View Full Version : How many (anonymous) friends do you have, what kind of friends are they?

Project Blaze
02-06-2011, 06:02 AM
Sooo, yea, I got bored again and did some thinking... Pfft, when am I not stuck thinking? Anyway, I just felt like askin' this after it came up out of the blue literally a few minutes ago.

You don't have to say their name or identify them in any way, shape, or form. Just the number of friends you have and the type of friendship you have with said mystery person. Or you can give out their name anyway, or just their gender and still that mysterious person or people. Completely up to you. I'll give an example(Just list them as they come to mind, this isn't a ranking system.):

Friend #1) She's pretty nice to me a lot of the time, but she can also get pretty mad.
Friend #2.(Not gender-specific)) One of my friends didn't turn out to be friends at all.

Get it? I just thought this'd be a nice change of pace, since I couldn't find one like it.
Well, here's my incognito list(keep in mind that all of my friends are over the net):

Friend 1.) They're pretty concerned and there for me to talk to. About anything really. Probably the best friend I've ever had, and the for the longest. ^_^ ^_^

Friend 2.) Also very informed and one I'm able to talk to about anything. She's really sweet too. ^_^

Friend 3.) Another friend that said I can talk to them, but I don't seem to be getting too many conversations or chit-chat starting lately for some reason.

Friend 4.) This one and myself are die-hard anime fans, so we discuss all sorts of seasons and different franchises. She's pretty fun too.

Friend 5.) This one is a little strange/awkward, or I might just have bad timing... There's another friend, but I can't seem to get any sort of conversation out of 'em. Talk about depressing. I guess they might just be busy.

Five friends total!!! w00000t!!!! Hahah. Better than not having any friends at all, and it's nice to have people to confide in. ^_^

I wouldn't be surprised if this topic just gets run over or somethin', but I figured it couldn't hurt. Anyone have more friends than me? Like... everyone? XD

02-06-2011, 03:30 PM
wtf is going on in this thread

i have three friends, all female
one probably doesnt give a **** about me anymore
another i never hang out with outside of school
and i'm trying to resist falling in love with the third

02-07-2011, 09:08 AM
wtf is going on in this thread

I chuckled

and i'm trying to resist falling in love with the third

give up and go for it (there's your friendly advice from the internet for the day)

look at how good I am at wasting time:

1) Roommate who's all around awesome and pretty good at LoL
2) Roommate who's all around awesome and so adorable you don't hate him when he's not good at LoL
3) Roommate who's all around awesome and ...okay at LoL (j/k bud, j/k... he hates playing LoL with me because I get critical of little silly things in the game XD I don't blame him, I feel like a terrible person)
4) Roommate who's all around awesome and pretty good at LoL and sexy
5) person who isn't a roommate who is a sweetheart and needs to get away from her roommates every now and then
6) girlfriend of my roommate who is all around awesome
7) girlfriend of my roommate who is all around awesome but currently in a different country
8) girlfriend of my roommate who isn't that awesome to me, actually... wait, this is a list for friends. What is this doing here?
9) guy that I should hang out with more often because his peculiar attitude and fine perception interest me
10) people on this forum like LemonRising, BobTD, Jaykub, etc
11) neighbor who I organize HvZ with who is all around awesome
12) other neighbor who I organize HvZ with who is a sweetheart
13) other neighbor who I organize HvZ with who I haven't convinced to play LoL with me yet though I was close at times
14) tons of other people I just don't talk to as regularly/don't feel like listing because this is getting more boring than it was when I first set out
15) why did you read all of these? My life's current friendships written out in ambiguous terms can't be that interesting.

02-07-2011, 10:22 AM
4) Roommate who's all around awesome and pretty good at LoL and sexy

I giggled

you're talking about Jon, right?


I don't think I am going to do one, but ... yay!

also, yeah, leiqa, DO IT


10) people on this forum like LemonRising, BobTD, Jaykub, etc


02-07-2011, 12:13 PM
10) people on this forum like LemonRising, BobTD, Jaykub, etc

Or you can give out their name anyway, or just their gender and still that mysterious person or people. Completely up to you.


also lol @ you pinning Jon as sexy roommate, you coy thing you

02-07-2011, 12:14 PM
I knew they didn't have to be anonymous I just like messing with you :P

and what? :3 Jon is sexy roommate :3

02-07-2011, 01:23 PM
i only have one friend really that i can trust with anything and everything he means the world to me and i would do anything for him! he is just awesome! words really cant discribe how amazing he is <3 <3

02-07-2011, 03:56 PM
let's see

1. Best friend who's a lot like me, yet we don't seem to have a lot in common anymore. It's strange. I hardly ever see him though cuz he doesn't go to school here and he spent last summer and will be spending this summer at school.
2. Another friend that we basically just talk a lot on AIM and when we hang out there's nothin really to do.
3. Friend that basically got me into the kind of music i'm into now but basically fell in love with this girl that he met through me and now his entire life revolves around her. At least he realizes it and that it's not a good thing, but he can't help it.
4. Friend that I used to hang out with at camp a lot but then we didn't see each other for a while and randomly hung out this summer. He thinks everybody is a moron and we argue over dumb stuff a lot (have fun figuring out who this is xD)
5. Girl who I was friends with for a while and we both kinda liked each other and didn't know it though. But then I met her sister and really started to like her and we dated...anyways she started to hate me but then we got along again and i haven't seen her since high school.
6. The sister that I dated and we got along well but didn't really have anything in common. I miss her, i've only seen her like twice since high school
7. My overcapacity roommate from college, he was only our roommate for like a week and a half until they found him his own room. He always seemed to be stoned and had strange taste in music but was fun to chill with.
8. My friend from college that I met at orientation but didn't start hanging out with him until we ended up in all of the same classes together. We used to hang out a lot and play video games and stuff, but eventually we drifted apart because he started getting into the theater program and I became depressed cuz I was stuck in a bad relationship that I was too dumb to leave.
9. Another friend I met at orientation, I didn't expect to become friends with him like I did, and I always hung out with him and #8 but he moved back home after the first semester due to financial reasons. I miss hanging out with him.

There are more people, but I feel those people were the ones most worth mentioning

02-17-2011, 04:38 PM
friend nr 1 Probably my best friend, as lazy as me and play at least as much. Cant decide wich hair colour he wants.

friend nr 2 disliked by many in the class but I dont care. He is mocking with one teacher all the time.

friend nr 3 he is called dullen by everyone even if it isnt his name and is new to gaming.

friend nr 4 she is a friend even if we dont hang out really.

Project Blaze
02-20-2011, 11:17 AM
wtf is going on in this thread
That's exactly what I'm thinking atm. I'm seeing quotes from posts that I don't see. -_- Nice lists though, even if it seems like posts were deleted for some reason. Or just removed entirely... weird.