View Full Version : Bad drivers

11-11-2010, 12:19 AM
Omg, I hate other drivers.

I was just around the corner from my house where there's a four way intersection. I was on one side with a stop sign and this bogan dead**** wanker was on the other, pulled up at his stop sign. He wasn't indicating, so I waited until there was a break in the traffic then, after double checking I started to take off. Then immediately slammed my breaks on because this moron had suddenly decided he would turn across my path and had already hooned his way through half the intersection. He braked slightly, in order, I assume, to allow the dog faced troll accompanying him to give me a filthy look as though I had almost caused an accident. (And oh what a crime it would be to cause damage to the immaculate paint work of their white '98 commodore). Naturally I yelled that "I have right of way you dickhead!" but I doubt he heard me through the mullet raping his ears.
How was I in the wrong there? I do believe the person crossing the other drivers path has to give way. Oh wait, I know, I was in the wrong. I apologise. I shouldn't have assumed that you have to have a basic understanding of the road rules in order to drive. I'm deeply sorry.

Argh! I cannot stand people who don't know when they're supposed to give way!
Or people that tailgate you in peak hour traffic! Or people that don't thank you when you let them merge in front of you in the aforementioned peak hour traffic! Or people in four wheel drives that take corners as though they're in a freaking semi! I realise that doesn't affect me at all, but dammit, it can still annoy me.

Can you tell I just had a wonderful cruise home? Sorry, needed to vent.

I think this is the first thread I've made, besides the introduction one. How 'bout that?
I'm done now. Thanks :)

11-11-2010, 12:47 AM
lol .. sounds like a bad journey Cliche :(

11-11-2010, 12:50 AM
Peak hour on the Ipswich motorway, it's great -_- lol

11-11-2010, 12:52 AM
If it's any consolation the Ipswich motorway in the UK is no better ...

11-11-2010, 12:55 AM
Haha, there's also no prostitute killings in Australia's Ipswich :p (doesn't mean it's not a hole filled with bogans, but at least the prossies are safe!)

11-11-2010, 12:56 AM
lmfao .. yeah, you have a point lol

11-11-2010, 01:08 AM
:D lol. Yay!

11-11-2010, 03:54 AM
Peek hour in a city with 5,000,000 is GREAT! =D and most of them drive like idiots/maniacs you should come to Saudi Arabia =D

11-11-2010, 06:24 PM
I don't think I could handle it lol. I can barely get through Brisbane (which is the capital city of Queensland) during peak hour without getting out and smashing someone's head in with the steering wheel lock. And there's only like 2 million people in Brisbane! Lol :D

11-11-2010, 06:58 PM
2 million? Sounds like a place I'd cruise through easily. Try 10 million in NYC. Like 3 million Taxis. Even I'm scared at times.

11-11-2010, 07:11 PM
Im going to stay away from Big Cities.. I hate traffic, when people go even 5 miles under the speed limit I go all HULK SMASK.

I feel bad for you insert and linux wit all that crap you deal with. ITS MADNESS

11-11-2010, 07:17 PM
Im going to stay away from Big Cities.. I hate traffic, when people go even 5 miles under the speed limit I go all HULK SMASK.

I feel bad for you insert and linux wit all that crap you deal with. ITS MADNESS

Well I'm kinda used to it. I sometimes go to an office in Long Island and when there's no traffic, I could easily do 80mph which is about 25 above the speed limit.

But other times, I'm lucky to do 30mph. So I'm used to getting traffic details online before I go somewhere far because I could easily do above 30mph on street roads by avoiding the highways.

11-11-2010, 09:12 PM
Word. In comparison to many places Brisbane is quite small, but it's still big, if you know what I mean. There's a lot of taxis here too (obviously not as many as NY lol) and I swear to god not a single one of them is piloted by a competent driver. If I had a dollar for every time I've hung out of my window and screamed at a clueless taxi driver in order to avoid having my head explode in frustration I'd be able to buy a helicopter to take me every where.

Joker, we have a lot in common. It drives me especially crazy when they're in the right hand lane and not overtaking any one. Gargh!

11-13-2010, 02:21 PM
2 million? Sounds like a place I'd cruise through easily. Try 10 million in NYC. Like 3 million Taxis. Even I'm scared at times.

yeah between NYC and New Jersey idk who has more idiot drivers I've almost gotten into four accidents since I got my license because of stupid people