View Full Version : Dead Island Trailer ...

02-17-2011, 10:24 PM
I just jizzed my pants ....


02-17-2011, 10:54 PM
My overall question is this.. is this going to be like a dead raising game where you run around the island or will this be like you verse the zombies and complete freedom?

Why hasnt someone made a game like that?

02-17-2011, 10:56 PM
I have no idea ... but this trailer made me so damn exicted ! I will try to get more info on this game or if someone already know about this game please post !

02-17-2011, 11:58 PM
it didnt show any gameplay. It really just showed a family mauled by zombies. Thats a pretty weak position to start a game from. With the ending.

I cant really get excited considering that they obviously didnt show us anything related to the storyline or there would be no point to playing. So Im back to wondering what we do know:

-Its a game with zombies
-Its on an island

Wow, cant say Im that excited yet.

02-18-2011, 02:40 AM
this games looks really cool I hope it's like a Left for dead thingy then it would be even more fun, but it would never beat Left for dead, but I have to say the trailer looks really interesting.

02-18-2011, 07:39 AM
*just sits here in complete awe*

02-18-2011, 07:44 AM
I think it will be more horror style than dead rising which were more about dark humor.

02-18-2011, 08:28 AM
OMFG! awesome trailer

im SUPER excited about this L4D meets Dead Rising game


02-18-2011, 08:54 AM
I love anything with zombies ! Linux is a zombie cause he has brains ! And I don't ! Wait ... A minute ... Oh well, I do agree the trailer may be cool but what about the gameplay ? Will have to see what else shows up ...

02-22-2011, 10:50 PM
Great trailer, and did just as it was supposed to: get interest
It teased us just enough to get us to wonder what its gonna be like.

I'm curious to see what the gameplay will be like.

02-23-2011, 09:52 AM
Great trailer, and did just as it was supposed to: get interest
It teased us just enough to get us to wonder what its gonna be like.

I'm curious to see what the gameplay will be like.

I'm wondering what it's gunna be like too... I mean, the trailer is so gripping and intense, I'm afraid that the game will just be a flop, and won't be able to live up to the hype the gaming media has cushioned it with.

I'm not gunna create any hype about this game with people I know, just in case the aforementioned happens and I look like a tool as a result of it.

02-23-2011, 10:00 AM
When showing off a trailer we didnt get the sense of what the game's mission is, beyond surviving the zombies who are trying to omnom your skull. That seems like a cheap tactic to use, it was done with Alpha Protocol and I just hate that game, worse 60 bucks ever. The cinematic look beautiful I love the mood it gave off, but it again shows no game play so we just get the idea of we need to survive the hordes of zombies. Overall that is fine with me, but I'm the type of guy who wants to know what he is walking into before buying you know?

Another thing since this will be another zombie game will it be free roam or dead raising? Looking at it and watching the trailer it seems like it will be dead raising with missions to do and people to save, if that is the case I do not believe I would enjoy it because its been done before and its just overall boring in my personal opinion. I dont believe in games where you obey the game's time limit and do everything it says or before time runs out, thats just stupid. A game where the idea is to stay alive till reenforcement come should be the idea behind the game by just the set they are giving us.

lastly is what will online be like? Will it be co-op boring and non-original like dead raising, or more free roam?

I have complaints about zombie games because there is always a fixed path you have to take within a time limit, dead raising two gives you more "free time" but its very limited you cant go to far unless you have a vehicle and even then you have to be close by so that you can make it back in time.

I love zombie games but I just need more freedom than what has been given overall in all games.

Also rumor has it that it might be released on june 15th of this year. That was concluded by seeing the father's shirt which has the numbers 6 15, or june 15th i dont remember which one but it relates to june 15th.

02-23-2011, 12:01 PM
When showing off a trailer we didnt get the sense of what the game's mission is, beyond surviving the zombies who are trying to omnom your skull. That seems like a cheap tactic to use, it was done with Alpha Protocol and I just hate that game, worse 60 bucks ever. The cinematic look beautiful I love the mood it gave off, but it again shows no game play so we just get the idea of we need to survive the hordes of zombies. Overall that is fine with me, but I'm the type of guy who wants to know what he is walking into before buying you know?

Another thing since this will be another zombie game will it be free roam or dead raising? Looking at it and watching the trailer it seems like it will be dead raising with missions to do and people to save, if that is the case I do not believe I would enjoy it because its been done before and its just overall boring in my personal opinion. I dont believe in games where you obey the game's time limit and do everything it says or before time runs out, thats just stupid. A game where the idea is to stay alive till reenforcement come should be the idea behind the game by just the set they are giving us.

lastly is what will online be like? Will it be co-op boring and non-original like dead raising, or more free roam?

I have complaints about zombie games because there is always a fixed path you have to take within a time limit, dead raising two gives you more "free time" but its very limited you cant go to far unless you have a vehicle and even then you have to be close by so that you can make it back in time.

I love zombie games but I just need more freedom than what has been given overall in all games.

Also rumor has it that it might be released on june 15th of this year. That was concluded by seeing the father's shirt which has the numbers 6 15, or june 15th i dont remember which one but it relates to june 15th.

Like you I also want to see some gameplay before I buy a game, totally unlike a friend who dont want to see anything, ANYTHING from a game he wants to buy.

Ilyich Valken
02-23-2011, 05:41 PM
When showing off a trailer we didnt get the sense of what the game's mission is, beyond surviving the zombies who are trying to omnom your skull. That seems like a cheap tactic to use, it was done with Alpha Protocol and I just hate that game, worse 60 bucks ever. The cinematic look beautiful I love the mood it gave off, but it again shows no game play so we just get the idea of we need to survive the hordes of zombies. Overall that is fine with me, but I'm the type of guy who wants to know what he is walking into before buying you know?

Another thing since this will be another zombie game will it be free roam or dead raising? Looking at it and watching the trailer it seems like it will be dead raising with missions to do and people to save, if that is the case I do not believe I would enjoy it because its been done before and its just overall boring in my personal opinion. I dont believe in games where you obey the game's time limit and do everything it says or before time runs out, thats just stupid. A game where the idea is to stay alive till reenforcement come should be the idea behind the game by just the set they are giving us.

lastly is what will online be like? Will it be co-op boring and non-original like dead raising, or more free roam?

I have complaints about zombie games because there is always a fixed path you have to take within a time limit, dead raising two gives you more "free time" but its very limited you cant go to far unless you have a vehicle and even then you have to be close by so that you can make it back in time.

I love zombie games but I just need more freedom than what has been given overall in all games.

Also rumor has it that it might be released on june 15th of this year. That was concluded by seeing the father's shirt which has the numbers 6 15, or june 15th i dont remember which one but it relates to june 15th.
That's just the thing, though, Joker. Not ONE game. Not a single game that has been released within the last couple years has shown gameplay in the first trailer (often called the teaser.)

This is to get people interested, and get the public looking for information on the game to try and amp up their title. It's just a small tidbit, small enough, mind you, to get the brain working.

Being all "Oh this is going to suck if it's like such and such a game (Which is a completely convoluted train of thought, to be honest.)" about a game in which you've only seen a teaser for seems, at least to me, jumping the gun a tad, isn't it?

02-23-2011, 09:40 PM
Its not jumping the gun, nor is it really convoluted, for the simple fact of I have different taste and different likes in video games. I think differently than you and have different taste than you so its closed minded to say my thinking is convoluted for that reason.

I dont like the feeling of dead raising I do not like the expectation of completing missions on their time table not mine. I rather run around kill zombies kill bosses and steal cars not run around for a bit get to the next area complete a mission and wait around for something else to happen that is completely boring to me.

Also I came to the conclusion of i would dislike it if it was a dead raising game because from the zombie games out there, L4D, Dead Raising, I guess you throw in Dead Space. The trailer has the closest... correlation to Dead Raising. That is my opinion...

Ilyich Valken
02-24-2011, 08:27 AM
Its not jumping the gun, nor is it really convoluted, for the simple fact of I have different taste and different likes in video games. I think differently than you and have different taste than you so its closed minded to say my thinking is convoluted for that reason.

I dont like the feeling of dead raising I do not like the expectation of completing missions on their time table not mine. I rather run around kill zombies kill bosses and steal cars not run around for a bit get to the next area complete a mission and wait around for something else to happen that is completely boring to me.

Also I came to the conclusion of i would dislike it if it was a dead raising game because from the zombie games out there, L4D, Dead Raising, I guess you throw in Dead Space. The trailer has the closest... correlation to Dead Raising. That is my opinion...

It is all those things though. You haven't seen any gameplay yet. For all we know, it could be a completely new type of zombie game. I never said anything about you having a different opinion or anything along those lines.

As for it being convoluted, you completely missed my point. The whole "This game is like this game/stole concepts from such and such a game" line of thinking is convoluted. Of course some concepts of games are going to be similar/copied from successful games, that's how any industry succeeds. If they don't adapt to what works, it's going to backfire on them.

02-24-2011, 11:08 AM
I want to see game play Im not going to get all excited over a zombie game when I dont see game play, as I stated in my long post because it can be a big let down. Hyping up games is what they normally do if it might suck.

Never said they stole concepts I said I wont enjoy it if it has concepts from dead raising, for the simple fact of I dont enjoy completing missions on their time table.Not all games take concepts from successful games. Bullet storm is new and exciting, dead space was new and exciting when it first launched. etc etc. Only concepts that were taken from successful games in those two examples was using firearms thats pretty much it.

02-24-2011, 12:43 PM
I want to see game play Im not going to get all excited over a zombie game when I dont see game play, as I stated in my long post because it can be a big let down. Hyping up games is what they normally do if it might suck.

Never said they stole concepts I said I wont enjoy it if it has concepts from dead raising, for the simple fact of I dont enjoy completing missions on their time table.Not all games take concepts from successful games. Bullet storm is new and exciting, dead space was new and exciting when it first launched. etc etc. Only concepts that were taken from successful games in those two examples was using firearms thats pretty much it.

im shore that they will release a gameplay trailer soon.

Ilyich Valken
02-24-2011, 12:47 PM
I never said that you should get excited, just that the first trailer should get you intrigued enough to have you wanting more information. Being all "This is going to suck if it's ___" when you haven't seen any gameplay of it at all seems a little assbackwards to me. You don't know what it's like, so why start comparing it to other games?

As far as Bulletstorm goes, sure it's new, but it has age-old concepts to it. Multiplayer is basically the Horde/Firefight style gameplay, four players fighting AI enemies in rounds, except that it's got incentives for skillshots and teamwork moreso than the others.

I wasn't talking about the ideas behind the game, I'm speaking of the gameplay at it's core. You can call it whatever you want, but Echoes is essentially an arcade-style shooting mode, multiplayer is a round-based survival mode, it just so happens that each of them have a different look/playing feel to them in addition to all of the Bulletstorm stuff.

02-24-2011, 01:54 PM
I never said that you should get excited, just that the first trailer should get you intrigued enough to have you wanting more information. Being all "This is going to suck if it's ___" when you haven't seen any gameplay of it at all seems a little assbackwards to me. You don't know what it's like, so why start comparing it to other games?

the overall message of my entire posts lately its no zombie game has given any gamer the ability to free roam. No that does not include dead raising for the simple fact of you have a time limit you can only go so far before you have to turn around and go somewhere else. That isnt cool and very boring to me. L4D 1 and 2 gave you a fixed path you had to follow but you had a little freedom as the infected to jump around climb and what not but still no free roam. You see the point now? I would like to see a zombie game with free roam. Therefore, you said it should get me interested to seek more information going back again to my original post isnt the questions i asked seeking more information? gameplay at its core has "old age ideas" pick up a weapon, kill.

Moving on to your other part of your post. Talking about MP on bullet storm there is no uniqueness to any game with online capabilities. Its all the same kill, team kill, objective, ctf, assault etc etc. No game in general has uniqueness beyond storyline.

02-24-2011, 02:07 PM
the overall message of my entire posts lately its no zombie game has given any gamer the ability to free roam. No that does not include dead raising for the simple fact of you have a time limit you can only go so far before you have to turn around and go somewhere else. That isnt cool and very boring to me. L4D 1 and 2 gave you a fixed path you had to follow but you had a little freedom as the infected to jump around climb and what not but still no free roam. You see the point now? I would like to see a zombie game with free roam. Therefore, you said it should get me interested to seek more information going back again to my original post isnt the questions i asked seeking more information? gameplay at its core has "old age ideas" pick up a weapon, kill.

Moving on to your other part of your post. Talking about MP on bullet storm there is no uniqueness to any game with online capabilities. Its all the same kill, team kill, objective, ctf, assault etc etc. No game in general has uniqueness beyond storyline.

What about red dead redemption (and something) Isnt that game a sandbox game like gta but with zombies and towns to qoncuer and defend?

02-24-2011, 02:10 PM
Good point paec you make an excellent point. If Dead island can be molded into a sandbox game like Rdr that would be awesome, that is what I am looking for in general a sandbox game, I forgot that term till you just said it paec. That is what I want to see happen to D.I. because I think it can be generally agreed on that if you can run around killing zombies and set aside missions till you want and get the ability to explore I think that adds alot of value to the game.

02-24-2011, 02:16 PM
Good point paec you make an excellent point. If Dead island can be molded into a sandbox game like Rdr that would be awesome, that is what I am looking for in general a sandbox game, I forgot that term till you just said it paec. That is what I want to see happen to D.I. because I think it can be generally agreed on that if you can run around killing zombies and set aside missions till you want and get the ability to explore I think that adds alot of value to the game.

What dead rising should have been without those timeframes.

02-24-2011, 10:37 PM
That's just the thing, though, Joker. Not ONE game. Not a single game that has been released within the last couple years has shown gameplay in the first trailer (often called the teaser.)

This is to get people interested, and get the public looking for information on the game to try and amp up their title. It's just a small tidbit, small enough, mind you, to get the brain working.

Being all "Oh this is going to suck if it's like such and such a game (Which is a completely convoluted train of thought, to be honest.)" about a game in which you've only seen a teaser for seems, at least to me, jumping the gun a tad, isn't it?

meh, saying its not going to suck is equally convoluted. =P

Honestly though, not of the opinion that there is anything to be excited about yet. And that is still different than saying it will suck.

No game in general has uniqueness beyond storyline.

No game? or are we just talking about recent zombie games here, if the later then I can agree with you. STALKER was a free roam horror type game. just not completely centered around zombies.

Ilyich Valken
02-25-2011, 04:50 PM
meh, saying its not going to suck is equally convoluted. =P

Honestly though, not of the opinion that there is anything to be excited about yet. And that is still different than saying it will suck.

Exactly. I never said wasn't going to suck. Just that saying a game will suck (if it's compared to a game that Joker (or anyone) dislikes) is kind of backwards as there isn't any information to compare on anything.

We know it's set on an island, and that it's a zombie game. We don't know gameplay, characters, anything of real relevance outside of the trailer.

02-25-2011, 09:56 PM
Hehe I remember when I got excited over Sniper Ghost Warrior, bought myself and Linux a copy.... haha ... eh ...

04-16-2011, 12:19 PM
I got some info for dead island.
I have heard it myself so dont think it will be just like this.

It will be like a 3rd person view.
It will be 4 characters.
Like dead rising it will be a free roam but more serious.
They want you to have more feelings about the survivors and stuff.
You can combine and improve weapons.
It will be bosses.
The "normal" zombies will be harder the longer the game is.
You will face human scavangers and bandits as well as zombies.
It will be disgusting.
Running zombies.

04-16-2011, 12:38 PM
Okay first of all:


Okay, that's out of the way, now...

What I get from this trailer(And mind you that I might just be over analyzing it, but this is what I get from it), is that(And its pure speculation!):

-It takes place on a tropical island
-It is based on a zombie apocalypse(Lets get out the ZAMs, brah!)
-It is free world game play(A zombie version of Oblivion)
-You play as a female(The mother, you never see the mother getting injured)
-It is first or third person
-Your goal is to:
--Find and manage supplies
--Find safe places to sleep
--Find weapons to defend yourself
--When you have no weapons, you run
--Find survivors to aid you, and keep them alive
--Escape the island with as many survivors as possible
--Complete side quests for NPCs(Finding peoples children, find out what happened to their spouse(commence zombie killing here), finding supplies etc.)

That is what I can gather from this trailer, it actually says more than what you first see, but I may be all wrong!!! But that's what I think :D

To put it mildly, I'm extremely excited about this game, and I call dibs on writing a review for this one, people!!! I loved resident evil games, movies, and any other zombie movies as well, and this game just got bumped to my #1 must have.

As you can see I have a hype, and they better deliver, I dont know this brand very well.

I hope they live up to this awesome trailer.

Ilyich Valken
04-16-2011, 12:41 PM
I got some info for dead island.
I have heard it myself so dont think it will be just like this.

It will be like a 3rd person view.
It will be 4 characters.
Like dead rising it will be a free roam but more serious.
They want you to have more feelings about the survivors and stuff.
You can combine and improve weapons.
It will be bosses.
The "normal" zombies will be harder the longer the game is.
You will face human scavangers and bandits as well as zombies.
It will be disgusting.
Running zombies.
Wikimedia Error (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Island)

04-16-2011, 12:45 PM
I have seen some pictures on the game and if you arent to spoiler afraid I got some things here.

1 you dont play as the mother but as four other characters(as far as I take)
2 You will have main missions and a story(dont know much about it though
3 Rifles will be rare and ammo even more so
4The bosses look really disturbing

I dont know how it will work with other survivors and side missions but there will be shops to buy things.

04-16-2011, 12:48 PM
"The four characters are immune to the zombie infection." - Dead Island, Wikipedia


Why should not just 1 but FOUR people be immune to the effects? This fact I dont like!

I preffered my theory! You're ONE hero who is immune to the infection, and you help survivors who aid you, up to 4 with you included, and THEY can turn into zombies, which will be more difficult the more time you've spent with them. Maybe even add romance to it where, if they turn, you'll spend a certain amount of time being insane, greatly lowering fighting capability, and also making more noise, attracting zombies.

^ That is a good idea to me, not just having 4 people be immune and OUT you go, have fun now! -.-

By the way: The current release date is August 1, 2011.

##Nerd Rant program ended##

04-16-2011, 12:52 PM
"The four characters are immune to the zombie infection." - Dead Island, Wikipedia


Why should not just 1 but FOUR people be immune to the effects? This fact I dont like!

I preffered my theory! You're ONE hero who is immune to the infection, and you help survivors who aid you, up to 4 with you included, and THEY can turn into zombies, which will be more difficult the more time you've spent with them. Maybe even add romance to it where, if they turn, you'll spend a certain amount of time being insane, greatly lowering fighting capability, and also making more noise, attracting zombies.

^ That is a good idea to me, not just having 4 people be immune and OUT you go, have fun now! -.-

##Nerd Rant program ended##

I wanted a game like this to. Put in a randomiser every time you start a new game and have it in first person view and have different starting persons.

Like when you choose difficulty you choose which person to play instead. Some guys may be good with weapons while others may run faster and so on.

04-16-2011, 12:55 PM
Yeah thats the kind I like! More diversity, and different out comes! A game only lasts so long, and once you complete it, its complete.

For example my former game, Amnesia: The Dark Descent, AWESOME HORROR GAME all around!!! But it is OH so short, MAN! It's short, and when you're done, well...you're done. You can't start a new game and discover new stuff or anything, you just survive, get to the ending, and you're done. I liked Amnesia, but only cause it was SO awesome during the game, Frictional Games got lucky on that one, and I dont think many devs can pull it off.

I hope this game is different though, there's still several months until release in early early august, and hopefully they change some things!