View Full Version : Feds: Va Tech violated law during shootings

12-11-2010, 09:01 PM
I just found this on my facebook feed. Just to give you a quick overview the Feds claim that the school didnt give enough warning notice of an active shooter on campus after the first shootings in the dorm and that its likely they will be fined 55,000 dollars. The school replied that with the standards in place at the time they acted timely. If they are fined the school will fight it.

Virginia Tech could be fined as much as $55,000 because it broke the law by waiting too long to notify students during a 2007 shooting rampage, according to a federal report issued Thursday.

The U.S Department of Education had found in January that the school violated federal law with its response during the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history, but gave Tech a chance to respond to the finding in its preliminary report. In Thursday's final report, federal officials rejected Tech's arguments that it met standards in place at the time.

"While Virginia Tech failed to adequately warn students that day, we recognize that the university has put far-reaching changes in place since that time to help improve campus safety and better protect its students and community," U.S. Department of Education Secretary Arne Duncan said.

School officials won't face criminal charges for breaking the law, the department said.

The university disputed the findings, and spokesman Larry Hincker said the school likely will appeal if it is sanctioned.

The school could be fined up to $55,000 and could face the loss of federal student financial aid.

However, an expert on the law that requires notification of danger _ known as the Clery Act _ said loss of federal aid is unlikely.

S. Daniel Carter, director of public policy for Security On Campus, said Clery Act reviews are relatively rare: The Tech review was the 35th in 20 years. No school has ever lost federal funding, and the largest fine was $350,000 against Eastern Michigan University for failing to report the killing of a student in a dormitory in 2006.

The department found that the university violated the Clery Act because it failed to issue a timely warning after a gunman killed two students in a dormitory early on April 16, 2007. The school sent out an e-mail about the shootings about two hours later, but by that time student gunman Seung-Hui Cho was chaining shut the doors to a classroom building where he killed 30 more students and faculty, then himself.

Tech argues that the department didn't define "timely" until 2009, when it added regulations to require immediate notification upon confirmation of a dangerous situation or immediate threat to people on campus.

"Both the law and purposeful reasoned analysis require that the actions of that day be evaluated according to the information that was available to the university and its professionals at that time," Hincker said. "Anything else loses sight of the unthinkable and unprecedented nature of what occurred."

But the report says the department has consistently stated that the determination of whether a warning is timely is based on the nature of the crime and the continuing danger to the campus.

"The fact that an unknown shooter might be loose on campus made the situation an ongoing threat at that time, and it remained a threat until the shooter was apprehended," the report said.

A state commission impaneled to investigate the shootings also found that the university erred by failing to notify the campus sooner. The state reached an $11 million settlement with many of the victims' families. Two families have filed a $10 million civil lawsuit against university officials.

One victim's mother said she was glad the university finally faced punishment for its actions, but she took more satisfaction from the inclusion in the report of actions officials took to protect themselves that morning. Victims' families had long wanted those details included in a separate report by the state panel.

"They couldn't fine enough money for what happened that day and how it altered our lives," said Suzanne Grimes, whose son Kevin Sterne was injured in the shootings. "It's more about the truth of what happened. That's what I sought for all these years."

Grimes and other victims' families fought for the state report to include documentation that some Tech staffers informed family members and others about the shootings long before the notice was sent to the rest of campus.

The university says that one official advised her son to go to class anyway, and that another only called to arrange for a baby sitter.

But the federal report notes that a continuing education center locked down, an official directed that the doors to his office be locked, the university's veterinary college locked down and campus trash pickup was suspended after word traveled of the shootings. All of those actions took place before the e-mail was sent to campus.

Associated PressCopyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

"If the university had provided an appropriate timely warning after the first shootings (in the dormitory), the other members of the campus community may have had enough time to take similar actions to protect themselves," the report states.

To be honest, after he left to go drop off his "note" to the local news station, or whereever he took it, the school should have done a complete lock down of the campus. No one leaves or enters any budiling but campus police and local PD. I know that seems extreme, but thats how you protect the students, and all my homeland professors would do that too. BUT they did the best they could with what they had and I appluad the school for trying their damnest to save all the students they can.

I will say this... Out of that attack something has occured.mainly for example my school has created a text message system that alerts everyone to what is going on on campus. If school is closed, if there has been some time of attack, whatever. I know other schools have taken measures too. It just took the lives of innocence to make the point that security is a very needed aspect.

12-12-2010, 05:06 PM
The school could be fined up to $55,000 and could face the loss of federal student financial aid.

Wait, what? Doesn't that mean the kids who go to school there would be punished? That doesn't make sense to me o_O "The officials messed up, so let's take away the student financial aid" wut?

12-12-2010, 06:09 PM
I talked to my friend about that he said the school wont be given funds by federal aid and students would go else where.

Pretty much they are being held hostage by money. Follow our guidelines or lose money. Thats how it was explained to me

12-13-2010, 02:41 PM
Right, but... That seems a little extreme to me. I mean, yeah, they should have handled the situation better, and I guess I think they should be fined for it, but... what about kids who live in Virginia and don't have the money to go elsewhere/out of state/etc and were relying on financial aid? I guess federal student aid isn't usually that much to begin with (at least in my experience), but still :(

I just think if they're going to punish them for it, they should punish the people who were in charge - it wasn't the entire school's fault.

12-13-2010, 02:48 PM
I agree. I will try and get more information on this tonight from some of my professors cause this is a interesting topic.

Ya dont punish the kids by saying you will take federal aid away, and hopefully they will be kind enough to explain to all the students the choices they have if that happens.

THis situation is just like a kick in the teeth if you think about it. The school reactted to the best of abilities, we assume, and they get fined. Kinda harsh but if the school could have done more to save lives by god fine them till they can see straight

12-15-2010, 03:44 PM
hmm when I first read this article
I read the part about the school sent out an email 2 hours after the killings started
but I think they could have locked down the school like joker said or done something more in that time
but that being said I don't think the school should be punished that badly
if there is a fine I say 25,000-30,000 dollars not 50