View Full Version : The dark knight forsaken us

02-14-2011, 10:43 AM
I just read an article that.... Arkham city will not have online abilities :(. Such a game as this should have online the epicness would be never ending :(

Rocksteady studio director Sefton Hill has today confirmed that Batman: Arkham City will not have any multiplayer features.
He stated that the entire team has been focused on making the single player game as good as it can possibly be.
When speaking to IGN he said;
"There have been a number of rumours circulating about a multiplayer mode in Batman: Arkham City so let me start by saying, once and for all, that Batman: Arkham City is a 'single-player only' experience,"
"Our thought process behind this was fairly simple: when we investigated adding multiplayer we asked, 'If we use all of the energy that is required to create multiplayer and instead focus this on the single player, would that deliver a better overall game?'
"With the game now coming to the final stages, I can honestly say it would not have been possible to deliver Arkham City the way we wanted to if we'd have added multiplayer."
So sadly no GTA style multiplayer mayhem in Arkham City but the single player should really benefit as a result

02-14-2011, 11:17 AM
I read this, this morning, and I was hoping for at least co-op :(

Ilyich Valken
02-14-2011, 12:07 PM
After hearing about Catwoman, I figured they would've done some sort of Batman/Catwoman thing, but.. eh, guess not. D:

02-14-2011, 02:44 PM
I just read an article that.... Arkham city will not have online abilities :(. Such a game as this should have online the epicness would be never ending :(

I would rather want them to concentrate all strength on singleplayer rather than having a game with a average campaign and a possibly bad multiplayer.

Batmans against bandits, doesn´t that sounds like fun;)

02-14-2011, 04:49 PM
To be fair, the campaign in Arkham Asylum was incredible... so I guess if you look at it that way, it ain't too bad :)