View Full Version : Crazy or not?

11-29-2010, 04:44 PM
My friend was in class and she had a discussion about schools and grades. This one kid decides to say how people who get F's are usually slackers and failures and people who don't care.
I think this is really really untrue and I know this because I have gotten an F on a test but that doesn't mean I don't try
I think its wrong for people who are so good in school and get all grades to look down on everyone else and call everyone else a failure because most kids have gotten an F on a test before.

Isn't this just a crazy stereotype or what?
or maybe I am wrong and apparently every time I get an F on a test I am a slacker..

11-29-2010, 04:51 PM
If you are looking at a fair test where if you study you will do fine if someone gets an F its on them for not studying, but since this is rarely the case.

in my program here at school the smart kids are the ones who save the entire class from getting yelled at because they are the only ones that do the homework or put enough time and effort into it. I am objective when i look down at people, meaning if someone is having a hard time trying to pass the class and they are doing everything possible to pass I feel bad for them that they are having trouble understanding it, now if some slacker isnt doing the homework and is wondering why he or she is failing I get annoyed and look down at them like they are complete morons

In the end, I dont really think its wrong as long as the right people are being looked down upon, IE the slackers.

11-30-2010, 12:32 AM
I'ed say NOT :D

11-30-2010, 08:28 PM
No, it's not true. Besides, grades are hardly indicative of someone's intelligence.

11-30-2010, 08:39 PM
School's not for everyone. ) :

12-01-2010, 04:43 PM
Everyone has there strong points. For some that may be school, for others is may be sports, or art, or anything really. You shouldn't look down on someone if they aren't good at a particular thing because they probably have a talent elsewhere. I must admit though, I'm one of those A students (hence my recent inactivity here)... and I do look down on the trouble makers in class. If they aren't willing to try to learn, they should at least not distract others who want to learn from doing so.

12-01-2010, 07:46 PM
Tbh Iceskater my point of view can be summed up in one simple statement ..

If we were all the same it would be a VERY boring world.

12-02-2010, 11:31 PM
I am on the fence cause I have a problem with slacking but i have never truly failed even on a test i have not known the material :\

12-03-2010, 03:18 AM
I think that some people really don't try but on the other hand you have the people who try and try and still get f's I do think is stereotyping and it wrong to do this!!
People try there best at things and still get put down and it's not fair!!!!! So the person whom said that people who get f's are slackers needs to look at the bigger picture/get a life hehe :) :) :)