View Full Version : Spread the love....

01-10-2011, 12:27 PM
I'm in a super happy mood today and seeing as we live in a world full of violence and hate I thought I'd spread some love and say.......


01-10-2011, 12:33 PM
are you in a happy mood because we live in a world of violence and hate? Or are you spreading love to counter that?

Anyway, we all love to you too.

01-10-2011, 01:07 PM
Love you too super happy Lysia =3

01-10-2011, 01:49 PM
LOL Linux I LOVE violence !! Hehe no, counteracting that!! :)
Awww thanx Jay ^_^

01-10-2011, 03:29 PM
Anyway, we all love to you too.

Speak for yourself bossman :P

01-10-2011, 06:36 PM
I'm in a super happy mood today and seeing as we live in a world full of violence and hate I thought I'd spread some love and say.......

I LOVE YOU ALL :)i concur wholeheartedly
no pun intended if there is one, i can't tell

01-10-2011, 09:50 PM
I love you too...

01-13-2011, 08:16 PM
that's a myth

01-14-2011, 12:56 AM
that's a myth

this makes no sense in context unless you mean to imply that love is a myth. it most certainly isn't and it it within my powers to overcome you in debate.

01-14-2011, 01:16 AM
your a myth

01-14-2011, 02:11 AM
your a myth

lol post length limits up in this

01-14-2011, 10:38 AM
your a myth


man, that correction is my job. I'm glad you filled in for me in my absence.

Loving all the love up in this hurr thread :D

01-14-2011, 01:08 PM
man, that correction is my job. I'm glad you filled in for me in my absence.

Is it, dili?

Is it?


01-14-2011, 02:27 PM
i lovems all of u 2 even though this is my second day on this forum woooh

01-14-2011, 06:15 PM
this makes no sense in context unless you mean to imply that love is a myth. it most certainly isn't and it it within my powers to overcome you in debate.

I would win that debate. I never lose. and plus, I do know it doesn't exist. I've been around the block a few million times. I could write a book in fact. I don't have like 15 ex's for no reason. I was played, cheated, used, I could name it all. everybody says "oh you just haven't found the right one yet" or "you are just goin after the wrong girls. negative. that's just wording to make one believe they still have a chance at "love"

01-14-2011, 06:31 PM
Love isn't just about boyfriends and girlfriends silly!
It does exist and it come in different forms and meanings!
Just because you've had bad experiences doesn't mean other people can't be positive.
I'm happy 100% of the time and I have so much love.
Bear in mind being cheated on/beaten up/used by ex's are probably some of the nicest parts in my life.
I guarantee I have a lot more reason to hate than love but I don't get hate. Or negativity!
I focus on the good in everything! Otherwise I'd probably not be here! You only live once, **** happens but keep smiling and hold your
head up high no matter what :)

01-14-2011, 06:34 PM
your a myth

lmfao ^ :laugh1:

01-14-2011, 06:48 PM
Love isn't just about boyfriends and girlfriends silly!
It does exist and it come in different forms and meanings!
Just because you've had bad experiences doesn't mean other people can't be positive.
I'm happy 100% of the time and I have so much love.
Bear in mind being cheated on/beaten up/used by ex's are probably some of the nicest parts in my life.
I guarantee I have a lot more reason to hate than love but I don't get hate. Or negativity!
I focus on the good in everything! Otherwise I'd probably not be here! You only live once, **** happens but keep smiling and hold your
head up high no matter what :)

are you referring to love of friends, family possibly? yeah some people have neither, and have been f'd in every which way. so to say that one should still be happy and persue a dream that will only cause more damage, is somewhat of a joke

01-14-2011, 07:05 PM
I have no time for people that are negative.
I've never had friends really apart from online and as for my family that's another story.
But while my hearts still beating I'll keep on living.
I've had my dreams crushed over and over but that doesn't stop me making new ones.
Life is what you make it and if you are a weak and choose to be a victim then you will never be happy.
You always have a choice.

01-14-2011, 07:12 PM
I have no time for people that are negative.
I've never had friends really apart from online and as for my family that's another story.
But while my hearts still beating I'll keep on living.
I've had my dreams crushed over and over but that doesn't stop me making new ones.
Life is what you make it and if you are a weak and choose to be a victim then you will never be happy.
You always have a choice.

Here here =3

01-14-2011, 07:15 PM
a choice, yes I forgot of that word that doesn't exist in my life. switch lives with me, go thru my demons, my fears, hopes and dreams that cant be reached thru trying. and then see what you say differently. just cuz you "think" that you can make your life positive, good for you. don't doubt on those that have been thru much much more than yourself, without truly knowing. hell I used to be a bigshot, one that everybody wanted to be, and that destroyed me. so don't judge, cuz you don't even know

01-14-2011, 07:22 PM
This sounds like it should be a film. At the end of it, you should become a super hero or something.

01-14-2011, 08:27 PM
Fact: Most of us have no idea what the other people we are talking to on this forum have been through, so no one needs to make any assumptions about what other people have or haven't been through. Eric, I'm sure you have been through a lot, and I wouldn't dream to dispute that, but you don't need to belittle anyone else's experiences.

Love is nice. This thread is nice. Even love from pets counts as love :3

"Love" creates a chemical feeling in your head ---- so how can it not exist? Call it what you want, but it feels good and people enjoy it. Just like people love food :3

Food makes me so happy :3 It's worthy of loving ;3

01-14-2011, 09:52 PM
Well said Muffin :)
This was a nice and happy thread, may it get back on track!

01-15-2011, 06:07 AM
Fact: Most of us have no idea what the other people we are talking to on this forum have been through, so no one needs to make any assumptions about what other people have or haven't been through. Eric, I'm sure you have been through a lot, and I wouldn't dream to dispute that, but you don't need to belittle anyone else's experiences.

Love is nice. This thread is nice. Even love from pets counts as love :3

"Love" creates a chemical feeling in your head ---- so how can it not exist? Call it what you want, but it feels good and people enjoy it. Just like people love food :3

Food makes me so happy :3 It's worthy of loving ;3

Well said Muffin :)
Food makes me happy too.
I was really ill at Christmas and missed out on eating all the food but I've got my appetite back with a vengeance!!!!!! Nomnomnom!

Yeah and Eric like Muffin said, we don't doubt you've been through a lot but my point was, I have, and so have lots of people and it's still possible to be happy.

I don't like it when people are sad :'(

Big smiles all round :D

01-15-2011, 08:30 AM
hilarious actually. anybody else wanna leave a neg rep saying don't be an asshole. hilarious that people hate on someone with an opinion. grow up

01-15-2011, 08:55 AM
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
They shouldn't be hated on for it.
Who's to say what is wrong and what is right?
I don't even know how to give good/bad rep anyways!

Ilyich Valken
01-15-2011, 11:19 AM
hilarious actually. anybody else wanna leave a neg rep saying don't be an asshole. hilarious that people hate on someone with an opinion. grow up
Posts like this^, as far as the mods are concerned.. is asking for a fight and as Jango has said on multiple occasions, selfish. It's ONE negative rep, and you're getting pissed?

However, the be fair, whoever sent that rep apparently thought that the way you stated your opinion to be a little off-putting. Isn't really that hard of a conclusion to make.

Project Blaze
01-15-2011, 11:45 AM
I have no time for people that are negative.
I've never had friends really apart from online and as for my family that's another story.
But while my hearts still beating I'll keep on living.
I've had my dreams crushed over and over but that doesn't stop me making new ones.
Life is what you make it and if you are a weak and choose to be a victim then you will never be happy.
You always have a choice.

I'm usually a happy/nice guy, but I've got my moments. Especially when I'm alone, but it's pretty difficult to be happy when you're by yourself, y'know? Or maybe that's just me. But I agree life is what you make it, sometimes it just beats some people down. In fact my cousin said that to me a few times, about life is what you make it. Sometimes there's just not much to be happy about.
I'm happy when I'm around my immediate family though, my distant family burned a lot of bridges with us though, even turned against us. But my closer family's love is all I need to be happy. ^_^ And you do always have a choice, even though sometimes emotions can slightly influence what choice(s) you make. But people who try have pretty strong convictions (I think that's the word) and amaze me that after all they've been through they still try. If that can't be called strong, then I don't know what else can be. :)

01-15-2011, 12:25 PM
But people who try have pretty strong convictions (I think that's the word) and amaze me that after all they've been through they still try. If that can't be called strong, then I don't know what else can be. :)


I've led a pretty "sheltered" life... I feel like I've got it easy. There's little challenging me to stay positive most of the time. I'm always blown away by and most attracted to the people that have experienced true, deep hardship and have used the experience to learn and admire even deeper more profound love for their world and everyone around them.

I agree wholeheartedly, Blaze - that's what true strength is.

01-15-2011, 12:45 PM
Well said Muffin :)

Well said Muffin :)




I've led a pretty "sheltered" life... I feel like I've got it easy. There's little challenging me to stay positive most of the time. I'm always blown away by and most attracted to the people that have experienced true, deep hardship and have used the experience to learn and admire even deeper more profound love for their world and everyone around them.

I agree wholeheartedly, Blaze - that's what true strength is.

omg this is why I love you

Project Blaze
01-15-2011, 12:59 PM

I've led a pretty "sheltered" life... I feel like I've got it easy. There's little challenging me to stay positive most of the time. I'm always blown away by and most attracted to the people that have experienced true, deep hardship and have used the experience to learn and admire even deeper more profound love for their world and everyone around them.

I agree wholeheartedly, Blaze - that's what true strength is.

Yea, I mean, some people think about muscles when they think of strength like it's "the only thing that makes you strong". I hate it when people think that way. They need to open their eyes. It takes more than that to have real strength. As far as I'm concerned the physical can't hold a candle to an indomitable spirit. I don't think I'll ever stop looking up to people with such inner strength. I can only hope to be as strong as them one day, even if only a small fraction.

01-16-2011, 01:49 PM
I'm in a super happy mood today and seeing as we live in a world full of violence and hate I thought I'd spread some love and say.......


I love you too! Where's weymouth?

01-16-2011, 01:53 PM
I would win that debate. I never lose. and plus, I do know it doesn't exist. I've been around the block a few million times. I could write a book in fact. I don't have like 15 ex's for no reason. I was played, cheated, used, I could name it all. everybody says "oh you just haven't found the right one yet" or "you are just goin after the wrong girls. negative. that's just wording to make one believe they still have a chance at "love"

But it's true, they are right. Typically, when a relationship goes south, it means you're not meant for each other.

a choice, yes I forgot of that word that doesn't exist in my life. switch lives with me, go thru my demons, my fears, hopes and dreams that cant be reached thru trying. and then see what you say differently. just cuz you "think" that you can make your life positive, good for you. don't doubt on those that have been thru much much more than yourself, without truly knowing. hell I used to be a bigshot, one that everybody wanted to be, and that destroyed me. so don't judge, cuz you don't even know

Look, people have gone through ****. Some more than others. I'm lucky to be on the lesser end of the ****-receiving, but that doesn't mean all hope is lost. As far as I know, you have your health, you have shelter, a family. There's no reason to abandon hope for life on the basis that you've been dumped a few times. Unless you want to prove me wrong, i'd love to hear it. Considering you have access to the internet, I'm sure it can't be that bad.

In the words of As I Lay Dying "it seems our problems solve themselves when we look beyond ourselves to find those truly in hell"

01-18-2011, 09:40 AM
/love spread to everyone

01-18-2011, 11:10 AM
Considering you have access to the internet, I'm sure it can't be that bad.

Omg Epsilon I love you!!!
And Weymouth is in England!!!
