View Full Version : Others Video Game Vs Match up of the week #1We

11-23-2010, 12:57 AM
Well I get a new game every week because I save a lot of my paycheck and then keep enough for a game . So this week I am having a hard time deciding between two games
- Final Fantasy 13
I love how great the game looks , and I am a huge FF fan . But I hear how it sucks because it is not open world .
Ratchet and Clank Future : Tools of destruction
I have heard some really good stuff about this and it's story plus it is cheaper
Maybe your guys thoughts on these games could help put me at ease and pick a game
I get one of these on Wednesday .
So please vote and tell me your thoughts on these games .

11-23-2010, 04:36 AM
Ratchet & Clank is Legendary!!! It's an incredibly fun game!!!

11-23-2010, 11:17 AM
Yeah I am thinking that plus the Reviews say that this new ones Story is emotional and funny . I really love a good story . So i am leaning towards it . Deadlock was one of my favorite games .

11-23-2010, 01:10 PM
Final Fantasy 13 is amazing. I still havn't beaten it yet unfortunately. It kinda slows down a LOT later on in the game after hours of intense action right off the get-go, but I heard it picks up again right after.

Ratchet and clank is fun, but so is FF. Why don't you just rent both games, and see which one you like better?

Ilyich Valken
11-23-2010, 02:38 PM
FF13's story started off slow, didn't pick up til after chapter 11, the class system is kind of redundant, as you'll only be using two or three roles for each person as it is, the battle system was decent, it wasn't horrible.

Can't really comment on Ratchet and Clank.

11-24-2010, 08:44 AM

I own both of these games (and all of the other Ratchet and Clank games...and most Final Fantasy games), so I think I am a pretty good source on this.

Final Fantasy XIII, while, in my opinion, was better than XII, is a far cry from being a great game. It entertained me mildly while I played it, but I haven't beaten it or gone back to it in months, which says volumes (I am a giant Final Fantasy geek). You walk in a straight line for most of the game. The battle system is... interesting; a lot of people hate it, but I found it engaging enough. I personally liked the story, but it's certainly not one of the best. It wasn't AWFUL, but... extremely "meh" overall.

Tools of Destruction is so much fun... like every Ratchet and Clank game ever. These people know how to do games right. Enjoyable experience all around, and leagues more fun than FFXIII. Trust me.

11-24-2010, 10:57 AM

I own both of these games (and all of the other Ratchet and Clank games...and most Final Fantasy games), so I think I am a pretty good source on this.

Final Fantasy XIII, while, in my opinion, was better than XII, is a far cry from being a great game. It entertained me mildly while I played it, but I haven't beaten it or gone back to it in months, which says volumes (I am a giant Final Fantasy geek). You walk in a straight line for most of the game. The battle system is... interesting; a lot of people hate it, but I found it engaging enough. I personally liked the story, but it's certainly not one of the best. It wasn't AWFUL, but... extremely "meh" overall.

Tools of Destruction is so much fun... like every Ratchet and Clank game ever. These people know how to do games right. Enjoyable experience all around, and leagues more fun than FFXIII. Trust me.
Then it is settled , RATCHET WINS , Thanks Muffincat plus Rep
this is exactly what i was looking for . Thanks :)

12-27-2010, 12:43 AM
Final Fantasy XIII, while, in my opinion, was better than XII, is a far cry from being a great game.

how? at least you actually play XII. XII isn't the greatest, but it's way more fun than XIII.

12-29-2010, 12:06 PM
You don't have to play XII, either XD

XII was utterly boring to me. Every time I try to play it to finish it, I seriously end up taking a nap. I thought it was a terrible game. XIII at least kept me somewhat more engaged, but I wouldn't recommend either.