View Full Version : Did you enjoy Metro 2033

12-15-2010, 05:10 AM
Metro 2033 is really an awesome game to play it is a FPS game and the graphics looks very beautiful I love this game. The monsters look funny and they can freak you out at night. The weapons are also really awesome and some of them you have to pump up in order to shoot with it. I usaully run with the throwing knifes, because they are sometime a instant kill on the humans and the monsters in this game.:D

12-15-2010, 05:14 AM
Haha yes its awesome plus there is not much of a learning curve. which makes it good.
well atleast there wasn't much learning involved for me :/

12-15-2010, 05:36 AM
Lol this game is the best I must get myself a other graphics card so that I can play this game in DX 11 mode, because that would make the game look really amazingly beautiful. When I change my graphics card il only go for Nvidia they never let me down before at all and they are really powerful and there bit rates are good.:yes:

05-31-2011, 09:41 AM
So have anyone played this game, if so how is it?

05-31-2011, 11:29 AM
I heard that it failed so hard, along with other harsh reviews. Because of this I won't be ever trying it.

05-31-2011, 12:39 PM
To be honest, this is one AMAZING game. And it really doesn't matter what reviews say.
I tried it because my buddy showed it to me in the university lounge during our break on his laptop. I was like: WOW this looks really good!

Maybe what people don't get, is that the game is mostly story driven, and closely follows the book, but still has amazing, thrilling game-play. The atmosphere is as thick as cement, the game looks fantastic, engine supports DX11, the combat is intense, the stealth is nice.

Of course the game is absolutely linear, you may have different approaches, at some points you can choose between stealth and shooting, (and use one of the weapons with silencer, the bolt launcher, throwing knives and your dagger) but that's about it.
Enemies detect you based on how bright it is around you and how loud you are. You can shoot out and blow out lamps and candles, you can use your night-vision but that little beast is very loud so your location may get compromised. Ammo is scarce like nothing else in the world, which makes combat especially tense. I recommend playing it on the hardest difficulty, else it's not really challenging.(but I'm crazy so don't listen to that)

So I have played through the game twice, have been satisfied both times, and I couldn't manage to figure out at which part the game failed...
Sure it has it's flaws, and some bugs, but show me one game that's through and through perfect.(aside from the obvious contestants...)
Sure the setting and technology would've been perfect for a long open-world free-roam game, but we do have stalker already.

06-27-2011, 02:21 PM
I have just read the book and is now thinking of buying it, the book was really interesting and I wonder what they implemented in the game.

06-27-2011, 04:45 PM
Right now im playing it. Its an OK game i like the weapons I like the fact you have to keep track of your gas mask and the amount of time you have with it. Other than that most of the time you dont know where to go unless you remember to check your compass and it gets annoying that some parts have alot of ammo and other parts dont. I got trapped fighting 5 or more of those ground pounders and had nothing but a shotgun to use. At the part where the "demons" start fighting with you it wasnt made clear I was suppose to jump up and help my friend over.

Its not a bad game just something that has no replay value for me

07-05-2011, 09:05 AM
I borrowed it the other day, I hated it. And I usually enjoy most games with gore, monsters/zombies, etc. But the controls were really buggy and It was a joy kill. It kinda ruined the game for me. But I do appreciate the originality of the game though.

07-05-2011, 09:16 AM
I have played it some time now and I think it is OK.

I also liked the things like the gasmasks and the nightvision. I didnt like that it was to unforgiving when stealthing and I hate the checkpoint system. Now I have to go topside and have no air filters while there isnt a shop that sells them so I have to go back to the chapter before and buy some.

[SPOILER] Now I must go to a library and if it follows the book it will be full of nice librarians, nice hairy,smelly(I presume) librarians that want to eat you.[SPOILER]

07-05-2011, 02:35 PM
I gave up on the game which is something i wont do 99.99% of the time but this game just annoyed me.

07-05-2011, 02:49 PM
It isn't that good of a game, in fact, I've played a lot of better games.