View Full Version : *ninja style creep*

02-13-2011, 08:08 PM
Yo! Long time no speak everybody. I've had a look at a couple of threads, but decided this'd be the best way to see how everybody's doin. So what's the news? Anything awesome happen? Anybody get by that annoying level on that game that they were stuck on? Anybody get in the guiness book of records? Anybosdy learn the bossmans true identity? C'mon people - speak to me. I'm returning to the awesome RAIOT I was before, probably not quite as active - but just as stupid and mental as before. It's a slow(ish) process, but it's a process none the less, aye?
Love from, your speccial Rai. ;P

02-13-2011, 08:55 PM
When I saw your name in my recent posts I made a O____O face irl and had to catch myself before anyone noticed me looking at my computer that way.

RAI IS BAACCCKKKK :DDDD we missed you very much :3

So what's the news? Anything awesome happen?

I'm chuggin' along through the semester (much like you, I assume.) I'm still addicted to LoL... not much has changed, I suppose, tbh XD

Anybody get by that annoying level on that game that they were stuck on?

I'm a level 30 in LoL now (max level)... does that count?

Anybody get in the guiness book of records?

No, they weren't terribly impressed with my ability to play LoL games in virtually never-ending succession :\

Anybosdy learn the bossmans true identity?

He's a robot penguin, I thought this was common knowledge at this point.

How have YOU been? What have you been doing in all of your time away from the forum? Did you run off and get real friends and replace us all? D:

02-13-2011, 09:01 PM
Was wondering where you were.

You should join our IRC event next Sunday.

02-14-2011, 03:09 PM
Rai, MY LOVE <3


umm. I think there was a thread made about you, actually, where everyone was like "I MISS RAI AWHUDHSAUOFHWEAUFH"

how are you? How is your fancy life WITHOUT US?!

I'm hungry, that's about what is new with me.

Oh, and dili and I got a kitten last week. Also I got a job and then I quit. So now I am looking for a new job. Yay.

02-14-2011, 05:03 PM
Heya mate :) Welcome back,
I'm one of the newbies since you've been gone.

02-15-2011, 11:26 AM
Sharkie..... your sig hypnotises me...
Gen... I can't help but feel like you've got LoL obsession worse than most people have WoW obsession... But obviously sharkie hasn't left ya yet - so it can't be that bad :p
Awww congrats on the kitten. If i hunt around a bit i'm sure i'll find some photos :) Good luck with job-hunting :)
What time on sunday Linux? 'cos I'm at a training thing from 9-3 that day, but if i'm still walking - i'll be there :)

I've missed you guys too!!! I know it may not seem like it (after all, i did just diapear off the face of the internet), but I did actually miss you guys. Well, when i started uni I got this weird thing called a "social life". Suddenly I was out doing stuff. and when i wasn't with friends or my boyfriend I was in a lecture or doing something else related to uni. (I've also taken up a martial art called Shorinji Kempo. We have a training weekend this week. 9-5 sat and 9-3 sun. Gonna be deader than a dead thing that's had a 1000tonne anvil land on it). So due to doing other stuff, my gaming time was reduced. As i played less games, i found myself less able to comment on anything in gf. And as time went on, i had even more stuff to do and less time to come here. However, as of late i've made some life changes. And when i did, i remembered that this place let loose the randomness in me. So... here I am. Coming back on a journey of self-recovery and friendships. XD

And the morning after i started this thread I came down with food poisoning!! Finally able to crawl out of bed... :'(

Oh and i'm finally on the second last boss of ninja gaiden. but i've completed DEvil may cry and a couple other games. I've also got borderlands on the pc now :)

02-15-2011, 11:29 AM
raining thing from 9-3 that day, but if i'm still walking - i'll be there :)

Well it's around 5PM EST so I guess around 10pm your time.

02-15-2011, 12:38 PM
Its nice to see your doing well :) and I hope you can come visit us more often :D