View Full Version : Do you enjoy Facebook?

01-21-2011, 12:14 PM
Me? I really don't like it. I find that its hard to keep things private. And it's just all around annoying I find.

01-21-2011, 12:15 PM
Yeah.. I like it :p

01-21-2011, 12:17 PM
I'm on it all the time.
Refresh, refresh, refresh. And nothing happens.
But I still stare at the screen. Waiting.
Its addictive.

01-21-2011, 12:18 PM
I'm on it all the time.
Refresh, refresh, refresh. And nothing happens.
But I still stare at the screen. Waiting.
Its addictive.

It is sorta addicting, but boring, nothing ever happens.

01-21-2011, 12:19 PM
There should be a "meh" option or something. I like facebook because you can keep contact with other people, but it's like an internet waiting room. It's easy to use, but I prefered Myspace.

This is going to be a terrible metaphor/similie/whatever, but myspace kind of seemed like a bunch of dorms at a college, you have your own room and you decorate it and stuff, and people can come say hi. Facebook seems more like people standing in a big room, and they all have a t shirt that they can write whatever they want about themselves on it, and then you just go talk to people. I liked the customization aspect of Myspace. Facebook is, to me, too easy to use, and its easy to just spend all day sitting there waiting for somebody to post on your wall or something

01-21-2011, 12:22 PM
There should be a "meh" option or something. I like facebook because you can keep contact with other people, but it's like an internet waiting room. It's easy to use, but I prefered Myspace.

This is going to be a terrible metaphor/similie/whatever, but myspace kind of seemed like a bunch of dorms at a college, you have your own room and you decorate it and stuff, and people can come say hi. Facebook seems more like people standing in a big room, and they all have a t shirt that they can write whatever they want about themselves on it, and then you just go talk to people. I liked the customization aspect of Myspace. Facebook is, to me, too easy to use, and its easy to just spend all day sitting there waiting for somebody to post on your wall or something

I wish i could edit polls, sorry. But thats a good way to put it. I like Myspace better to, I just don't have any friends on it. On Facebook, it's a lot easier to find people you know.

01-21-2011, 12:25 PM
I used to love myspace.
Its so much cooler.
But now its more used for advertising and people selling themselves/their bands etc.
Everytime I log in I have like 100s of friend requests/messages and it annoys me so much!

01-21-2011, 01:03 PM
I can't call myself a fan. I use it to keep in touch with old friends and that's about it. But I very rarely get on.

01-21-2011, 01:08 PM
^ this pretty much. The only reason I actually have one still is because if I deleted it, i'd lose contact with a lot of people, also cuz there are some videos of me tagged from first semester at college, and I like watching them from time to time.

01-21-2011, 01:14 PM
Around here it seems a lot of groups of friends have merged together so I enjoy a pretty large social network of people on facebook.

Mostly I use it to keep in touch with people, but it also comes in handy for revenge like when my brother leaves his open on his laptop and i post an elaborate coming out of the closet status for him. =P

01-21-2011, 01:17 PM
I like it. Its nice to be able to talk to my family and friends.

01-21-2011, 02:14 PM
I love Facebook, it's socially awesome, but full of attention seekers, also full of general time wasters.

"I just woke up and I'm having breakfast and I just itched my face then I will brush my teeth then I will trip over an object because I'm a spoon and then I will lol at myself and then I will get into my straight-jacket and lick the wall..."

I'm just sayin'.

There shouldn't be just a "Like" button underneath their status, there should be a "Like", "Dislike" and a "Holy **** you're a ****ing doughball!" option to choose from.

01-21-2011, 02:25 PM
"I just woke up and I'm having breakfast and I just itched my face then I will brush my teeth then I will trip over an object because I'm a spoon and then I will lol at myself and then I will get into my straight-jacket and lick the wall..."

I'm just sayin'.

There shouldn't be just a "Like" button underneath their status, there should be a "Like", "Dislike" and a "Holy **** you're a ****ing doughball!" option to choose from.

Agreed Jayhmmz :laugh1: Its a great way to stay connected with relatives and friends but there are a number of people on there that just make it kind of weird...if they must post every single thing they do throughout the day then take it to Twitter

01-21-2011, 06:39 PM
I don't really know if I like facebook or not. I have one, I use it to communicate with friends, and it's cool when an old friend you haven't seen or thought of in years suddenly adds you. But a lot of the time I just see people using it for unnecessary drama. But I suppose that's just the people I have added. I barely update my status, but I like to comment on others once in while. :)

01-21-2011, 11:15 PM
I love it, so many little girls to check out er.... i mean.... women ....my age ...yes women my age >.>

*cough* add me

01-22-2011, 04:10 AM
I really enjoyed it though. I can communicate easily with all my class mates. Even now, I'm using it.

01-22-2011, 10:49 PM
I love it, so many little girls to check out er.... i mean.... women ....my age ...yes women my age >.>

*cough* add me

Creeepppyyyyyy lol.

01-22-2011, 11:15 PM
This is a run down of an average weeknight for me:

6-9:30 - tv
9:30-4am - refreshing sites like facebook and various forums like this one

Unfortunately most of my friends seem to have lives, so I have no one to keep me company. And that brings me to my answer to the original question- as a website, I like it. It's not facebook's fault if my friends aren't boring chumps like me who stay up on the internet all night :p

01-24-2011, 08:27 AM
i use it as a way to stay in contact with all my buddies

02-01-2011, 05:42 AM
Love facebook so that I can chat with friends and it keeps me really company:cheesy::cheesy:

02-01-2011, 07:45 AM
I dont use it that much. Once in a day is enough.

I dont understand those that got over 300 friends, they cant possibly know that many. ( Me I got about 20 friends and thats all I need)

02-01-2011, 10:12 AM
I have 342 friends on Facebook and I know each and every one of them. I delete people from my friends list that I don't know, I don't even accept people I don't know. I travel a lot though :)

02-01-2011, 12:05 PM
Same here, I have 366 friends. And I hardly ever get on.

02-01-2011, 01:10 PM
Facebook is okay but it just a place for people to argue lol I think it's okay to keep up with friends but other than that it's silly lol :p

02-01-2011, 03:25 PM
With Facebook, you look at a wall all day, strangers want to become your friends, you get poked by people you don't know, you flip through pages, and you wonder why you're there. I love it! :)

03-04-2011, 10:43 PM
^Dont know what the hell hes saying
anyway It just depends on what kind of mood im in like today I was in a pretty good mood so I got on some I picked yes because im uasally in a good mood

03-05-2011, 03:21 AM
yeah, its alright :) but im not an addict, thats pretty sad

03-13-2011, 02:11 PM
Whats FaceBook
A Game.?

03-13-2011, 02:38 PM
Whats FaceBook
A Game.?

Are you serious!?

03-13-2011, 04:41 PM
Whats FaceBook
A Game.?

:laugh1: Looool.

I hope you're joking.

03-14-2011, 07:56 PM
Whats FaceBook
A Game.?

Are you one of those guys from the Geico commercials? You know, the ones under the rock lol?

03-16-2011, 05:57 AM
I spend too much time on FB

03-16-2011, 06:04 AM
I enjoy chatting to my friends on facebook and playing games on it it's fun. :cheesy:

03-16-2011, 03:15 PM
feed me facbook

03-17-2011, 02:28 AM
Are there a gf group in facebook?

03-17-2011, 06:20 AM
That would be awesome if there is one on and then, because then we would have also contact off the forum lol i almost said offline there:laugh1:

03-17-2011, 08:15 AM
That would be awesome if there is one on and then, because then we would have also contact off the forum lol i almost said offline there:laugh1:

lol, Would be a little hard for everyone to meet in IRL:p

09-24-2011, 09:39 PM
you know, I dont even enjoy this site no more cause of all the sudden changes... I'm really thinking about deleting my profile off of there & live life to the fullest... by working & staying busy, not on this.
but I dont know, I mostly use this site just to keep in touch with family members & good friends. wish they'd all stick to email, cause I'd rather use that.

09-26-2011, 01:10 PM
I used to love FB when I first started using it.... not so much now. Its not because of all the changes, or anything like that- it's just I realized that I don't care about 85%+ of the people Im friends with on there lol I dont care what they are doing or what they have to say. I mean it's cool I can get on and look up a classmate to see what theyre up to years later, or that I can keep in touch easily with friends that have moved far away. But in general, on a daily basis, I simply just dont care. Actually, I think I use FB more now for news updates about games, movies, etc more then I use it to socialize.

09-26-2011, 01:25 PM
I used to love FB when I first started using it.... not so much now. Its not because of all the changes, or anything like that- it's just I realized that I don't care about 85%+ of the people Im friends with on there lol I dont care what they are doing or what they have to say. I mean it's cool I can get on and look up a classmate to see what theyre up to years later, or that I can keep in touch easily with friends that have moved far away. But in general, on a daily basis, I simply just dont care. Actually, I think I use FB more now for news updates about games, movies, etc more then I use it to socialize.

So do I, I got about thirty(30) friends on FB but even with that few Im almost never interested in what they write, 99% of what they write is only garbage or things that I dont find interesting, like on girl she post "kiss" or "love" ALL the time to her boyfriend, its cute but still annoying as I dont really want to hide her messages anyway.

Like you I mostly use FB to keep up with all games, series and music I like. But sometimes I have had real help of fb being in contact with older friends, but I prefer skype.

09-26-2011, 02:03 PM
So do I, I got about thirty(30) friends on FB but even with that few Im almost never interested in what they write, 99% of what they write is only garbage or things that I dont find interesting, like on girl she post "kiss" or "love" ALL the time to her boyfriend, its cute but still annoying as I dont really want to hide her messages anyway.

Like you I mostly use FB to keep up with all games, series and music I like. But sometimes I have had real help of fb being in contact with older friends, but I prefer skype.

30 friends sounds perfect lol I've got way more people on mine then I want mainly because there are people on there I feel obligated to be friends with.... Ugh, gross couples are the worst part of FB! >_< The ones that post lovey crap on each others walls -constantly-, or that have the cutesy couple profile pics *gags* lol Other then the annoyingly happy couple posts are the chain letter type status updates... the ones that gullible morons re-post like: If you don't want to pay for Facebook then you must repost this as your status.... or the awareness posts: If you know anyone that's ever been bullied, had cancer, got run over by a truck, cheated on, had sexual relations with an animal, had *insert disease here* then repost this as your status.... generally I just remove or block anyone that posts garbage like that.

09-26-2011, 02:06 PM
I like it, just because it has become the #1 way to contact pretty much anyone I know. I'm more likely to get ahold of someone through Facebook than calling them.

09-26-2011, 02:23 PM
30 friends sounds perfect lol I've got way more people on mine then I want mainly because there are people on there I feel obligated to be friends with.... Ugh, gross couples are the worst part of FB! >_< The ones that post lovey crap on each others walls -constantly-, or that have the cutesy couple profile pics *gags* lol Other then the annoyingly happy couple posts are the chain letter type status updates... the ones that gullible morons re-post like: If you don't want to pay for Facebook then you must repost this as your status.... or the awareness posts: If you know anyone that's ever been bullied, had cancer, got run over by a truck, cheated on, had sexual relations with an animal, had *insert disease here* then repost this as your status.... generally I just remove or block anyone that posts garbage like that.

It feels like you have been stalking my facebook. :p

09-26-2011, 06:34 PM
As people have already said, its useful to keep in touch with the people you already know.

I prefer places like this forum though, because I like to meet knew people.

09-26-2011, 07:48 PM
another thing, it really annoys me when one specific person ruins your news feed with total drama, or just fake stuff.

^ yeah, its really useful to keep in touch with the people you KNOW. not like random people. I hate getting requests on there by random people I dont even know, so i put my privacy settings to only friends, still, random people I dont know -- friends of friends, they still request...its annoying.

09-27-2011, 08:42 AM
I dont mind the friend requests from people I dont know. Now, sometimes they turn into totally crazy stalkers :P But I've also met some really cool people from all around the world that I've actually become good friends with. Also, it's how I met my fiance :X

09-27-2011, 11:28 AM
I had to vote yes even though I really hate Facebook because I spend entirely too much time there! What a waste if you think about it....

09-27-2011, 02:19 PM
I like it and i don't, too many of my "friends" get on there and constantly complain about there lives being so horrible when its something very small. i get especially Urked when someone gets on because there parents "hate" them when there deliberately disobeying them.

On the Bright side i love being able to contact my friend/family on there it makes it very easy.

09-29-2011, 05:59 PM
I enjoy it up to a point, but I'm not that rgular perhaps a couple a times a week, keep in touch with family and a few friends in a fun way.

09-29-2011, 11:24 PM
Its alright, but all of the updates are getting on my nerves. And the image upload quality is horrific.

09-29-2011, 11:53 PM
I've use to enjoy it but after the new update I hardly go on it :/

10-03-2011, 07:53 PM
I've use to enjoy it but after the new update I hardly go on it :/


10-04-2011, 11:35 AM

10-04-2011, 12:35 PM
That sums it up pretty much, but now they gonna change it EVEN MOOOORE, THEY WILL WATCH YOUR EVERY MOVE.

10-04-2011, 12:56 PM
Lol Yupp they sure will. And honestly, I don't get what the big deal is? Lately I've heard sooooo many whine about the fact that FB is 'watching' them..... yet they all -still- use it. Which to me equals a bunch of ignorant people ranting about something they know nothing about, just because everyone else is ranting about it. And it is true, even when you're not logged in they still trace your cookies to see what you do.... but Google does the same thing, and always has yet nobody cares about that? IMO, I dont give a sh#t who is watching what I do lol As long as they aren't giving my info away to a bunch of telemarketers (which they don't), its whatever.

04-08-2012, 06:00 AM
When I joined facebook, I was addicted to cityville. Anyhow after few months , I stopped visiting facebook every now and then. Now , I just visit it as I want to see my friends update and like them.I like it because my friends love it.

04-10-2012, 10:48 AM
I use it a lot. Especially now that I'm 2,000 miles away from all of my family and friends. It helps me keep in touch with them.