View Full Version : Goodbye Guitar Hero

02-09-2011, 08:53 PM
The Guitar Hero franchise is over

Activision ends the Guitar Hero franchise, axes True Crime: Hong Kong, Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock Xbox 360 News | GamesRadar (http://www.gamesradar.com/xbox360/guitar-hero-warriors-of-rock/news/activision-ends-the-guitar-hero-franchise-axes-true-crime-hong-kong/a-20110209154054525017/g-2010060411199419002)

alas you were a good game but you have to admit... rock bands better in my opinion
Good Bye Guitar Hero Sincerly,
John Curtis :(

02-09-2011, 08:55 PM
Damn ... seems like Rock Band won ! More to do of course !

02-09-2011, 08:57 PM
They came up with a bull**** reason saying that they axed Guitar Hero due to the decrease in music interest throughout the world... what the **** is that!? There has been no such decrease.

We all know that they are axing both games so they can save money for the Call of Duty franchise, which generates most of their revenue atm.
Yet more evidence of the developers having financial trouble. Don't forget, with axing the games, they also axe the employees working on the games... they just saved themselves a lot of money!

02-09-2011, 09:11 PM
Good riddance

02-10-2011, 03:04 AM
It was a good game, but just a bit over played. See what I did there? :laugh1:

02-10-2011, 04:18 AM
Guitar Hero: Metallica was the last GH game that i really enjoyed.. though it's a shame to see the franchise come to an end.. I have to say, it's about time.

02-10-2011, 07:17 AM
lol'ed at wicked - very good though lol
yeah i have to say the same as knightly knibbler Metallica was the last one that was awesome but they should lay a good streek down sad to see :(

:P :P :P

02-10-2011, 07:19 AM
Anything Metallica is bound to be awesome. Special mention to them for mixing Death Magnetic album better than they ****ing had it done, initially!

02-11-2011, 08:23 AM
wow... I knew it was on the downswing but didn't know it was low enough to be cut! I'm gonna have to go with Eps and say "good riddance," though. Rhythm games had a sudden surge of popularity but the novelty has worn off and it seems like the genre in general has subsided back to its niche interest community (just my feelings on it, of course, I could be very wrong.)

I'll always remember that summer I passed through the fire and flames; we'll miss you, GH <3

02-11-2011, 01:04 PM
Never played it and I never will.

02-11-2011, 01:19 PM
Why can't they be like a normal company, and make a new game in a few years? They keep making games over and over and over and it's hard for people to catch up. Make a new one when you have a reason to make a new one, and people are ready for a new one.

02-12-2011, 12:05 AM
Surprised me a bit, thought everyone loved it.

02-12-2011, 12:33 PM
I read GHIII sold 1.5 million copies, while the new one, Warriors of Rock, only sold 86,000 copies.
So there was a downward spiral.

I love Guitar Hero, rythum games are my favorite. It's great for parties and such.
I hated RockBand, everything about it. Guitar Hero was so much better taken care of and had better track lists from the getgo.
Yes, Rockband had a better online selection, but why should you have to spend more money to get the songs you want?

The worst news was that they aren't making anymore downloadable content for Guitar Hero anymore though. That was what made me sad.

Looks like Activision Blizzard is turning more into Call of Duty Blizzard. Or, one could argue Call of Duty World of Warcraft

Ilyich Valken
02-12-2011, 01:33 PM
I read GHIII sold 1.5 million copies, while the new one, Warriors of Rock, only sold 86,000 copies.
So there was a downward spiral.

I love Guitar Hero, rythum games are my favorite. It's great for parties and such.
I hated RockBand, everything about it. Guitar Hero was so much better taken care of and had better track lists from the getgo.
Yes, Rockband had a better online selection, but why should you have to spend more money to get the songs you want?

The worst news was that they aren't making anymore downloadable content for Guitar Hero anymore though. That was what made me sad.

Looks like Activision Blizzard is turning more into Call of Duty Blizzard. Or, one could argue Call of Duty World of Warcraft
The thing about the whole Rock Band vs Guitar Hero thing is.. Rock Band added more innovation, and had more development time in-between releases, making for a more polished game.

The only innovation Guitar Hero had was the song maker and jumping from guitar-only to band set up in World Tour, which the game itself kind of sucked and was just playing off the Rock Band set up, and then again in Guitar Hero 5 when they added in Avatar use, drop-in drop-out party play, and a couple of other things.

Rock Band changed significantly between the first and second game and second and third games, making it possible to use your character for not one, but all instruments, being able to use all of your songs from the past games, and allowing DLC to work on the newer ones, and the keyboard. Harmonix has the upper hand because they're not owned by Activision, thus not being forced to churn out another slightly more shiny pile of crap every 12 months or so.

That said, you really couldn't argue "Call of Duty World of Warcraft" because 1) Activision Blizzard is just the name of the two companies combined, Blizzard still acts of their own accord, outside of any major influence of Activison, and are still working on games other than World of Warcraft (e.g. Diablo 3, Starcraft 2, Torchlight 1/2.) I know you're probably just trying to be witty, but... knowing what your talking about should accompany that.

02-13-2011, 07:39 PM
The thing about the whole Rock Band vs Guitar Hero thing is.. Rock Band added more innovation, and had more development time in-between releases, making for a more polished game.

The only innovation Guitar Hero had was the song maker and jumping from guitar-only to band set up in World Tour, which the game itself kind of sucked and was just playing off the Rock Band set up, and then again in Guitar Hero 5 when they added in Avatar use, drop-in drop-out party play, and a couple of other things.

Rock Band changed significantly between the first and second game and second and third games, making it possible to use your character for not one, but all instruments, being able to use all of your songs from the past games, and allowing DLC to work on the newer ones, and the keyboard. Harmonix has the upper hand because they're not owned by Activision, thus not being forced to churn out another slightly more shiny pile of crap every 12 months or so.

That said, you really couldn't argue "Call of Duty World of Warcraft" because 1) Activision Blizzard is just the name of the two companies combined, Blizzard still acts of their own accord, outside of any major influence of Activison, and are still working on games other than World of Warcraft (e.g. Diablo 3, Starcraft 2, Torchlight 1/2.) I know you're probably just trying to be witty, but... knowing what your talking about should accompany that.

Rockband never even released double bass pedal. Their so called "Pro mode" on drums sucked, doing Avenged Sevenfold with no double bass? Where is the fun?
Yes, sure, they had piano/keyboard. That's exactly what I don't want to do, I like to have fun as a fake rockstar, not signing a song as a piano man.
Yes, in Guitar Hero, you can use your character for more than one instrument...I dont get what you meant by that.
All the downloadable content from World Tour can be in 5, and World Tour and 5s can be used in the newest. It's all compatible.
Songs from past games you pay for in guitar hero, I guess you can say Rockband has that advantage.
But lets be honest, what songs other than Enter Sandman were even good on the original Rockband?

Also, Rockband 3's tracklist is nearly all songs that have been in previous guitar heros, or just suck all together.
1) That was a joke. You most likely need to realize that. 2) You took that too seriously.

02-13-2011, 08:37 PM
There were plenty of good songs...Don't Fear the Reaper, Welcome Home. I don't remember the rest cuz i only played it once. But don't forget, that was the FIRST one. there have been 2 more since, both of which were massively improved. The songs are more realistically charted (guitar hero games are overcharted to make it more complicated) and the game is way more polished.

And Ilyich, sure you could argue about it...not sure why you would though lol

Ilyich Valken
02-13-2011, 10:26 PM
Rockband never even released double bass pedal. Their so called "Pro mode" on drums sucked, doing Avenged Sevenfold with no double bass? Where is the fun?
Just because they never released it doesn't mean it's not possible, my friend did it.

Yes, sure, they had piano/keyboard. That's exactly what I don't want to do, I like to have fun as a fake rockstar, not signing a song as a piano man.
Doesn't matter if that's what you want or not, they still improved the game.

Yes, in Guitar Hero, you can use your character for more than one instrument...I dont get what you meant by that.
Sure they did, doesn't really change the fact that World Tour was basically Neversoft's take on Rock Band.

All the downloadable content from World Tour can be in 5, and World Tour and 5s can be used in the newest. It's all compatible.
Sure they can, but most of Rock Band 2's (and i think to an extent, 3's) download songs can be used in the first game.

Songs from past games you pay for in guitar hero, I guess you can say Rockband has that advantage.
But lets be honest, what songs other than Enter Sandman were even good on the original Rockband?
Quite a few songs. To be honest, Enter Sandman is an okay song in itself, it's definitely not the greatest.

Also, Rockband 3's tracklist is nearly all songs that have been in previous guitar heros, or just suck all together.

Seriously, it's all perspective, but most people you'd ask would say there's very few truely bad songs on the Rock Band games.

1) That was a joke. You most likely need to realize that. 2) You took that too seriously.
"Joke" or not, it wasn't completely factual, which most jokes like that usually are.

And Ilyich, sure you could argue about it...not sure why you would though lol
Sure you could.. if you wanted to look uneducated about something you're talking about.

02-14-2011, 09:48 PM
I didn't know opinions were uneducated, sorry I'm such a bad person because I think Rockband sucks.
In my view it does. It is missing a lot, and personally, the rectangles for notes bothers me and I can't play. Plus their guitars suck.

Argue against my opinion, in the end it just makes you look like you're arguing with yourself since everything you called "wrong and uneducated" is purely opinion.

Ilyich Valken
02-14-2011, 10:33 PM
I didn't know opinions were uneducated, sorry I'm such a bad person because I think Rockband sucks.
In my view it does. It is missing a lot, and personally, the rectangles for notes bothers me and I can't play. Plus their guitars suck.

Argue against my opinion, in the end it just makes you look like you're arguing with yourself since everything you called "wrong and uneducated" is purely opinion.

Actually, the only thing i called "wrong and uneducated" was the WoW comment to Blizzard, which insinuated that it was the only game they spent their time and money on. Not once did I say that your opinion that Guitar Hero was better than Rock Band was wrong, I was just stating what I know/think.

What's Rock Band missing that Guitar Hero has? Mind elaborating on this aspect?

And really? You're going to say a game sucks/not going to play it because a completely graphical feature is rectangular instead of circular? Really?

Not to mention, the only Rock Band guitar that sucked as bad as you say was the one that came with the first game. The ones after that were fixed.

Edit: Arguing with myself? What? Lmfao.. right.

02-14-2011, 11:47 PM
Good riddance


dont like either rockband or guitar hero. played both.

02-15-2011, 04:27 AM
I was not fond of this game at all, but I do watch my friends play this game and they are very good at it lol you can even see that they played this game alot when you see them play:D

02-15-2011, 05:05 AM
They came up with a bull**** reason saying that they axed Guitar Hero due to the decrease in music interest throughout the world... what the **** is that!? There has been no such decrease.

We all know that they are axing both games so they can save money for the Call of Duty franchise, which generates most of their revenue atm.
Yet more evidence of the developers having financial trouble. Don't forget, with axing the games, they also axe the employees working on the games... they just saved themselves a lot of money!

There is a decrease in music interest (well, in classical rock music interest). 99.9% of the youth has converted to rap and no one really gives a **** about bands such as ACDC, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, ZZ Top, Guns 'n Roses etc. So, they didn't come up with a fake reason.
And even if the reason is fake, at least the next Call of Duty installment is going to be awesome.

02-15-2011, 07:13 AM
And even if the reason is fake, at least the next Call of Duty installment is going to be awesome.

I wouldn't hold your breath on that :P
Let's wait and see if they release a beta/demo pre-release, and then we will know they're on the right track again. If they don't do this, then expect a buggy game that will lack customer support.

02-15-2011, 06:56 PM
Actually, the only thing i called "wrong and uneducated" was the WoW comment to Blizzard, which insinuated that it was the only game they spent their time and money on. Not once did I say that your opinion that Guitar Hero was better than Rock Band was wrong, I was just stating what I know/think.

What's Rock Band missing that Guitar Hero has? Mind elaborating on this aspect?

And really? You're going to say a game sucks/not going to play it because a completely graphical feature is rectangular instead of circular? Really?

Not to mention, the only Rock Band guitar that sucked as bad as you say was the one that came with the first game. The ones after that were fixed.

Edit: Arguing with myself? What? Lmfao.. right.

Rock Band is missing the fun factor to me. It's always seemed bland and boring. The campaign in Rockband is completely terrible, and always has been. Guitar Hero atleast fixed this in their new one. Rockband 3's sucks, just like Rockband 2 and 1.
Rockband has never had the "Wow' factor that guitar hero has. I've found their tracklists blah, with songs I've already played in guitar hero.
Character customization in Rockband is lacking so much, you can't even make what you want your person to look like. Pre-decided outfits and automatic faces with terrible hair choices. It's not fun at all. I can keep going, if you want.
I didn't say I wasn't gonna play it, I've played all 3, beaten the first and second both on expert drums. Yes, it messes up my timing. Is sucking at Rockband is being really good at guitar hero because of the shape of the note isn't a good reason? If I can't play as good, there is a reason.
And no, all of them sucked. You can't slide on their guitars because there is a divider between each fret. So in guitar solos of hammer ons and pull offs, you can't go as fast as you can on a guitar hero guitar.

Ilyich Valken
02-15-2011, 08:21 PM
Rock Band is missing the fun factor to me. It's always seemed bland and boring. The campaign in Rockband is completely terrible, and always has been. Guitar Hero atleast fixed this in their new one. Rockband 3's sucks, just like Rockband 2 and 1.
Rockband has never had the "Wow' factor that guitar hero has. I've found their tracklists blah, with songs I've already played in guitar hero.
Character customization in Rockband is lacking so much, you can't even make what you want your person to look like. Pre-decided outfits and automatic faces with terrible hair choices. It's not fun at all. I can keep going, if you want.
All of that's purely opinionated, that doesn't mean the game is bad.

I didn't say I wasn't gonna play it, I've played all 3, beaten the first and second both on expert drums. Yes, it messes up my timing. Is sucking at Rockband is being really good at guitar hero because of the shape of the note isn't a good reason? If I can't play as good, there is a reason.

Honestly... if something as little as the shape of a little graphic on-screen screws up your timing, that seems like more of a personal issue, not a problem with the game.

And no, all of them sucked. You can't slide on their guitars because there is a divider between each fret. So in guitar solos of hammer ons and pull offs, you can't go as fast as you can on a guitar hero guitar.

Making the guitar more realistic. If you can't slide between the buttons with ease, or have enough dexterity to not have to, then that, once again, is a personal issue, not the fault of the guitar.

02-15-2011, 08:27 PM
Making the guitar more realistic. If you can't slide between the buttons with ease, or have enough dexterity to not have to, then that, once again, is a personal issue, not the fault of the guitar.

Tbh, this could be seen as a design flaw. But, as far as I can remember, I never had a problem sliding on my RB2 guitar. I never really slid on it though, but I never had a problem with it.

I didn't say I wasn't gonna play it, I've played all 3, beaten the first and second both on expert drums. Yes, it messes up my timing. Is sucking at Rockband is being really good at guitar hero because of the shape of the note isn't a good reason? If I can't play as good, there is a reason.

It threw me off at first too, it takes a LITTLE BIT of time to get used to the new shape, but after playing a few songs there should be no difference. Seems like you're just complaining for the sake of complaining. Sounds like what everybody said about Killzone 2 "oh, this shooter has different controls than call of duty, which throws me off, therefore it sucks"

02-15-2011, 08:37 PM
wow never knew this post would get this much replies I was just sharing the news well anyway thank you guys ;)

02-15-2011, 08:43 PM
I'm gunna put my opinion out there, as an actual guitar player...

WARNING: Personal view may annoy various readers!

With all the time spent learning how to get awesome at Guitar Hero, putting all of those hours into the game... gamers could have learnt how to play a real guitar! Same with Rock Band... the drums, etc!
Even though drums are a lot harder to learn than guitar, depending on natural rhythm and ability to multi-task, those could be effectively learnt to a rookie level in the time it takes a gamer to get awesome at drums on a game!

I realise it's a game, and yes it's fun to see it all happen on screen... but I just never got it. There could have been a lot more talented musicians out there if they just left their skills alone on that game, and picked up an actual instrument! Much more satisfying, trust me :P People who play instruments will concur to how amazing it feels to just pick up your guitar for example, and just go into your place and chill out for hours...

Also, just to interrupt myself before anyone is like "Well dude, that is your opinion, doesn't mean it's fact, wah, wah, moan, moan, whine, whine..." I am highly aware that these are my opinions, and not fact. I know there are a lot of people on here who jump to that comment... it's common :P

On the other hand, I know a small number of people, personally, who have been compelled into buying a guitar after playing Guitar Hero or Rock Band, which is great! But not enough of that happens! :P

Yes I'm being an instrument snob, but bah! I don't care :D

So yeah... I say it ain't a big loss at all to the gaming world :) To hell with Rock Band as well to be fair!
But yes, as I will reiterate, these are my opinions and they are obviously not factual comments... even though the time spent playing the damn game so much COULD actually be spent into learning to play an actual instrument, I will stand by that as fact.

*cue quotations of this post, cue criticism of my opinions, cue a general shelling of dislike for an upfront view*

02-15-2011, 08:52 PM
Lol I got really good at guitar hero, beat 95% of the songs on Expert+, so now I own a real drum kit! I'm learning it, but if it wasn't for Guitar Hero, I wouldn't have it. It helped team me how to keep a beat going, and bass pedal is exactly the same. So if anything, Guitar Hero was a basic trainer for drums.

02-15-2011, 08:56 PM
Lol I got really good at guitar hero, beat 95% of the songs on Expert+, so now I own a real drum kit! I'm learning it, but if it wasn't for Guitar Hero, I wouldn't have it. It helped team me how to keep a beat going, and bass pedal is exactly the same. So if anything, Guitar Hero was a basic trainer for drums.

This is excellent news, squire! :D
Glad to hear it!!

02-15-2011, 08:58 PM
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Telling somebody who plays guitar hero to play a real guitar is like telling somebody who plays call of duty to join the army. They like it because it's a game and because it's a simulation. Guitar isn't all fun, it's lots of hard work, and takes a lot of time and investment. Guitar hero and stuff is just fun. In the time it takes to be able to beat songs on expect on guitar hero, you're not gonna learn much on guitar.

02-15-2011, 09:03 PM
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Telling somebody who plays guitar hero to play a real guitar is like telling somebody who plays call of duty to join the army. They like it because it's a game and because it's a simulation. Guitar isn't all fun, it's lots of hard work, and takes a lot of time and investment. Guitar hero and stuff is just fun. In the time it takes to be able to beat songs on expect on guitar hero, you're not gonna learn much on guitar.

Mate, as I stated in my post, which I made very, very clear (maybe not clear enough, apparently) it was just my opinion... I get the fact that it's a game and it's fun seeing it all happen on screen and getting a score and stuff, which I also stated in my post, by the way. I didn't really dispute that for other people, I was just telling people of my opinion, that is all.
It's not like telling people to join the army if they play Call of Duty at all, that's more of a serious matter and it's a completely different genre. I wouldn't want the majority of Call of Duty gamers to join my country's army if they're gunna be so much of a noob running around!

02-15-2011, 09:09 PM
It's not like telling people to join the army if they play Call of Duty at all, that's more of a serious matter and it's a completely different genre. I wouldn't want the majority of Call of Duty gamers to join my country's army if they're gunna be so much of a noob running around!

Well, let's take a look at the last part of your post.

"*cue quotations of this post, cue criticism of my opinions, cue a general shelling of dislike for an upfront view*"


But of course it's not exactly like it, it's an extreme example yes, but basically what i was saying was that's like saying "don't play the game, go out and do something for real." but people like it for the game and fun aspect of it. But you said you mentioned that in your post, which I only briefly skimmed, guess I missed that part.

02-15-2011, 09:10 PM
Well, let's take a look at the last part of your post.

"*cue quotations of this post, cue criticism of my opinions, cue a general shelling of dislike for an upfront view*"


Damn you!

...You win this time.

02-15-2011, 09:12 PM
Damn you!

...You win this time.

You mad bro. A-ha. But yea, I play guitar too, and guitar hero is a completely different experience, even though the controller is the same shape as the guitar lol.

02-15-2011, 09:16 PM
You mad bro. A-ha. But yea, I play guitar too, and guitar hero is a completely different experience, even though the controller is the same shape as the guitar lol.

Haha :D

Indeed. I enjoyed it for the first couple of weeks I had it, but then I got annoyed because I was better at real guitar than Guitar Hero, haha! Oh the irony!

02-16-2011, 07:42 AM
I wouldn't hold your breath on that :P
Let's wait and see if they release a beta/demo pre-release, and then we will know they're on the right track again. If they don't do this, then expect a buggy game that will lack customer support.

Though the campaign is probably going to suck, the multiplayer shoud be awesome according to me.

02-16-2011, 08:05 AM
Though the campaign is probably going to suck, the multiplayer shoud be awesome according to me.

The multiplayer does depend on what does it for you. The older generation of Call of Duty multiplayer games are more acquired to my taste :)

02-17-2011, 02:46 PM
The multiplayer does depend on what does it for you. The older generation of Call of Duty multiplayer games are more acquired to my taste :)

I sort of agree here. The weapon upgrades and the insane combinations are just an overkill and they take the fun out. Just give me a Bren LMG and a Webley revolver and I'll be on my way to El Alamein. But the Co-op multiplayer in WaW and the two player Special Ops in MW2 were simply awesome and therefore I look forward to the new Special Ops that will be featured in MW3.

02-17-2011, 07:13 PM
I sort of agree here. The weapon upgrades and the insane combinations are just an overkill and they take the fun out. Just give me a Bren LMG and a Webley revolver and I'll be on my way to El Alamein.

+1 YES!!!! Couldn't agree more :D

02-18-2011, 08:30 AM
i dont feel bad,they made WAY too many...its about frickin time

02-18-2011, 09:24 AM
I did tried this game on store years ago but I think it was fun.
But you need more practice. :D