View Full Version : I feel me so high

11-26-2010, 04:29 PM
But I had just more fun than you can imagine in Left 4 Dead. I feel like I smoked marihuana or something lol.

Do you know this feeling? I had it more just one time (maybe 50+) and it feels just good^^.

What I did in L4D?

Me and 3 guys were in Skype and wanted to nerve some publics.

We wrote in all-chat breakless just sh*t and were enjoyed it so much. We laughed so hard that it was hard to drink for me^^.
Before the versus match (41 to 4155 yeah, we was good with 41 points:D) we played No Mercy in expert. We run through one level, but had many problems with finish the second map. We made a race "who is the first in the saferoom? Who fall can't expect help, who will be killed from zombies will not respawn." and then we shot each other after the race (we did one round with it) in the saferoom. The last one was punished by a Hunter or Tank.
Like I said, I can tell so much I want, you can't imagine it^^, bad that I didn't record it :(.

That was great^^.

11-26-2010, 04:39 PM
LOL XD glad you enjoyed it I guess? :P

11-26-2010, 05:55 PM
sounds like you had fun. old L4D used to be good before valve decided to try the localized lobbies, now it's impossible to find full games because of all the kids getting these games nowadays and then quitting at the first sign of losing.

11-26-2010, 09:08 PM
L4D can do that to me too.

I believe that's why I love video games for the natural high. I love getting all tense up in a gaming of CoD. :)

11-26-2010, 09:14 PM
I kinda get that feeling when I see lushed gaming visuals . I am a huge graphics geek a good looking game is essential for me.

L4D can do that to me too.
I love getting all tense up in a gaming of CoD. :)

I get super caught up in COD probably in a unhealthy way lol
But I also get a bit of a natural high from horror games . I am not sure but I would guess that indorfants are released some how when you feel fear...Just a guess could be wrong .

11-26-2010, 10:08 PM
linx, it's not endorphins - it's adrenaline. All hardcore gamers are inherently adrenaline junkies http://www.gamers-forum.com/imagehosting/241234ceadc88a855e.gif

glad you had fun, Mordy, sounds awesome XD

11-29-2010, 07:45 AM
Well, everyone who post, nice to read that I'm not the only one who feels like that^^.

If I think of Yesterday...that was nice, I translate the start of the first map for you^^:

Player 1: Ok, let's do this!
Player 2: Wait, I must switch the server!
I: And why?
Player 1: I must switch server too, join at mine.
I: But I'm joining right now on the other server!
Player 3: I'm with you Mordry....ok, I must switch too.
I: *angry voices*
Player 2: Ok let's start!
I: I'm joining the old server! Now it's finished and I'm alone!
Player 1: Wait, you are on the old server with the 4 publics in Versus, and you're the only survivor?
I: Yes!
Player 2: Good luck.
Player 3: Kill them all!
Player 1: Ok, hey Player 2 watch out heres a Charger!
I: *loud scream*

I joined the server of them. And at that point it was very funny, but not so funny like at friday evening^^.