View Full Version : Oh....my.......G@!)

11-22-2010, 05:38 PM
Why do some religious people get offended whenever someone says, "Oh my God"?

Or, "God d*mn" or anything of that nature?

Surely they don't assume we have the same god, right?

11-22-2010, 05:41 PM
They do, its a stereotype thing. They think you believe what they do so taking his name in vain in any form is doing insult for both...

>.> haters gonna hate

Ilyich Valken
11-22-2010, 05:42 PM
Because people are ffffffing morons.

11-22-2010, 05:43 PM
I've seen that happen a few times where some old lady would get up and be like "watch your tongue" or something, but it's not common in NYC. Too diverse and most people just don't assume anything about another person's culture or religion.

11-22-2010, 05:44 PM
Because people are ffffffing morons.

Take this response from Yahoo Answers for example:

"Well, Jews, Christians, and Muslims consider our God to be the only one, so anyone talking about a god is either talking about ours or mistaken."


Ilyich Valken
11-22-2010, 05:50 PM
Take this response from Yahoo Answers for example:

"Well, Jews, Christians, and Muslims consider our God to be the only one, so anyone talking about a god is either talking about ours or mistaken."

Lol yeah.. like I said. I don't get why the three hate each other, their religion is basically the same with different names. I mean, ffs, it all originated in the same place and basically tells the same story.

[Disclaimer: This is OBVIOUSLY my own opinion, if someone has a problem with it, I will gladly change it.. that doesn't change what I think though.]

11-22-2010, 05:53 PM
It's weird how they would assume we share the same god. Obviously that must be the nature of their reaction? Unless it's more of a brain-thing where when someone says, "oh my god" they instantly think "oh my god" in their head, therefore they have sinned? i dunno...

11-22-2010, 06:00 PM
not saying the lord's name in vain is one of the ten commandments, and saying "oh my god" is doing just that.

11-22-2010, 06:16 PM
Well to be honest I really could care less if a non-christian says OMG . Cuzz as pointed out they are not the same God . But if you are a christian then you are suppose to set a example and to say that would be taken our Gods name in Vain . Also According to the bible we are not suppose to call out the faults and sins of others. Unless they to are Christians , Because it is not our place to tell a person who is not our faith how to live there life . As for comments like they are "effffing morons and such . Try not t be too hard on those who are not well read.

11-22-2010, 06:19 PM
Well to be honest I really could care less if a non-christian says OMG . Cuzz as pointed out they are not the same God . But if you are a christian then you are suppose to set a example and to say that would be taken our Gods name in Vain . Also According to the bible we are not suppose to call out the faults and sins of others. Unless they to are Christians , Because it is not our place to tell a person who is not our faith how to live there life . As for comments like they are "effffing morons and such . Try not t be too hard on those who are not well read.

Well, they could take offense to somebody else saying the lord's name in vain. Even if you're not religious if you say "oh my god" or "god damnit" you could still offend religious people, because to them, it's the lord's name being said in vain.

I'm not religious, just tryin to play devil's advocate

11-22-2010, 06:21 PM
A true morons is a person that can't respect religion or another persons religion.

And no.. People don't bother me that say oh my god.

11-22-2010, 07:16 PM
A true morons is a person that can't respect religion or another persons religion.

So true....

A vocalized defense would be implying that my god(s) or religion(s) is the same or non-existent.

11-22-2010, 07:18 PM

11-22-2010, 07:38 PM
I think it's fairly obvious why 'some' people might take offense .. especially older people. I don't really see this all that much tbh, and people are often very sensitive over it. Oddly the same people I know that are funny about it tend to swear like truckers when they stub their toes ..

11-22-2010, 08:05 PM
Wow... I never heard about this before :S (that some people have something against this) mhm weird ... :S

11-22-2010, 08:31 PM

My words exactly after reading what you responded to my post . A course any one can take offense to it .To argue that would be stupid . People will get offended just cuzz you say damn let alone the God Part .

11-22-2010, 08:47 PM
Aside from the offense taken from cursing, strictly in a religious point of view, to take offense because I used god's name in vein is to imply thagt my god is the same as yours. Therefore, logically this would imply that my god does not exist.

11-22-2010, 08:49 PM
Aside from the offense taken from cursing, strictly in a religious point of view, to take offense because I used god's name in vein is to imply thagt my god is the same as yours. Therefore, logically this would imply that my god does not exist.

....Um.... I see no logic here .
By you thinking a God does or does not exist does not mean what you think is true XD,

11-22-2010, 08:54 PM
I think you're missing the point.

11-22-2010, 09:37 PM
Aside from the offense taken from cursing, strictly in a religious point of view, to take offense because I used god's name in vein is to imply thagt my god is the same as yours. Therefore, logically this would imply that my god does not exist.

I.. Don't even think that makes sense.. Using gods name in vein makes god not exist?? lolwut

11-22-2010, 09:42 PM
Aside from the offense taken from cursing, strictly in a religious point of view, to take offense because I used god's name in vein is to imply thagt my god is the same as yours. Therefore, logically this would imply that my god does not exist.

In Christianity, God is the name of the god. So saying "god damnit" is saying damn his name. It's like saying "damnit Jesus" or something.

Now if there was like an ancient greek person and a roman person and they're all like god damnit it wouldn't be saying the gods name in vain. But in christianity, his name IS God.

11-22-2010, 09:43 PM
This is how i understand it, correct me if im wrong recreational.

Person A believes in God A
Person B believes in God B

By Person A saying "oh my god" in front of Person B and getting offended means that Person B believes that Person A believes in the same god, as him or her, and therefore Person A's god does not exist and Person B's god does.

11-22-2010, 09:45 PM
Now if there was like an ancient greek person and a roman person and they're all like god damnit it...

this belongs in a comedy somewhere.

also, no I'm not saying that taking offense to the word "god" in vein means that there is no god.

i think i've made my point more than once. at this point i'm just spraying bullets.

11-22-2010, 09:55 PM
Personally I don't see the big deal with this discussion. If you say something that unintentionally offends someone why bother getting your panties in a knot over it .. just move on. It's not their problem, or yours, just a difference in your beliefs and hardly worth further thought than that.

Concentrating too much on what differentiates us really only broadens the gap ..

11-22-2010, 09:59 PM
Concentrating too much on what differentiates us really only broadens the gap ..


I think the idea of this thread got tossed around a bit. I'm not saying I get my pannies in a wad when I curse and someone gets offended. Femme le thread! :)

11-22-2010, 10:10 PM
well rec, I think you missed the point of my post. In christianity, his name IS God. It's like saying

Damn Recreationalgamer. Saying your name in vain. Except you're not the lord. Thou shall not say the lord's name in vain is one of the commandments.

I understand your point, and that's not it. Saying "Jesus Christ" when somebody does something stupid is also something people take offense at

11-22-2010, 10:15 PM
well rec, I think you missed the point of my post. In christianity, his name IS God. It's like saying

Damn Recreationalgamer. Saying your name in vain. Except you're not the lord. Thou shall not say the lord's name in vain is one of the commandments.

I understand your point, and that's not it. Saying "Jesus Christ" when somebody does something stupid is also something people take offense at

Epsilon, I do get your point. Your point about jesus Christ is dead on, but there is a difference in saying Jesus Christ, which is a direct calling out of someone's name, and saying God, which in reality could be 1000s of possibilities and some.

11-22-2010, 10:21 PM
Epsilon, I do get your point. Your point about jesus Christ is dead on, but there is a difference in saying Jesus Christ, which is a direct calling out of someone's name, and saying God, which in reality could be 1000s of possibilities and some.

no, but i'm saying in christianity, if you say "god damnit" you are directly calling out his name because that is his name.

11-22-2010, 10:30 PM
no, but i'm saying in christianity, if you say "god damnit" you are directly calling out his name because that is his name.

I know! lol...i know that's what you're saying...

11-22-2010, 10:37 PM
So when somebody says "god damnit" they hear the name of the lord used in vain, not an alternate way to say deity damnit.

11-22-2010, 10:42 PM
So when somebody says "god damnit" they hear the name of the lord used in vain, not an alternate way to say deity damnit.

Okay, I think at this point you're either just trying to get some extra posts in or the last word...

I think somehow we're actually on the same page, but in a different light.

You're saying: "They hear the name of the lord used in vain."

I'm saying: "They are assuming their lord's name is being used in vain."

I think this thread is about done.

11-22-2010, 10:47 PM
lol well the way i'm reading what you're saying is that people are like "he said god he obviously must be talking about my god" but i'm saying they're like "hey, be careful what you say, cuz thats my lord's name"

which has been established lol

11-22-2010, 11:09 PM
lol well the way i'm reading what you're saying is that people are like "he said god he obviously must be talking about my god" but i'm saying they're like "hey, be careful what you say, cuz thats my lord's name"

which has been established lol

Meh , God is a position , Jesus is my lord .

11-22-2010, 11:12 PM
I could be completely off, but this is what i've always thought growing up.

This is a kinda dumb discussion though considering i'm not even religious

11-22-2010, 11:12 PM
No need to make the same point over and over.
