View Full Version : Urban Dictionary : Noah

11-17-2010, 12:39 AM
I was amazed at how close these are too me , I am not saying I am hot or whatever . just the little things in each of these definitions are soo me. This is straigh form the website if you dont believe me check it yourself .

2# -Noah

One who is extreamly hot with awsome hair and amazingly great with music. (not so good with spelling)

Dude it was like totaly awsome it was like a noah!!!


The word to describe something greater than Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris bowed down to his master, Noah

7# Edited for GF

Somebody cooler than ur mom. A person who is a comedic genius and that . . He may be the most handsome person youll ever meet. He also likes oreos

8# Noah is just the boy-next-door to some people. But he's way more to people that stop and figure him out. He's an extremely talented musician, and very hard-working. He's too hard on himself most of the time, and he doesn't know how great he really is. Noah has so many friends that he doesnt' know what to do with them all. Lots of girls like him, and some are crazy about him, but he's a free spirit. He loves to travel, and is one day going to change the world somehow.

A guy with long, brown hair and badly needs a haircut. However, He is very funny and has a strong confidence in who he his. He is crazy, but relaxed and is not embarrassed easily. Although he is not the hottest guy you have ever seen, to you he couldn't be more attractive. He is the best friend that you always wanted and treats you with utter respect. He loves you by hanging out with you and gazing into your eyes like there is no one else in the room. You know he deeply cares for you even though he has never actually said it in words. He is the best friend

Just found it kinda cool how they all say he needs a hair cut loves music and has friends and stuff