View Full Version : Most EPICAMAZINGOMGZZZ in game character ever

01-16-2011, 06:25 AM
Who do you consider to be the most AMAZING in game character to ever grace the gaming world and why?

I always see Mario come out on top in polls but I know that he doesn't do it for everyone!!!

To get some variation - Lets have one favourite MAIN character and one favourite side character/background character :)

My ultimate favourite background character has to be Mean Son of A ***** from Fallout New Vegas. Just because I really wasn't expecting to meet a friendly Super Mutant with a speech impediment. And when he says his name it's soooo funny! I know he doesn't really play much of a role but I just loved the idea of him! He should be a main part if they create a 5th Fallout for sure!

Main character HAS TO BE Snake. Sorry but he's just amazing. If I was a boy I would want to be him. Resourceful, stealthy, badass and has lots of comedy moments. What's more, I can imagine him in any game. Even Mario. LOL!

01-16-2011, 07:21 AM
Snake is pretty damn cool :P
But mine has to be Marcus Fenix, from Gears of War. In the games and in the books, he is just a very interesting character, and a frigging crazy, bad ass guy!

01-16-2011, 10:06 AM
Main - Link from the Legend of Zelda. He's my left-handed hero (the only version of a Zelda game to feature Link as right handed - including the oldest 8-bit versions - was the Wii version of Twilight Princess. I was SO PISSED. Gamecube version of the same game has him left-handed.)

Secondary/Side cast - Tails. He's one of those dudes that's so epic he's cooler than the main (in this case Sonic.) I mean, he can ****ing fly. Sonic gets what, some lame little air attack? (homing attack once you get into 3D versions, but still.) Also, he's just as fast as Sonic. Also, he's a fox, which is way cuter and more awesome than a hedgehog. Just sayin'!

01-16-2011, 10:17 AM
Main - Link from the Legend of Zelda. He's my left-handed hero (the only version of a Zelda game to feature Link as right handed - including the oldest 8-bit versions - was the Wii version of Twilight Princess. I was SO PISSED. Gamecube version of the same game has him left-hand

This ^ thissss.. + rep for awesomeness.

01-16-2011, 10:51 AM
this guy from tetris:


I get so happy when I see it.

Other than that, it's Ellis from L4D2 - he has some of the funniest random quotes and stories in game.

01-16-2011, 10:55 AM
this guy from tetris:


I lol'd irl at this... I wish I could +rep you XD

01-16-2011, 11:01 AM
this guy from tetris:


I get so happy when I see it.

so true. sooo true. I laughed so hard when I saw this XD +rep for Linux (like he needs any more)

for me.... hmmm.

My favorite main character... Ratchet from the Ratchet and Clank series? Hm :/ If I think of another, I'll have to post. I think my favorite characters are usually side characters...

my favorite side character is probably Harle from Chrono Cross. Or Draggy. Or Pip. Or Lynx (villain technically I guess but whatever).
Red XIII and Cait Sith from FF7.
Freya from FF9.

01-16-2011, 11:09 AM
Omg Linux you are such a legend.
YOU are my favourite character!
Hehe :)

01-16-2011, 11:40 AM
Hmmmmm, main character, probably Master chief (surprising that i'm the first to say that), but side character, probably Cpt. Price for the Cod series, if you don't consider him a side character, then probably Fawkes, from Fallout 3, due to his amazing ability to with stand a mini nuke and not die.

01-16-2011, 11:50 AM
Hmmmmm, main character, probably Master chief (surprising that i'm the first to say that), but side character, probably Cpt. Price for the Cod series, if you don't consider him a side character, then probably Fawkes, from Fallout 3, due to his amazing ability to with stand a mini nuke and not die.

Captain Price mannnn! What a guy! He didn't age at all from World War II to Modern Warfare ;) I must know his secretz.

Project Blaze
01-16-2011, 09:48 PM
My main character would have to be Bayonetta. The different weapons she has, plus the different combos for each weapon, and the fact that you beat down angels, is just really awesome to me. Well, that and I love how strong she is. ^_^

Second character would have to be Nero from Devil May Cry 4, his Devil Bringer is fun as hell, and his Red Queen sword is pretty fun too once you get the hang of it. And his voice actor is one of my favorites. I love games where you can beat the **** out of things or people... that makes me sound like a sociopath... lol Oh well, fun is fun. ^_^

01-17-2011, 12:31 AM
^ blaze it sounds like you are more of a fan of the equipment then the characters. Lol, if I decided based on that Link would win hands down. He always has an epic inventory.

Main character HAS TO BE Snake. Sorry but he's just amazing. If I was a boy I would want to be him. Resourceful, stealthy, badass and has lots of comedy moments. What's more, I can imagine him in any game. Even Mario. LOL!

He is also the only popular character to don the mullet and survive the criticism. That takes a lot of bad *** points.

Main - Link from the Legend of Zelda. He's my left-handed hero (the only version of a Zelda game to feature Link as right handed - including the oldest 8-bit versions - was the Wii version of Twilight Princess. I was SO PISSED. Gamecube version of the same game has him left-handed.)

Good observation. The wii remote being designed to be used with the game forced the designers to concede to the fact that most players would be right handed, and using the controls to swing your sword with the remote forced link to temporarily become ambidextrous.

Also being left handed, I noticed this as well.

Hmmmmm, main character, probably Master chief (surprising that i'm the first to say that)

Master chief is not a character, lol. Sadly he is an embodiment or representation of the avatar you play. He remains stoic because we are supposed to imagine him as ourself. He has no emotional reactions to pain, or the catastrophic events around him whatsoever. Literally no personality.

You cant use the excuse that he is a trained spartan, because as noble team demonstrated, along with the books, that spartan do retain a self image and personality.


Side character:
My choice for favorite side character would have to be Zaeed Massani from Mass Effect2. Aside from the fact that he was probably a throwback to an earlier bioware character, Canderous Ordo, I found him the most interesting person to talk to out of my team.

He is essentially a mercenary loyal only to getting paid. However your willingness to help him with his personal vendetta against the new leader of the blue suns makes his personality unfold into something neither black or white. During your rescue of Garris you find he is not possessed with unreasonable hate, he remains neutral when faced with being recognized by a squad leader within the blue suns. The lack of hate was subtle if indeed intentional, it paints him as cold and calculating.

He is the male counterpart to Jack, without the benefit of having his skills being given to him genetically or implanted. If you pay attention to their dialog, they recognize each other for what they are instinctively and avoid each other. However Jacks female role as a potential love interest as well as her side quest prove she isn't completely emotionally detached, but rather presents that image as her emotional armor.

Essentially an unsympathetic murderer. Zaeed may just be the closest thing to an unemotional sociopath I have come across in a game. A very clever one at that. His role after the events of Mass Effect2 should put him at odds with conflicting loyalties as much as Maranda and Im keenly interested to see if they develop this character down any of the many possible paths.

Main Character:
There is a trend to my selection of favorite characters, because my selection for all time favorite is somewhat odd: Agent 47 from the hitman series. A very complicated character indeed, created to be a perfect killing machine, yet he evolves a sense of religion and seeks isolation and peace from what he considers an evil life. Whats most interesting is that he cant be called a sociopath.

Hitman2 was the game set in motion when someone kidnaps a priest who has shown him kindness. And in order to save one life he creates a mountain of corpses, all the while believing he was condemning himself to hell.

Also, played properly he is transformed into the most badass of all characters. he actually scares me, when I get into it his slow methodical footsteps and ruthlessly effective killing moves put him at odds with the humanity he would like to retain. He is formost, a complete monster, death incarnate. And beneath all that a main with his own principles.

Warning graphic content lol.

Interestingly, my choices for character are mirrored. While still very similar, they represent something completely different. Zaeed is a head on killer who focuses inwardly. While agent 47 is the careful stalker who donated his amassed wealth to the church. Proving, that there is a lot of room to develop a personality behind the perfect killers the video game industry likes to pump out. Quite a statement as to why there is no need for the master chiefs of the gaming industry.

My number 2 pick would probably have to be Raziel, but I have really mixed feelings for the character. He is certainly a character I love immensely.

01-17-2011, 12:21 PM
tyrael from the diablo series he is made of pure awesomeness

Project Blaze
01-19-2011, 10:51 AM
^ blaze it sounds like you are more of a fan of the equipment then the characters. Lol, if I decided based on that Link would win hands down. He always has an epic inventory.

Nyyeeeeehhhh!! :P Besides, I can't help it if they've got an awezome arsenal. lol Even though Nero's Devil Bringer isn't technically a weapon, more just an arm. XD :P

02-20-2011, 03:17 PM
Captain Price mannnn! What a guy! He didn't age at all from World War II to Modern Warfare ;) I must know his secretz.

He uses L'oreal, cause You´r worth it

OK serious now my favourite main must be commander sheppard from mass effect.

Can I have two favourites in side cause then I would say :Kreia from kotor2 the sithlords

and for the second I would pick Steven heck in alpha protocol just because he is more than a madman he is absolutely insane. I want him to make a small distraction so I can sneak past some guards in a subway and he cames by with a train that he has outfitted with miniguns. You can see where that is going.

02-21-2011, 01:20 PM
Favourite side character; Rachel from ninja gaiden sigma. Why? Because her boobs are HILLARIOUS! and i'm not joking. Hours of entertaiment.

Favourite main character; I'll have to get back to you on that one.

02-21-2011, 02:22 PM
Favourite side character; Rachel from ninja gaiden sigma. Why? Because her boobs are HILLARIOUS! and i'm not joking. Hours of entertaiment.

Favourite main character; I'll have to get back to you on that one.

I see that you have played a ninja gaiden game. Is it as hard as they say it is?

02-21-2011, 03:40 PM
First, BobTD, I didn't think the title said "Most EPICAMAZINGOMGZZZ in game Dynamic Character ever"
Which means, personality or not, Master Chief is a character, Static, but still a character. There is no problem with him being a favorite, since a character is never said to HAVE to have a personality. Besides, John does talk and he is just a serious, emotionless guy.

Main Character:
My favorite would have to be" Louis from L4D or Lightning from FFXIII.

Side Character: Andrew Ryan from Bioshock. A man of great wisdom, he had great philosophies. He was a huge mystery until late in the game, and was seen as a bad person up until the turning point. I loved how just finding out about him changed the game. This was easy for me.

02-21-2011, 08:37 PM
Thank you Samus, he is to a main character. I really don't see how he couldn't be. I mean no matter what his purpose is, he has a personality, back story, everything. Just subtle.

02-22-2011, 10:24 AM
First, BobTD, I didn't think the title said "Most EPICAMAZINGOMGZZZ in game Dynamic Character ever"
Which means, personality or not, Master Chief is a character, Static, but still a character. There is no problem with him being a favorite, since a character is never said to HAVE to have a personality. Besides, John does talk and he is just a serious, emotionless guy.

Main Character:
My favorite would have to be" Louis from L4D or Lightning from FFXIII.

Side Character: Andrew Ryan from Bioshock. A man of great wisdom, he had great philosophies. He was a huge mystery until late in the game, and was seen as a bad person up until the turning point. I loved how just finding out about him changed the game. This was easy for me.

Oh man I forgot mr andrew. Do you think I can mention Rapture as a character cause it makes the hole game.