View Full Version : I'm so mad right now!

11-20-2010, 09:19 AM
Recently, I've been playing on my Nintendo DS. No, I'm not an obsessed fan of NDS, but I'm trying to complete the Professor Layton Series, best puzzle game ever!
Anyway, I let my NDS ONE time out of it's "wallet" thingy and it fell of my hands. Now, I started it and it takes 2 seconds to turn on, and then it makes a little noise but annoying one (only for one second tho).
Yes, I'm going to open it and try to repair it, if it was caused because it fell, I think I can repair it! It still goes normally, but I don't know, it just isn't the same!

11-20-2010, 10:13 AM
I droped my ds and now one half of the screen has no touch definition :( so I haven't played it in like 4 months lol :) :) :)

11-20-2010, 10:48 AM
That sucks man. But don't rip it open, you may just mess it up even more. If it still functions fine with that little bit of annoyance, then just leave it be. Major damage may be inflicted

11-20-2010, 10:59 AM
good luck, and be careful with the stuff inside.

11-20-2010, 11:16 AM
the R button on my DS doesn't work anymore, it sucks. Sometimes I can get it to work if i hold it down for like a couple seconds and push it in a certain direction

11-20-2010, 11:28 AM
That sucks man. But don't rip it open, you may just mess it up even more. If it still functions fine with that little bit of annoyance, then just leave it be. Major damage may be inflicted

I don't think that it would get any worser, unless I mess up while it's opened up, like dropping a little water or pressing something too hard. I mean, if it got like this for me simply dropping it, I think I should be able to 're'fix it lol

11-20-2010, 11:44 AM
Drop it again lol

11-20-2010, 12:18 PM
Drop it again lol

Already tried it, but nothing.
Hehe just kidding.

11-20-2010, 12:34 PM
Good luck repairing it!

Sorry that happened to you :'(

Ilyich Valken
11-20-2010, 03:14 PM
The smaller of the two hinges broke on mine just by being in my bag. =\ Still works fine, but the screen moves.

Edit: point being, technology is fickle. Don't be surprised if it gets worse :P

11-20-2010, 03:31 PM
dang that sucks
but I mean I would also say try not to fix it
unless your good at fixing things
because what if you do something and it messes up the DS
I mean sure, its already broken but what if you can't get it to turn on then you tried fixing your DS but now it doesn't work because you tried to fix it

11-20-2010, 04:08 PM
man, if you have that gut feeling if you repair it, then do it man. just... good luck with it.
also, on my DS story, when I used to have one, (at a party) I left mine on a chair one time when I had to get some food, and was wondering what happened to it, I thought I put it on the table. whereas, I see a fat guy get up & saw my DS all crushed by his fat-- figure. (sigh)
good thing was I was able to get it back for a full refund. haha.

11-21-2010, 10:46 AM
man, if you have that gut feeling if you repair it, then do it man. just... good luck with it.
also, on my DS story, when I used to have one, (at a party) I left mine on a chair one time when I had to get some food, and was wondering what happened to it, I thought I put it on the table. whereas, I see a fat guy get up & saw my DS all crushed by his fat-- figure. (sigh)
good thing was I was able to get it back for a full refund. haha.

That gave me an idea! I'll just go to a party, put my DS in a chair and wait someone to crush it. Then they'll pay it and it will be fully working >:P

11-22-2010, 06:29 PM
haha, you're welcome for the idea? I don't know how to say that.. but yeah... I got so mad when a guy just SAT on it like it was nothing.