Funny stuff right here . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrLGRnu5JK4

11-17-2010, 12:44 PM
Rai Rant.
So yeah. Just had to go through like an hour and a half of phoning people and asking why, for pretty little squirells sake, DID THEY NOT CONFRIM as to whether they could or couldn't make the paintball thing. I say "TEXT ME BACK BY TUESDAY NIGHT" most of the ungrateful brats couldnae be arsed sending me one teenyweenyittybitty little text. URGh. just how i wanted to spend my wednesday evening.... STRESSED OUT!! like a dolphin holding up a 1 tonne weight with it's tail, whilst biting the soft flesh of a passer-by. -.-

and btw... i'm really starting to get sick and tired of some of the lecturers at uni. Because we're a new course, they forget we EXIST!!! they forget about it, call us aero engineers, give us problems that demand knowledge of stuff that we don't cover on our course, if there's a choice of dates for a lab - they always give us the most annoying time possible - because APPARENTLY, we're SECOND RATE students. Well, lets see how "second rate" we are 20 years from now. and those lecturers are begging for an artificial liver. NO. I MADE IT!!! YOU TREATED ME BADLY - YOU SHALL NOT RECIEVE MY HELP. PEEERISH. only i'm not that evil... i'd let them live. and then they'd be ungrateful and carry on not even thinking about apologising and then i'll regret letting them live. these evil evil people. how could they treat us like that!?! we'll show them!! we'll show them good.

and if anyone could answer me, what is the point of wearing a north face waterproff, really warm jacket... with leggings..... why? why not wear a pair of trouserrs? then you won't need such an oversized jacket.... morons.

11-17-2010, 06:44 PM
Raie you get the point of this thread , I apreicate you utilizing it . As for the north jacket thing . I honestly do not know what that is . Is it like a snow suit ?
Arrrrg plus people PLEASE I BEG OF YOU DO NOT GIVE ME BAD REP POINTS FROM THE Lounge . I understand it s your right too. But ....:( please .. Also just got a PROMOTION A WORK . mORE MONEY AND STUFF . So thats epic . That stupid battle net thing takes forever to activate . Also I can not figure out ow to gain XP on there match system . Plus I still am owning at COD MW 2 , Just getting better Really .

11-22-2010, 08:47 PM
Grrrr, I can not decide if I want to get Black ops or Fallout new vegas . Or maybe just a different game all together . I really want to play something fun and fast paced but then again I love fallout 3 . Can not decide but I know that trip to game stop on Wednesday will be a long one . Do you ever have this kind of problems with games XD it sucks . Pew other then that , I freaking have to do 3 secret santa gift exchanges and they are each 20$ each that blows ....there goes a huge chunk of my pay check for this week ... oh well at least I can get a new game still .