View Full Version : Guilty Pleasures

02-02-2011, 05:43 PM
I don't know if there is a thread alredy like this but what are your guilty pleasures?:lipsrsealed:

Mine just happen to watching Glee, any chick flick, and liking Katy Perry....idk why. It's like a sickness. My best friend is same way.

02-02-2011, 05:52 PM
wiz khalifa >_>
only rap i like that isn't grime

02-02-2011, 05:54 PM
I watch Gossip Girl, avid fan of all the seasons so far :P

02-03-2011, 03:58 AM
I watch Gossip Girl, avid fan of all the seasons so far :P

Lol I watched Gossip Girl so much times already lol, but right now I am watching Two and a half men and it's really funny

Project Blaze
02-03-2011, 07:27 AM
Guilty pleasure... well, I'm not sure if this could necessarily be considered a guilty pleasure... But for some reason I feel the constant urge to hurt myself in various ways, so many in fact that I couldn't possibly make a list of the different choices of how to do so. I can be creative as far as that goes... Besides, I probably shouldn't list them anyway. I don't want to be held responsible for someone potentially inflicting fatal injuries upon themselves. That, and it would shatter my conscience.

But anyhow, like I said, I don't know if that could be called a guilty pleasure, but I figured I'd take a crack at it. Plus I can't think of anything else off the top of my head for some strange reason. Kind of depressing, but "It is what it is.", as they say.

I even had to look up guilty pleasures since I didn't know what the hell it was. XD I was just all "... Huh?". lol XD XD

02-03-2011, 11:21 AM
i don't really ever watch tv, but usually if i do it's the disney channel. 1 cuz the girls are always good lookin, 2 i grew up with the channel so it's kinda like got a comfortable vibe, even though most of the shows are dumb.

Project Blaze
02-03-2011, 11:40 AM
i don't really ever watch tv, but usually if i do it's the disney channel. 1 cuz the girls are always good lookin, 2 i grew up with the channel so it's kinda like got a comfortable vibe, even though most of the shows are dumb.
You don't watch TV? Damn dude, I'd literally drop dead if I didn't/couldn't watch the bo... the tube. lol It's one of the few things that keeps me sane!! So you play games for the most part, right? ... As stupid/redundant as that question may sound, I'm still curious. XD :p

02-03-2011, 11:44 AM

02-03-2011, 11:54 AM
You don't watch TV? Damn dude, I'd literally drop dead if I didn't/couldn't watch the bo... the tube. lol It's one of the few things that keeps me sane!! So you play games for the most part, right? ... As stupid/redundant as that question may sound, I'm still curious. XD :p

usually i waste time online or watch movies or somethin

02-03-2011, 12:38 PM
Guilty pleasure... well, I'm not sure if this could necessarily be considered a guilty pleasure... But for some reason I feel the constant urge to hurt myself in various ways, so many in fact that I couldn't possibly make a list of the different choices of how to do so. I can be creative as far as that goes... Besides, I probably shouldn't list them anyway. I don't want to be held responsible for someone potentially inflicting fatal injuries upon themselves. That, and it would shatter my conscience.

But anyhow, like I said, I don't know if that could be called a guilty pleasure, but I figured I'd take a crack at it. Plus I can't think of anything else off the top of my head for some strange reason. Kind of depressing, but "It is what it is.", as they say.

I even had to look up guilty pleasures since I didn't know what the hell it was. XD I was just all "... Huh?". lol XD XD

get a therapist (that's honest and innocent advice - not trying to be sarcastic, rude, or anything.)

Myself, I enjoy a lot of ****ty pop music (not-so) deep down inside... things like Justin Beiber's Baby and Miley Cyrus' Can't Be Tamed... it's so terrible but I just hear all the studio production that went into the recordings and my intellectual interest becomes piqued (yes - Beiber and Cyrus inspire an intellectual curiosity in me.)

God it feels good to get that out.

02-03-2011, 12:43 PM
get a therapist (that's honest and innocent advice - not trying to be sarcastic, rude, or anything.)

seconding this. Please, blaze, do this. Or talk to someone. It breaks my heart to see people post things like that. Please get help for it. Don't hurt yourself. :(

Myself, I enjoy a lot of ****ty pop music (not-so) deep down inside... things like Justin Beiber's Baby and Miley Cyrus' Can't Be Tamed... it's so terrible but I just hear all the studio production that went into the recordings and my intellectual interest becomes piqued (yes - Beiber and Cyrus inspire an intellectual curiosity in me.)

God it feels good to get that out.

I already knew this but I still want to cry when you say it

I'm secretly a fan of Pink and I have a fondness for the Spice Girls (childhood memories okay!?) but I at least think they're on a higher level than Miley Cyrus and Justin Beiber ~_~ :P

I know I have more of these... but I can't think of them right now. Oh well. :P

02-03-2011, 12:47 PM
oh, i forgot, i enjoy a ke$ha song
way worse than wiz khalifa

02-03-2011, 12:47 PM
I secretly like her song Party in the USA. another guilty pleasure, I like a few jonas brothers songs. Some of their more ballady songs like Fly With Me or When You Look Me in the Eyes just resonate with me and make me feel good. The ones that try to be more rockish though are usually kinda dumb

02-03-2011, 12:53 PM
I like to play make believe that I'm Justin Biebers girlfriend.

02-03-2011, 12:56 PM
I like to play make believe that I'm Justin Biebers girlfriend.


02-03-2011, 02:14 PM
I like to play make believe that I'm Justin Biebers girlfriend.

I love you

02-03-2011, 04:33 PM
streaking on golf courses

Project Blaze
02-04-2011, 01:57 AM
get a therapist (that's honest and innocent advice - not trying to be sarcastic, rude, or anything.)
I've gone through(and to) a ridicuous amount of therapists already, and none of them helped, they just weren't solving anything. And then there are the ones that just want to fill their pockets with the damn "green-beans". So, still looking for one that:

1.) CARES WORTH A FLYING ****!!!!!!!!!!!
2.) That I feel comfortable with.
3.) That isn't so god-damn condescending.

So yea, I'm already hunting for one. Bleh. Colorado sucks ass for medical purposes as far as attitude goes. And sometimes even as competence goes. Even though there are probably a handful that were genuinely interested and wanted to help over the course of what... 10 years? Damn little ****-pushers. Wish I could just beat one bloody. But I can't exactly just do that, so what evs.

I appreciate the advice though.

Annnd I still can't think of a guilty pleasure that isn't so depressing. Hahah. Probably just because I'm rushing my thoughts to try to come up with one. I'll come up with one at some point.

02-04-2011, 08:25 AM
picking my nose? :p

Ilyich Valken
02-04-2011, 10:17 AM
I've gone through(and to) a ridicuous amount of therapists already, and none of them helped, they just weren't solving anything. And then there are the ones that just want to fill their pockets with the damn "green-beans". So, still looking for one that:

1.) CARES WORTH A FLYING ****!!!!!!!!!!!
2.) That I feel comfortable with.
3.) That isn't so god-damn condescending.

Not meaning to be an ass/rude with this comment, but that's their job. They're not supposed to fix you, they're there to be impartial (meaning, not caring too much or too little) so as to help you get out whats on your mind and help you work through the problems yourself without swaying your thoughts one way or another. (I know a lot of this from my uncle, who's in school for that field, and worked at a suicide-help line for a while.)

On-topic... hrm, guilty pleasures. I still play Pokemon? Looking forward to Black/White to be honest. Can't say that's not something people don't know, though. I'm sure there is one, I just can't think of it at this point in time.

02-04-2011, 11:15 AM
On-topic... hrm, guilty pleasures. I still play Pokemon? Looking forward to Black/White to be honest. Can't say that's not something people don't know, though. I'm sure there is one, I just can't think of it at this point in time.

oh come on plenty of people still play pokémon that's not guilty :P

02-04-2011, 11:16 AM
That's not a guilty pleasure man.

02-04-2011, 12:56 PM
pokemon all day errday

02-04-2011, 01:04 PM
I still play pokemon I absolutly love pokemon not guilty of it either
I still watch spongebob rarely Ill watch cake boss too and i still watch disney movies

Ilyich Valken
02-04-2011, 01:13 PM
oh come on plenty of people still play pokémon that's not guilty :P

:P I really can't think of any.. I don't really do anything I'd think people would look down on, or at least not to the point of really caring.

02-04-2011, 01:23 PM
you....uh.....enjoy........uh..................... ............


dude I can't think of anything for you lol, of course, you probably haven't told me everything so..

Project Blaze
02-04-2011, 05:33 PM
Whoever felt like giving me a neg rep in this thread saying I'm "pathetic". Talk about making me laugh. Almost cute too. But to each their own, so whatever. Doesn't really bother me, just makes me laugh a little.

Anyway, where was I...? Oh.

Not meaning to be an ass/rude with this comment, but that's their job. They're not supposed to fix you, they're there to be impartial (meaning, not caring too much or too little) so as to help you get out whats on your mind and help you work through the problems yourself without swaying your thoughts one way or another. (I know a lot of this from my uncle, who's in school for that field, and worked at a suicide-help line for a while.)

I wasn't in the best of moods when discussing whatever it was that I posted that you seem to be referring to. And I'd rather forget it, seeing as it would be kind of pointless. Not to mention I doubt it would get anywhere, and it's kind of depressing.

So, moving along, I finally thought of a guilty pleasure. Or what I think is a guilty pleasure... I only found out what the definition of it was a few days ago, so this might not exactly be one. But I'll take a crack at it anyway:
I still play DBZ and Yu-Gi-Oh games. Brings back some good memories, plus YGO seems to have changed quite a bit from when I first started playing it. And DBZ, well, who doesn't like watching a lot of fighting?

I hope I'm hitting the mark though. I'm still not entirely aware of what a guilty pleasure is. :-/

02-04-2011, 06:09 PM
a-ha, I still like playing yugioh, but i won't spend any money on the cards. So I downloaded some ROMS of the old yugioh GBA games I used to play a lot (i lost one, and my DS and GBA L/R buttons don't work so I can't play the other...since I own them though, it's not illegal)

Project Blaze
02-04-2011, 06:54 PM
a-ha, I still like playing yugioh, but i won't spend any money on the cards. So I downloaded some ROMS of the old yugioh GBA games I used to play a lot (i lost one, and my DS and GBA L/R buttons don't work so I can't play the other...since I own them though, it's not illegal)
w000t! I'm not alone!! lol I don't spend money on the cards(anymore anyway). I just play the vid games that come out for it on the DS. The GBA ones I don't really like, except that Dungeon Dice Monsters. That one was pretty fun. I still remember the episodes with Yugi actually playing DDM against that other guy. I can't believe I forgot his name... Was it Deuce? My memory suckz. >_< I also used to have ROMS, but I've got over 60 gigs of music that I use up already. XD
So, I just play the DS YGO games. Well, except for that one GX game for the PS2. Tag Team Tournament or something? I also have Capsule Monster Coliseum and Duelists of the Roses for the PS2. Oh yeah, and Forbidden memories for the PS1. lol And I've got that Reshef of Destruction/The Sacred Cards dual cartridge for my GBA too. I have Dark Duel Stories(GBA) too, but I lost the manual for it. -_- I can't get enough of it for some reason. O_o ^_^
But that sucks about your DS and GBA. If that happened to one of mine I'd just go ahead and break it, since it wouldn't work for me anyway. Except for my GBA, since you don't need the L/R buttons to play the old GBC games on it. ^_^

02-04-2011, 07:10 PM
w000t! I'm not alone!! lol I don't spend money on the cards(anymore anyway). I just play the vid games that come out for it on the DS. The GBA ones I don't really like, except that Dungeon Dice Monsters. That one was pretty fun. I still remember the episodes with Yugi actually playing DDM against that other guy. I can't believe I forgot his name... Was it Deuce? My memory suckz. >_< I also used to have ROMS, but I've got over 60 gigs of music that I use up already. XD
So, I just play the DS YGO games. Well, except for that one GX game for the PS2. Tag Team Tournament or something? I also have Capsule Monster Coliseum and Duelists of the Roses for the PS2. Oh yeah, and Forbidden memories for the PS1. lol And I've got that Reshef of Destruction/The Sacred Cards dual cartridge for my GBA too. I have Dark Duel Stories(GBA) too, but I lost the manual for it. -_- I can't get enough of it for some reason. O_o ^_^
But that sucks about your DS and GBA. If that happened to one of mine I'd just go ahead and break it, since it wouldn't work for me anyway. Except for my GBA, since you don't need the L/R buttons to play the old GBC games on it. ^_^

I like the GBA ones, they're nice and simple before the game got convoluted. His name was Duke Devlin lol. Dungeon Dice Monsters was awesome, me and my friends actually played it (including ilyich) back in the day.

Isn't Dark Duel Stories for the gameboy color?

Project Blaze
02-05-2011, 01:23 PM
I like the GBA ones, they're nice and simple before the game got convoluted. His name was Duke Devlin lol. Dungeon Dice Monsters was awesome, me and my friends actually played it (including ilyich) back in the day.

Isn't Dark Duel Stories for the gameboy color?
Oh yeah! Duke Devlin, I knew that... lol Yeah, DDS was for the GBC. But the GBA plays GBC gamez. You knew that, right? O_o I didn't know till like a year after I got my GBA. XD DBZ: Legendary Super Warriors was also for the GBC. I think I've got 3 YGO games for my DS: Stardust Accelerator, Nightmare Troubadour, and Spirit caller. I haven't finished NT, let alone the others. lol But I like how you can make your character look like an actual person in SC and SA. Especially how much detail you can get into in SA. ^_^ I feel like playin' DDM now too... Actually, I think I will. XD XD

02-05-2011, 02:42 PM
get a therapist (that's honest and innocent advice - not trying to be sarcastic, rude, or anything.).

i have agree with you dilli :( we dont like seeing our members hurting for any reason! :)

hmmm im not sure on this i'd have to say im a big fan of word serch puzzle books and i love doing puzzles (as in jigsaw) lol and im a bit of a gardener when i get going hehe :P but i dont know if they are guilty pleasures but they are the things that dont normally come up in genral chit chat hehe :D :p

Project Blaze
02-05-2011, 05:02 PM
i have agree with you dilli :( we dont like seeing our members hurting for any reason! :)

Gah. I appreciate the concern and advice, but I was just down in the dumps when I posted that. That stuff wasn't really meant to be blurted out by me. Heh. So, sorry about that.

I can't really think of any other guilty pleasures other than liking Yu-Gi-Oh and DBZ games(vid games, not CC games, even though there's a DBZ Card Game that's a vid game for the GBA... lol).

02-05-2011, 09:59 PM
Keeping up with the Kardashian's. The Kim and Kourtney are cute, Khloe isn't all that cute but definitely the biggest wise @$$ in the family, and Bruce is my hero because he is the only sane one.

I secretly like her song Party in the USA.
Yeah, +1 on this... *shrug*

There, I said it... :laugh1:

02-05-2011, 10:22 PM
i secretly think ke$ha is attractive

02-06-2011, 08:39 AM
i secretly think ke$ha is attractive

Ke$ha? ....I would.

02-06-2011, 10:25 AM
i secretly think ke$ha is attractive



02-06-2011, 10:34 AM
Oh god...
After seeing those pictures, no. She was alright with clothes on... Haha!
I guess television and the media does wonders for how you look :P
However, those pictures were obviously not doctored in any way, shape or form :P


02-06-2011, 03:31 PM
dammit dili i dont think im ever gonna get an erection again

02-06-2011, 03:39 PM
Thanks Dlil... I just lost my appetite for dinner. (enter puking smiley here)