View Full Version : I'm backerz ^_^

Project Blaze
01-26-2011, 10:22 AM
Heya! :) I read all of the posts in my thread that said I was gonna be gone for a bit, so I thought I'd make a new thread. I just figured it couldn't hurt, I mean, this is the lounge. lol XP And I also wanted to make sure that this gets read.

I'm back (kind of), but due to some unforeseen factors I had to take a longer break than I'd intended. I don't really feel comfortable just blurting out what those factors necessarily are though. But I'll be on-and-off over the course of the next few days, then after those few days I'll be on as much as I used to be.
Not quite everything is in place, but at least the road is paved (so to speak). We all have to start somewhere, I suppose. It's good to be back though, I missed ya guyz and this forum! ^_^

But it's like I said, I'm not entirely back just yet. More like half-way. But like I also said, it'll only take a few more days to get things on fairly steady ground then I'll be on a lot more than just a few moments a day. I still need to work some things out, but it's not as mentally straining as it was before I took a break.
So, just gimme a few dayz to get back on my feet. I'll see ya later! ^_^

- Blaze

01-26-2011, 10:29 AM
Good news :)
Take your time mate

01-26-2011, 10:32 AM
Welcome Half-Way Back. I'll throw you a rope and pull you in the other half way.

01-26-2011, 10:44 AM

*runs away screaming*

01-26-2011, 11:47 AM
Take it easy ( :
Good to see you on the forum again haha

01-26-2011, 12:23 PM
YAY!I missed you!!!
Glad ur back!!!

Project Blaze
01-26-2011, 05:59 PM
Good news :)
Take your time mate
Thanks! I will. ^_^

Welcome Half-Way Back. I'll throw you a rope and pull you in the other half way.
lol It'd have to be in ultra-slow motion if it's gonna take a few dayz to pull me back. XD :P


*runs away screaming*
XD XD I actually laughed when I read that! XD *Chases with a hammer*!! XP

Take it easy ( :
Good to see you on the forum again haha
Thanks, Lemonzez! (: Alwayz guwd to seez ya! ^_^

YAY!I missed you!!!
Glad ur back!!!
lolz I vaz missed!! ^_^ Thanks, Lysia! (:

Gack! I gotta go for now again. >_< I'll stop by again later though! lol Thankz for the welkomez! ^_^ Or welcome backz...? o_O lolz One of those!