View Full Version : General Info What Defines A True Noob

12-16-2010, 01:33 PM
heres a small list I have just compiled in my head.

(Game Noob)

- The total lack of all grammar and spelling
- The inability to understand anything
- They think it's kwl to Camp
- Constant teabaging of nearby by corpses
- Betrayal of every team member
- Looking up constantly
- Driving vehicles off of a cliff
- Repetitive driving off a cliff
- Over use of a single weapon (No one likes a trigger happy RPG wielding noob)
- Walking into walls
- "Cooking" a grenade until it explodes in their hands
- Teabaging someone who's crawling around prone
- Verbally assaults everyone
- Brags when they get a kill streak
- Goes on a psychotic rampage when streak has been ended
- Quits when everyone teams up on them for going Insane
- Sits quietly in the corner of the map
- Over use of riot shield
- Stands in the middle of a gun fight
- Walks into their own grenade
- Can be seen moving around crouching constantly
- Are easiest to shoot with a sniper rifle

- Waits for you to die before he pops out to shoot the enemy as if he's providing 'backup'.
- Leaves mic on until he's told to shut it off. (I've had people do that in l4d2, just keep on pressing the talk key)
- Calls in support weapons on team mates instead of the enemy
- They own crayons................
[In 2011 The government will start shipping retards away, My eyes watered when I
thought of losing you, Be strong, Wear your helmet and take your crayons]
- Foaming at the mouth and very aggressive.................no wait I think thats Rabies??
- Walks straight behind you trying to figure out which buttons to hit
- You can hear their parents in the background when they chat using the mic
- Can be found hiding in trees and in bushes
- Repeats 1 combo (Usually a stun or knock back move) until you die or give up the fight

I shal edit if I can come up with more

12-16-2010, 01:38 PM
lawls, that is a troll list more or less :P

There is a few on the list that dont apply but for the most part they do :).

12-16-2010, 01:41 PM
this list is all from experience hahaha we were all noobs once

12-16-2010, 03:19 PM
what's wrong with using the same gun? Usually you find one you like the best and keep using that

12-16-2010, 05:35 PM
what's wrong with using the same gun? Usually you find one you like the best and keep using that

I agree. I usually stick to the gun(s) I like. Sometimes I stray for variety.

You could add to the list:

- Waits for you to die before he pops out to shoot the enemy as if he's providing 'backup'.
- Leaves mic on until he's told to shut it off. (I've had people do that in l4d2, just keep on pressing the talk key)

12-16-2010, 05:58 PM
Another thing you can add is calls in carpet bomb attacks mortar attacks, napalm attacks on team mates instead of the enemy.

12-16-2010, 08:38 PM
- The inability to understand anything

Haha, that pretty much sums them up in one! Also, you can define a noob by saying they try and use their Crayons to try and move around the map. Unless they have MagicCrayonz!? But that's impossible... as I'm the only one with magic crayons, they're all mine!

12-17-2010, 10:27 AM
haha good list. I got a good laugh out of that!

-Doesnt listen to helpful team mates.
-Replies with "Your mom" to everything

12-17-2010, 05:12 PM
how about pushes the crouch button instead of melee?

12-17-2010, 05:25 PM
got a good one!

-Walks into your shot! -.- Can't you see IM SHOOTING! >: (

12-17-2010, 05:27 PM
got a good one!

-Walks into your shot! -.- Can't you see IM SHOOTING! >: (

The worst one is when you throw a grenade, and the guy on your team thinks it's a Throw-in or something, and they head it to try and score - only to find they've just lost their head and given you a team kill penalty!

12-18-2010, 06:17 PM
yeop dats why you always talk army talk if you can "FIRE IN THE ***HOLE"