View Full Version : How come you dont see games like WoW on consoles?

11-19-2010, 05:29 PM
Preferably Xbox360 :p

Is it because the xbox wouldn't be able to handle the engine of the game, too many people on servers, etc?

Perhaps MMORPGs are the calling of OnLive

11-19-2010, 05:32 PM
I think it's quite simple really .. games like wow need a lot of keys that consoles simply don't have without over-simplifying it all. Just my first thought on it ..

11-19-2010, 05:32 PM
Too much data for the xbox to handle and it would be impossible to try and put the data onto several disks

11-20-2010, 12:57 AM
probably because they keep updating it. But there are MMO's on consoles

11-20-2010, 01:38 AM
As said before, the controller for the PlayStation 3 & Xbox 360 don't have nearly enough buttons to make a MMORPG work. I also believe it wouldn't attract many players, because it would end up being relatively expensive [Perhaps not so much for the PlayStation 3 because we are not being ripped off annually, but who in their right mind would want to buy the game, buy Xbox Live Gold then pay around $20 monthly for a sub-standard MMORPG?]

11-20-2010, 01:43 AM
Lots of what was said above. You can't possibly throw all 4 action bars onto an Xbox controller, even with the chatpad. Also, it would be too much info to put on discs, even if you installed said 4-5 discs on a harddrive. There have been MMO console games, and some coming out very soon. I think it just flies better with PC because it's easier to use overall with this genre.

Final Fantasy 11 is for 360/PC/PS3, and Final Fantasy 14 comes out next year sometime for PS3, already on PC.

11-20-2010, 01:51 AM
Don't forget that the PC gamers will be pissed beyond what is humanly possible; they are already really angry that they are basically getting console ports when it comes to FPS shooters (Black Ops especially, that game is absolutely fail on the PC) and seeing as MMORPG's are what really sets the PC apart from consoles...

11-20-2010, 01:58 AM
Don't forget that the PC gamers will be pissed beyond what is humanly possible; they are already really angry that they are basically getting console ports when it comes to FPS shooters (Black Ops especially, that game is absolutely fail on the PC) and seeing as MMORPG's are what really sets the PC apart from consoles...

True enough .. except there are also massive LOLZ when the PC version turns out to be superior to the console version :p

11-20-2010, 03:20 AM
Yeh like what they mentioned, wow got to many keys. PS3 and X360 controller cannot handle all the keys. Beside, it's require a large amount of data simply because it's MMO. Yeh another one, because wow come out first for pc compare to x360. :P

11-20-2010, 04:46 AM
True enough .. except there are also massive LOLZ when the PC version turns out to be superior to the console version :p

I agree, when it comes to graphics the PC easily dominates the Consoles, especially the Wii.

However a less noticeable factor is that I find that PC gamers have a lot more skill than Console Players. I guess you would expect that, seeing as their background comes from a nice healthy FPS stock [Counter Strike & Half Life, anyone?] whereas for us console players, what do we have in our modern history?

Ilyich Valken
11-20-2010, 08:36 AM
I agree, when it comes to graphics the PC easily dominates the Consoles, especially the Wii.

However a less noticeable factor is that I find that PC gamers have a lot more skill than Console Players. I guess you would expect that, seeing as their background comes from a nice healthy FPS stock [Counter Strike & Half Life, anyone?] whereas for us console players, what do we have in our modern history?

I wouldn't necessarily say a lot more skill... It's just that the keyboard and mouse are leagues ahead of the controller in accuracy.

11-20-2010, 08:40 AM
I personally hate using keyboards for gaming...but I'll agree with the mouse.

oh, btw, Ixel, could you really stop putting your posts in such a small font?

11-20-2010, 11:01 PM
Modern history:

GoldenEye (n64)
starfox (n64)
Ghost recon (Xbox)
COD2 (Xbox?)

/starting to see your point

11-21-2010, 01:55 AM
CoD2? No way, that game was much more popular on the PC than it ever was on consoles. From that list there, I would say that only GoldenEye was the most significant.

But even then, PC Exclusive games like Counter Strike destroys it.

11-23-2010, 03:14 PM
The majority of MMO games are built to be very computer friendly, and are scaled to run on older computers to maximize the number of potential players. This simple fact keeps most MMO games within the spectrum of console possibility.

Jango was going in the right direction:

I think it's quite simple really .. games like wow need a lot of keys that consoles simply don't have without over-simplifying it all. Just my first thought on it ..

But I cant agree with that entirely because there are plenty of people playing FF11 on the 360 right now, they just have USB keyboards.

. Beside, it's require a large amount of data simply because it's MMO. Yeh another one, because wow come out first for pc compare to x360. :P

Most people who want to play a console MMO simply buy a usb keyboard. I have one (for FF11, and MH3, dreamcast requires a special dreamcast keyboard) they are like $10. This isnt the primary reason.

History shows us that tech requirements are not the determining factor:

1. One of the first big MMO games was on a console. Fantasy Star online, was tremendously popular especially for a failing system. You did not need a keyboard to play but it was hard to communicate without one.

2. FF11 was a cross platform MMO that was ported to both the PS2 and the 360. I have played all three versions and they work about the same. However you needed a keyboard even more this time because FF11 is built around parties.

3. Monster hunter freedom is a major mmo that started on the PC and was ported to the 360, running on its own servers it boasted over 20k players in the closed beta within 4 hours of testing. The 360 ran it fine.

Its the fact that almost every home has a PC, and if they release something for a console they cant be sure it will draw a significant new demographic. Most MMO games require a larger upkeep and constant patching and new content to keep alive. The model of a reoccurring fee works well but they simply need to hit as many possible players with their selected console as possible. The closest we have seen marketing testing the waters are the three games I listed above.

The truth is that MMO games have been been on consoles for a long time, the payback for the cost of porting to a consol and the split in resources it would require to maintain two fronts so to speak, just doesn't entice enough titles onto consoles.

Back as far as 2005 WOW was considering porting the 360. However considering the game is now on the decline and the fact that it hasn't happened already lends to the belief that this may never happen:

World of Warcraft 360?: News from 1UP.com (http://www.1up.com/news/world-warcraft-360)

Of course, I could be entirely wrong. Because I have given up double checking my sources since no one ever argues with me =( but this is the best way to explain the marketing behavior behind these popular titles.

11-30-2010, 12:23 AM
coz wow is different :)

11-30-2010, 12:25 AM
probably because they keep updating it. But there are MMO's on consoles

i agree here the most. WOW wouldn't be what it is without constant updates and events.

12-03-2010, 01:12 PM
WoW has to many skills for each job and console has limited buttons...