View Full Version : Nintendo 3DS

01-05-2011, 05:18 PM
So, who here is also getting the 3DS and putting themselves up to the challenge to see if they can withstand damaging their eyes as much as possible after more than 30 mins of play time in one session every day?

Last one left with eye sight wins!

01-05-2011, 05:25 PM
I'll probably play with the 3D effect turned down low, but still sorta there. a more subtle 3D effect. I don't need to damage my eyes anymore lmao

01-05-2011, 09:44 PM
Im getting one lol. I might actually get street fighter for it too. I know its probably gonna suck...but whatever lol

Ilyich Valken
01-05-2011, 10:21 PM
Yes. Definitely. Yes. THIS. I might have it turned down on lower settings at first.

01-12-2011, 07:04 PM
3DS is going to be awesome when it comes out. 3D glasses-free!!

01-12-2011, 07:50 PM
Im getting one lol. I might actually get street fighter for it too. I know its probably gonna suck...but whatever lol

I couldn't imagine playing Street Fighter on such a small screen, SF deserves big arcade screens!

Yes. Definitely. Yes. THIS. I might have it turned down on lower settings at first.

Yeah me too ;) I still haven't got a DS or DSi yet... worth getting?

3DS is going to be awesome when it comes out. 3D glasses-free!!

Always a bonus with free 3D glasses ;) I'm seriously considering a 3D television... But I always impulse buy, so I need to stop being naughty and behave!

01-12-2011, 07:58 PM
I'm seriously considering a 3D television... But I always impulse buy, so I need to stop being naughty and behave!

lol Don't buy a 3DTV now! In like 1-2 years, they'll have glasses free 3DTV's too!

01-12-2011, 08:01 PM
lol Don't buy a 3DTV now! In like 1-2 years, they'll have glasses free 3DTV's too!

Haha, this is a good points ;)
Have you had a demo of a 3D TV yet in a store? When I went over to Paris, I went into the Virgin Megastore on the Champs Elysse, the 3D glasses that came with this particular Samsung model were just EPIX. It has a button on the side of the glasses to activate the 3D mode, it was *****ing spy style!

01-12-2011, 08:18 PM
If you ask me, i'm getting a little tired of all these new DS's. Their milking the crap out of it and now I thinks its gone a little out of control.

01-12-2011, 08:25 PM
Indeed. They should have left it at the DS, and then brought out the 3DS and then be done with it.

01-13-2011, 01:05 AM
If you ask me, i'm getting a little tired of all these new DS's. Their milking the crap out of it and now I thinks its gone a little out of control.

Technically, 3DS isn't just another version of the DS, it's an all-new system. It's like going from gameboy to gameboy advance or from GBA to DS.

01-13-2011, 11:04 AM
Technically, 3DS isn't just another version of the DS, it's an all-new system. It's like going from gameboy to gameboy advance or from GBA to DS.

Are the graphics going to be significantly better? Minus the 3D obviously. I haven't read into the 3DS enough to know about any step-up in visuals.

Ilyich Valken
01-13-2011, 12:08 PM
Are the graphics going to be significantly better? Minus the 3D obviously. I haven't read into the 3DS enough to know about any step-up in visuals.

Yeah, they look pretty amazing so far with some games. I heard from my friend that they're supposed to be on-par with if not better than the Gamecube/Wii.

01-13-2011, 12:40 PM
That's pretty impressive for it's size.

01-13-2011, 01:02 PM

Yes, this isn't just an update of the DS, it is a brand new system which means new hardware and new cartridge format.

01-13-2011, 01:12 PM
Actually looks pretty damn awesome! I'm guessing the 3D mode can be turned off when you don't want it on?

Ilyich Valken
01-13-2011, 01:49 PM
Actually looks pretty damn awesome! I'm guessing the 3D mode can be turned off when you don't want it on?

Yeah. Or at the very least, a very minimal setting.

01-13-2011, 02:23 PM
Yeah. Or at the very least, a very minimal setting.

naw, it can be turned off. Don't remember where I read it, but it can definitely be turned off

01-13-2011, 02:34 PM
This is good news, because it will get old, fast.

01-13-2011, 07:30 PM
If these are the launch games, imagine how great games on the system will look in a year or two. This truly has potential, and knowing Nintendo, this is going to sell like hot-cakes.

01-13-2011, 09:23 PM
Technically, 3DS isn't just another version of the DS, it's an all-new system. It's like going from gameboy to gameboy advance or from GBA to DS.

Ok, that I guess I can deal with. it's just the earlier ones, going from the original DS, to the DSi, to that DSi XL thing, was a little ridicules in my mind.

01-14-2011, 08:31 AM
If these are the launch games, imagine how great games on the system will look in a year or two. This truly has potential, and knowing Nintendo, this is going to sell like hot-cakes.

Indeed! Isn't the DS the biggest selling hand held gaming device out at the moment? It's hard not to be considering they have like 3 different versions!