View Full Version : Crysis 2 Multiplayer Demo Announced!

01-21-2011, 03:18 PM
*Copy and Paste from my blog, too excited to re-write especially for the forum!*

Finally! The potentially epic game gets a multiplayer demo! Welcome back gamers for a very brief news flash!

EA and Developer Crytek have today announced that the Crysis 2 multiplayer demo is confirmed for exclusive release on January 25th for Xbox Live Gold members only. Crysis 2 is the sequel to the highly rated game Crysis, and its expansion, Crysis: Warhead, which was only available for the PC. This time around, not only will Crytek be releasing Crysis 2 for the PC, but they will also be releasing it for the game’s console debut on the 360 and the PS3. The demo will include one map, Skyline, with two game modes: Team Instant Action and Crash Site. The following was said regarding the new game times:

“Team Instant Action follows standard team death match rules, while Crash Site will see players vie for control of alien drop pods a la Capture the Flag.”

If you haven’t yet seen anything relating to Crysis 2 in the past few months, then shame on you! You have to be excited for the game’s release if you’re an FPS gamer, I know I am. However, I do have a slight head start on the whole feeling of excitement in regards to the release of Crysis 2, as I am a big fan of the first game and its expansion, so I am highly anticipating how awesome the next chapter will be!

Take a look at both the reveal and gameplay trailer for a quick glimpse of what to expect! Enjoy.



That was about it for today’s splash! Hope you’re going to be just as excited as me for this game, it is set to be ground breaking! Let’s hope it follows through, eh?

Anyway, thanks for the visit and the read, hope you’re all awesome.
Enjoy your weekend.


Jayhmmz (,,,)(O.o)(,,,)

01-21-2011, 03:28 PM
Xbox Live Gold members only? That's BS

01-21-2011, 03:32 PM
I know that does suck a bit, but fortunately I have XBL.
I don't know of any Demos being announced for PC (shockingly) or PS3 at any later dates, yet. But I will bring you an update when possible.

01-21-2011, 03:51 PM
Wouldn't a demo convince more people to buy it? I typically go through and download the demos of anything that looks remotely interesting, and play it. There are games I had no interest in that after playing the demo, I now want to purchase somewhere. They should make it available to everyone. I currently have no plans of getting Crysis 2, but if the demo was good I might have. Oh well.

01-21-2011, 03:55 PM
Wouldn't a demo convince more people to buy it? I typically go through and download the demos of anything that looks remotely interesting, and play it. There are games I had no interest in that after playing the demo, I now want to purchase somewhere. They should make it available to everyone. I currently have no plans of getting Crysis 2, but if the demo was good I might have. Oh well.

Yup, that's the logic behind Demos!
After putting so much effort into making Crysis 2, you'd think they would like to showcase it to all the platforms as soon as they could. Ah well.

01-22-2011, 04:16 AM
Sound pretty awesome! But for Xbox Live Gold members only. Dang.

01-22-2011, 05:11 AM
Shame about the demo not coming to the PS3!!
Looks like I'll have to plug the xbox in to give this one a go.

01-22-2011, 05:36 AM
I'll be playing it no doubt. Pretty excited to see if it will live up to it's hype.

01-22-2011, 11:05 AM
Crysis 2 is going to make on hell of a game. Too bad you're going to need one of NASA's super computers just to play it on medium details. - And still experience some lag lol :D

Ilyich Valken
01-22-2011, 12:52 PM
Yup, that's the logic behind Demos!
After putting so much effort into making Crysis 2, you'd think they would like to showcase it to all the platforms as soon as they could. Ah well.


As for the whole "XBL Gold only", that kinda sucks, but I'm willing to bet MS did a little bribery.

01-22-2011, 01:58 PM

As for the whole "XBL Gold only", that kinda sucks, but I'm willing to bet MS did a little bribery.

Don't you mean M$ did some bribery? I'm actually very interested in this game to be honest. I'll probably at least rent it. Always wanted to play the original Crysis, never had the computer for it

Ilyich Valken
01-22-2011, 03:03 PM
Don't you mean M$ did some bribery? I'm actually very interested in this game to be honest. I'll probably at least rent it. Always wanted to play the original Crysis, never had the computer for it

No, I don't mean M$ because that's a retarded and obnoxious way people on the internet point out that Microsoft and every other company in any business is like: They do what they do for the money.

01-22-2011, 03:15 PM
No, I don't mean M$ because that's a retarded and obnoxious way people on the internet point out that Microsoft and every other company in any business is like: They do what they do for the money.

Obviously, that's the point of business. But Microsoft throw money around all the time, way more than sony or nintendo.

01-23-2011, 12:12 PM
Crysis 2 is going to make on hell of a game. Too bad you're going to need one of NASA's super computers just to play it on medium details. - And still experience some lag lol :D

Not at all. Crysis: Warhead had improved texture rendering which meant the game could still look pretty good on an average gaming PC. I think that Crysis 2 will either have the same methods, or they will have improved even more so on the rendering methods. By the looks of how the PS3 and 360 versions of Crysis 2 look, I think they've improved the rendering methods.

01-23-2011, 01:08 PM
Not at all. Crysis: Warhead had improved texture rendering which meant the game could still look pretty good on an average gaming PC. I think that Crysis 2 will either have the same methods, or they will have improved even more so on the rendering methods. By the looks of how the PS3 and 360 versions of Crysis 2 look, I think they've improved the rendering methods.

they're probably designing it to be able to run as opposed to having the greatest graphics possible

01-23-2011, 02:46 PM
they're probably designing it to be able to run as opposed to having the greatest graphics possible

Well indeed, there is that. However, they also try get the best looking graphics whilst giving the gamer a better chance of having the best performance, they're clever people over at Crytek :) I really admire their engine.

01-24-2011, 08:35 PM
So who, apart from aforementioned ineligible people, is downloading the demo off XBL tomorrow?

I heard from IGN that their first impressions of the console version of Crysis 2 MP was a bit... clouded in disappointment. It was stated that it looked great, but didn't play as great. However, it has been mentioned that the PC version kicks ass!

Even though I'm getting the demo off XBL tomorrow, I will still be getting Crysis 2 for PC, so I can revel in the graphical wisdom of the game!

Ilyich Valken
01-25-2011, 06:55 PM
So who, apart from aforementioned ineligible people, is downloading the demo off XBL tomorrow?

I heard from IGN that their first impressions of the console version of Crysis 2 MP was a bit... clouded in disappointment. It was stated that it looked great, but didn't play as great. However, it has been mentioned that the PC version kicks ass!

Even though I'm getting the demo off XBL tomorrow, I will still be getting Crysis 2 for PC, so I can revel in the graphical wisdom of the game!

Downloading it as I type this, we'll have to play. However, as far as IGN goes, I take everything they say with a huge grain of salt.

01-25-2011, 07:11 PM
Downloading it as I type this, we'll have to play. However, as far as IGN goes, I take everything they say with a huge grain of salt.

I second that, as I thought the Crysis 2 MP was pretty damn awesome for a Beta. I downloaded it at 12pm GMT (13 hours ago) and played it for a decent amount of time - it definitely improves on Crysis Wars :P
It handles pretty neat and the graphics for a console look pretty damn good, they're better than the likes of Blops anyway *bleurgh!*

This has the potential to be an awesome feat to the game, as it also has a nice ranking system with class unlocks, etc.

There's a good chance you will like it.

Ilyich Valken
01-26-2011, 09:14 PM
Haha I LOVE it. It's so much fun!

01-26-2011, 09:20 PM
If the demo is as good as you say, shouldn't they, idk, let anybody download it? More people that play it, more people that enjoy it, more people that buy it

Ilyich Valken
01-26-2011, 09:32 PM
If the demo is as good as you say, shouldn't they, idk, let anybody download it? More people that play it, more people that enjoy it, more people that buy it

Microsoft paid Crytek to have the demo on the 360 only.. No clue why they wouldn't release it on the 360, but seriously? What's it matter, I doubt you're going to play it. :laugh1:

01-26-2011, 09:43 PM
i'd probably play the demo a lot lol, and if its good enough i'd buy it.

01-27-2011, 12:37 AM
The demo isnt half bad its just hard to get use too and the amount of lead you have to waste is just wtf and getting punched once = death.

01-27-2011, 07:48 AM
The demo isnt half bad its just hard to get use too and the amount of lead you have to waste is just wtf and getting punched once = death.


It's retarded how much you have to spray someone, you just gotta make sure all your bullets go into their head! The shotgun on this game is severely under-powered, also, the physical combat and general combat is quite laggy.

01-27-2011, 11:20 AM

It's retarded how much you have to spray someone, you just gotta make sure all your bullets go into their head! The shotgun on this game is severely under-powered, also, the physical combat and general combat is quite laggy.

Im not sure if i used the shotgun yet but I did pick up a weapon that would one shot people if they were close enough.

They need to up the damage on all weapons, I dont mind the max armor and invis stuff for the most part, ish. As it is a demo they might want to look into the melee system i got hit from over 5 feet away with a punch and i died just running around it was beyond stupid

01-27-2011, 11:31 AM
Im not sure if i used the shotgun yet but I did pick up a weapon that would one shot people if they were close enough.

They need to up the damage on all weapons, I dont mind the max armor and invis stuff for the most part, ish. As it is a demo they might want to look into the melee system i got hit from over 5 feet away with a punch and i died just running around it was beyond stupid

Indeed. I think this game is going to be more of a popular one on PC, and not consoles. The only reason Crytek made Crysis 2 for consoles is because Crysis and Crysis Warhead are the most pirated games in recent times on PC.

02-07-2011, 08:46 AM
Just posted a new review of the demo up on my blog if anyone is interested or still in the dark about the game :)

Games Reviews And Random Banter, It's Full Of Win!: The Bulletstorm Crysis! (http://jayhmmz.blogspot.com/2011/02/bulletstorm-crysis.html)