View Full Version : Who gets under your skin or flat-out sets you off?

Project Blaze
02-04-2011, 02:29 AM
God-damn I'm bored... Tch.

Well anyway, who makes you just want to snap, twist, and break their neck? It can really be anyone. Fictional characters(including books, anime, manga, etc.) or "real" people(any kind of show on TV or a movie, or just the individual's personality outside of the media.). Basically no limitations on saying who's a thorn in your side. You can list multiple people if you want to.
Almost forgot, you don't have to say why you hate/dislike the person if you don't want to.

Not sure what made me think of making a thread like this, probably extreme boredom. Or maybe I'm just ****ed in the head. Who knows, but I'm not sure I really care as to why I made this thread... Hahah. Sounds kinda fun to me atm.

Let's see... people that snap it off for me that I can immediately come up with would be everyone, EVERYONE in my distant so-called "family". That saying of "blood is thicker than water? That's just a bunch of bull-**** that some idiot came up with imo. Blood is NOT, I repeat, NOT thicker than water. If anything, you're just more vulnerable to them if you think like that. My "immediate" family on the other hand, talk about the polar opposite. Reason(s)? Uhhmmm... sort of sensitive and way too personal to get into.

Well, not sure if I'll get in trouble for making this thread or if it'll get closed or something, but feel free to vent here about people if it doesn't get closed or something.

Huh... since it looks like I kicked things off, anyone care to catch the ball(so-to-speak)?

02-04-2011, 03:01 AM
that douchebag

02-04-2011, 06:08 AM
Hmmmmmm people who think that they can get what they want just because they are pretty p***s me right off I do agree with you tat your more vounrable for people in your family to muck you around but there your family (and I love mine no matter what they've done) :D

02-04-2011, 06:16 AM
I don't hate anyone, but there are people that really annoy me because of the way they treat other people or the way they act -

1. Jeremy Kyle (Talk show host) he is a massive douche bag. LOL.
2. Miley Cyrus. I think she is the worst role model and just irritating.
3. Alexandra Burke. SO fake. And I thought it was horrendous when she went to Haiti after the disaster just to make herself look good to promote her album.

I'm not a big fan of bullies, fake people, ignorant people, slutty people or people with tunnel vision, but everyone has a choice of who they want to be and what attitude they want to take, so I guess these people have chosen to be how they are for a reason.

02-04-2011, 08:05 AM
justin beiber.... <---- dude fails at life

02-04-2011, 08:15 AM
"who's a thorn in your side"?

me :/

02-04-2011, 09:59 AM
The ninja donkey in my cupboards...

02-04-2011, 12:14 PM
"who's a thorn in your side"?

me :/

holy emo batman! You look like you're fixing to out-do Blaze :P

Myself, while I've practiced for a long time to not lend myself easily provoked by any one issue, I'm always thrown for a loop when I have to be with someone that has a cold, dry, judgmental attitude; the context doesn't matter. I can't really think of any public figures that really infuriate me too much, so I'm gonna go with that depressingly serious and vague answer.

Ilyich Valken
02-04-2011, 01:09 PM
holy emo batman! You look like you're fixing to out-do Blaze :P

Myself, while I've practiced for a long time to not lend myself easily provoked by any one issue, I'm always thrown for a loop when I have to be with someone that has a cold, dry, judgmental attitude; the context doesn't matter. I can't really think of any public figures that really infuriate me too much, so I'm gonna go with that depressingly serious and vague answer.

That's not quite true, I seem to do a good job of it. :P

I don't know, honestly. A lot of people do. I try not to, but I have the general thought that people are morons until they prove not to be (which... sadly... doesn't happen often enough for my liking.)

02-04-2011, 01:40 PM

Anyways...generally elitist metalheads that think their music is the best on the planet and that any bands they don't like are inferior. they piss me off

02-04-2011, 04:28 PM
Justin Bieber. Nuff said. I just don't like him or his music.

02-04-2011, 05:17 PM
justin beiber.... <---- dude fails at life

This exactly!

02-05-2011, 05:20 PM
:D I just meant 'cause I'm constantly getting in my own way lol. But seriously, I would have to say my boyfriend's friends. They used to be my friends. Evidently I was just such a terrible person that instead of helping me when I was down they wrote me off and stopped speaking to me. Now they do drugs and eat meat. They've changed completely and now the very thought of them makes my blood boil.

So yeah, as uninteresting an answer as my first one lol :D

Project Blaze
02-05-2011, 05:26 PM
Wow... I'm surprised this thing lasted for as long as it has. Hahah, I was so pissed when I made this that it's actually kinda funny in retrospect. Aaaaanyway, back to chillin' for little ol' meh! :p

I don't hate anyone, but there are people that really annoy me because of the way they treat other people or the way they act -

1. Jeremy Kyle (Talk show host) he is a massive douche bag. LOL.
2. Miley Cyrus. I think she is the worst role model and just irritating.
3. Alexandra Burke. SO fake. And I thought it was horrendous when she went to Haiti after the disaster just to make herself look good to promote her album.

I'm not a big fan of bullies, fake people, ignorant people, slutty people or people with tunnel vision, but everyone has a choice of who they want to be and what attitude they want to take, so I guess these people have chosen to be how they are for a reason.
I don't like bullies, fakes, ignorant or slutty people either. But sometimes some people just persist in trying to egg you on. And sometimes they succeed... towards me anyway. Soo, I guess that's my logic. Or a weak attempt at some sort of justification. I dunno. But its not like I constantly have a chip on my shoulder, I've just got my bad days like anyone else.

"who's a thorn in your side"?

me :/
How are you a thorn in my side? I didn't catch on to any spite. You confuzed meh... >_<

02-05-2011, 06:09 PM
How are you a thorn in my side? I didn't catch on to any spite. You confuzed meh... >_<

Huh? I'm a thorn in my own side is what I was saying :D

Project Blaze
02-05-2011, 09:39 PM
Huh? I'm a thorn in my own side is what I was saying :D
Ohh. XD But that makes it sound like you don't have much self-esteem there. :( Even though, like I'm one to talk. lol

02-05-2011, 09:39 PM
Anyone remember that guy Exoydus or something along those lines? Ya, that guy.

Project Blaze
02-05-2011, 09:44 PM
Anyone remember that guy Exoydus or something along those lines? Ya, that guy.
Erm... not really. :/ Who is it...?

02-05-2011, 09:51 PM
Ohh. XD But that makes it sound like you don't have much self-esteem there. :( Even though, like I'm one to talk. lol

It's all good. It was just a joke, but I guess it didn't translate to text so well lol <3 cheer up :)

02-05-2011, 09:58 PM
Erm... not really. :/ Who is it...?

I don't know if you were here or not, just a guy on the forum who really got on mine and a few other peoples nerves. Not the best time.

Project Blaze
02-05-2011, 09:58 PM
It's all good. It was just a joke, but I guess it didn't translate to text so well lol <3 cheer up :)
'ey, I'm cheered up... well... mellow is more like it. XD But still cheered up, just not jumpin' off the walls cheered up. :p

And I'm sorta half-asleep over here, so that might be most of the reason that I didn't get it. lol

02-06-2011, 02:26 AM
Lol, cool :) sweet dreams :p

Project Blaze
02-06-2011, 06:15 AM
I don't know if you were here or not, just a guy on the forum who really got on mine and a few other peoples nerves. Not the best time.
Ah. Glad I wasn't here when he was, I detest when people get on my nerves. Especially when they act like smart-asses. -_-

Lol, cool :) sweet dreams :p
Actually it kinda sucks when I'm tryin' to do somethin' like type. I end up mis-spelling every other word on a ridiculous level. XD But thanks for sayin' sweet dreamz!! ^_^