View Full Version : Possible GF XBOX 360 Tourney Team?

12-07-2010, 07:45 PM
So I had a thought...

I know a bunch of us always try to get together to play XBOX360 online.

What if we formed a GF team to play against other teams?

I've been looking into sites like GameBattles (http://gamebattles.com/xbox360/) and FraggedNation (http://www.fraggednation.com/).

I really like to compete just for fun, no money (well until we get really good :laugh:).

I was thinking either or both Black Ops and MW2.

I even have a team name in mind. :D

Let me know the rest of your thoughts and who'd like to join and get this going. We'd need to have to scrimmage matches (possibly this weekend just for fun and test it out) and such to make sure we are on our a-game.

Maybe it's a dumb idea, but just wanted to throw it out there...

12-07-2010, 08:00 PM
Make a Left 4 Dead Xbox team :o
And a Guitar Hero team :o

A Reach Team, so on.
There's so many
I actually like this idea. Although you wouldn't like me on your team in Reach or COD lol
If we have enough people interested, I don't see why not (For the fun that is, I don't condone betting money)

12-07-2010, 08:10 PM
Hmm, I would be in for it, but I would have to get Black Ops first, and you have to be cool if I talk smack :P

12-08-2010, 03:27 AM
Lol wicked you chose exactly the games I don't have :(

12-08-2010, 05:49 AM
I really like this idea.
The only game I don't have at the moment is black ops.
Maybe we could have a Forza and NFS team aswell for the racers out there

12-08-2010, 06:54 AM
I really like this idea.
The only game I don't have at the moment is black ops.
Maybe we could have a Forza and NFS team aswell for the racers out there

Definitely. I don't see why not!

Alright, so for a team name other than just GF, My idea was we should call ourselves "The Terribles" :laugh:

I like it because it's a catch 22 but yet funny at the same time.

If you have other ideas, feel free to throw them out there.

Once we have a decent group of people, we will have to discuss what site we'd want to use. Sure, we could use both, but I rather start with one and go from there.

On FraggedNation (http://www.fraggednation.com/) there is both free and paid tourneys. On GameBattles (http://gamebattles.com/) it doesn't look like they have a "free just for fun" option.

If there are other websites out there that do the same thing, feel free to throw them out there.

(Random thought: I wonder if GF could implement something like this. It would help drive more traffic here and it would be a place to setup tournaments.)

12-08-2010, 08:11 AM

Ilyich Valken
12-08-2010, 10:24 AM
On FraggedNation (http://www.fraggednation.com/) there is both free and paid tourneys. On GameBattles (http://gamebattles.com/) it doesn't look like they have a "free just for fun" option.

I don't know about FN, but Gamebattles is free, unless you start getting into their big tourneys. The main thing of GameBattles is, say making a team, and then putting a match out there, and if anyone accepts you, you play against each other, and then the stats get put up on the site with each team's after-game report.

I'd definitely be in for Black Ops and Reach.. Not Mw2 though, I sold that a while ago >.>

02-05-2011, 07:39 PM
Alright, I'm bringing this up again... I know... I know... Everyone says it and no one sticks with it so I am going to.

I would like to start a GF XBOX 360 Team ranging of all games. If interested, let me know, I'm willing to play any types of games that involve XBL. :)

I think our clan name should be called "The Terribles", but I am open for suggestions. Maybe someone from the GFX team could make us some really cool GF Clan tags to throw in our signatures. ;) Just a thought.

02-05-2011, 08:21 PM
ah great idea no ones ever thought of it before (sarcasam) but serriosly, yeah sure im inerested

02-05-2011, 09:29 PM
Alright, I'm bringing this up again... I know... I know... Everyone says it and no one sticks with it so I am going to.

I would like to start a GF XBOX 360 Team ranging of all games. If interested, let me know, I'm willing to play any types of games that involve XBL. :)

I think our clan name should be called "The Terribles", but I am open for suggestions. Maybe someone from the GFX team could make us some really cool GF Clan tags to throw in our signatures. ;) Just a thought.

Well i'm trying to get people to join the "in the making" GF clan, sorta waiting on a few things to fall in place. If we could get this started, we could make some sort of team i'm sure.

Clan thread here: Forum Clan - Gamers Forum (http://www.gamers-forum.com/showthread.php?t=18208)

02-05-2011, 09:50 PM
Yeah I saw that. I noticed you stopped updating yours so I thought I'd pick it back up since I tried to get this going awhile back. It's nice to see that someone else is interested also. Add me on XBL. I've been playing CoD: Black Ops all weekend since they have double XP on. :)

02-05-2011, 09:53 PM
Yeah I saw that. I noticed you stopped updating yours so I thought I'd pick it back up since I tried to get this going awhile back. It's nice to see that someone else is interested also. Add me on XBL. I've been playing CoD: Black Ops all weekend since they have double XP on. :)

I will, but sorry, I dont have Black Ops.

Also, i'm just waiting for Linux to send out the news letter and then i'll pick it back up. I'm hoping a few more people will join and we'll actually be able to do something. Don't worry, I didn't forget about it haha.