View Full Version : Is Google Being Invaded By Trolls?

11-21-2010, 04:59 PM
And has nobody caught this yet, or did I miss the memo?

I searched "picket sign generator" and the top 4 or 5 results were from imagegenerator.com, which is no longer free due to something or another. That's besides the point. I didn't realize they were from the same website until I had clicked on the second result, noticing how familiar it looked. Finally I realized, "Oh it's the same website." Derrr...

So upon thinking Google was getting trolled I look back only to see...no...there's actually an option for you to see more of imagegenerator.com's results.

Weird, I never typed anything about imagegenerator. Surely...surely there must be more results at hand, this is the internetz after all.

Sad day for Google I think.

11-21-2010, 05:01 PM
google constantly de-indexes and re-indexes pages to keep things updated. And because the internet has grown so much, their updates take longer than they used to and sometimes it turns out to link the same website 3-4 times in one search result.

not the first I've seen it happen.

11-21-2010, 05:03 PM
google constantly de-indexes and re-indexes pages to keep things updated. And because the internet has grown so much, their updates take longer than they used to and sometimes it turns out to link the same website 3-4 times in one search result.

not the first I've seen it happen.

Thanks. I learn new things everyday. Glad to know Google isn't being overtaken by zombies.