View Full Version : When Did You Realize the Legend of Zelda Timeline Was a Bunch of Crockity-poo?

11-18-2010, 05:03 PM
Look, if you still debate the timeline, that's cool. No worries! Except...you're arguing something that in and of itself is equal to the concept of a living God that controls the universe. Think about it...it's something you can't necessarily prove and the only thing driving its continuance is the people bickering about the subject themselves! :)

Oh...how much the timeline moved me at first....I was so excited when I discovered the concept of prequels and sequels within the timeline. How cool! A world with so many stages of existence. And yet...as I got older and started realizing that the timeline was practically the same story over and over. Hmm...shoulda added that to my repetition thread. Oh well, it's not really a game so it didn't count.

Can I not get an amen to this though? Or is this already an established thought within the forum members? If so, disregard the post as nothing more than a vent.

So as I was drinking the milk of the LOZ franchise, I realized that Nintendo was just starting to make things up for the sake of selling a what-was-once-a-really-high-level-game-but-now-is-more-of-a-lower-level-mmmm-i-might-rent-it-someday------as-well-as-the-console-it's-on...

11-18-2010, 05:11 PM
..I'm sorry but this doesn't even make sense to me.

11-23-2010, 11:46 PM
Honestly? Sticking with a formula that works is good marketing. A little variation here and there is good, but if there were changes that were too dramatic I might not enjoy the series anymore. I still love LoZ, but your milage may vary. There is an undeniable degree of repetion from one game to the next.