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12-22-2010, 01:16 PM
:cheesy: I don't like to gloat....But I think i shall be allowed to wiggle my inky dinky butt on this one. In my English class I have a problem with procrastinating (who doesn't it?). I get realitively high test scores so my grade isn't out of reach from salvaging. I tend to do all my work, I just never turn it. Which turns out to be a BIG problem when it comes to book reports. We have one every month and there worth a while letter grade. So when grades came around I wasn't surprised to see the F (I have never turned in a book report). My teacher said that we had a chance to turn in late work, but we would get less the 50% on anything we turned it. So I pulled out all the stops. Turned in most of my work (dropped like ten pounds out of my backpack). Grade went up to a
D-. I was pleased with it :D. But then we took a Benchmark (state test to see how much you learn every few months) and did well on that. Grade went up to a C (cause I'm that awesome). We did an extra credit thingy on Sense and Sensibilty (hate that book). Got more points. Took the final. My final grade was a hair away from an A-. In 2hrs my grade went from 45% to 89.79%. The moral of the story? Don't do your work...just kick every test in the arse.:p My amigos aren't speaking to me cause they barely got a D, and I was still missing a big project.

12-22-2010, 01:21 PM
Congrats on the huge grade bump - very nice work indeed.

The moral of the story? Don't do your work...just kick every test in the arse.:p

I wouldn't really call it a lesson to be learned or followed lol. While procrastination may help 10% of the time, it'll bite you in the ass 90% of the time if you try your luck a little too much.

12-22-2010, 01:24 PM
lol grats Norid .. an interesting approach, but hey, if it works!

12-22-2010, 01:26 PM
I was willing to go the extra step, sleeping with the teacher or Aid, but it turns out i didn't need to.

12-22-2010, 08:48 PM
I'm a terrible procrastinator. It's pretty sad actually.

I literally don't do work until the night before. Only exception is for huge projects haha

I'm not doing bad. either. At this moment, I have a 4.24 GPA....
it could be better.... had one bad math test :(

12-22-2010, 08:53 PM
lmfao that's pretty damn good!
Reminds me of when I was failing english, and my teacher goes to me "you have a chance to pass, but not really lol"

*brofist to procrastion*

12-23-2010, 02:36 AM
Haha, nice dude. #1 slacker!

I procrastinate pretty bad yet I sailed right through this semester with an A of at least 93% in every course, including three AP courses. I feel pretty awesome about that. My GPA is finally gonna be >3.85. :D

Next semester, however, I'm screwed, as I have nearly twice as many classes.

Also, PSAT scores should be handed out the Thursday after classes resume. I got a 195 last year and I'm hoping for at least 210 this year. I'm pretty confident about that.

12-23-2010, 05:11 AM
You should shock everyone like I did.

rrreeeaaaalllyyy low marks on every class based project through high school I can count on two hands how much homework I did and one hand for how much I handed in.

But when it came to the tests I must of aced most of them (Wish I could post my exact grading but I cant remember and NZ curriculum is different so.....)

12-24-2010, 04:01 PM
ahh nice grade bump!
I love when that happens
when your doing bad and then you check your grade and then you do really really well