View Full Version : What was the worse game you got in 2010?

02-27-2011, 02:20 PM
A Lot of game came out last year good and bad.. I want to know how many people on here got a game that was just bad or just disappointed in....

This happen to gamers like us ever year. We go to a store pick up a game that we think might be fun to play... Then when we get home, put it into are system and start to play it...After a couple of hours of playing it all we can say is WTF!!! WHY GOD WHY! and so on...

One of the game I was disappointed in last year was....

Medal of Honor... Story suck and multi was just as bad...

also here is a vid of some of the worse games that I enjoyed watching...


02-27-2011, 03:08 PM
Sniper: Ghost Warrior

Best one was BFBC2.

02-27-2011, 03:25 PM
I dont think the game is from 2010 but I bought it then so it will have to do.

Sniper elite. Playing as a sniper in world war 2 seemed interesting. It was supposed to be very realistic with heartbeat,wind,breathing and so on.

Now what was wrong? Well the graphics were far from the best. I dont demand best graphics but the colours were brown,brown,brown,gray. And the weapons. In a sniper game the sniper rifle should be the weapon of choice so I think something is wrong if doing rambo style with a machinegun is easier and more effective then the sniper.

02-27-2011, 04:08 PM
I am not 100% sure it came out last year but Dark Void was pretty awful.

02-27-2011, 04:16 PM
don't we have a topic like this somewhere?

anyways, final fantasy 13

02-27-2011, 04:22 PM
yeah FF13 was pretty bad also,
And I did not like Black ops all that much (hides from fanboys)

02-27-2011, 04:25 PM
don't we have a topic like this somewhere?

anyways, final fantasy 13

Dont be haten on my post... Yet if there is a topic like this then my bad I didnt bother to look to see if someone had already did something like this...

Im lazy and the only thing I saw was a wish list of 2011...

02-27-2011, 10:45 PM
Lost Planet 2...

Don't even get me started... FAIL GAME OF THE YEAR!

02-27-2011, 11:08 PM
Lost Planet 2...

Don't even get me started... FAIL GAME OF THE YEAR!

aw, after all that nomming you did on it, it was fail?

02-27-2011, 11:25 PM
The trophies on lost planet 2 were hard to get for sure...

02-28-2011, 12:28 AM
I hated that game...lol

02-28-2011, 12:46 AM
I forgot about Tron...that was a horrid game.

02-28-2011, 02:44 AM
I would also agree on the lost planet 2 that game was really not that awesome and I wasted money to buy the game and the sad part is I can't take the game back because I had the game foe really long and went camping so now I cant take it back and I am stuck with that game now:(

02-28-2011, 08:58 AM
I would also agree on the lost planet 2 that game was really not that awesome and I wasted money to buy the game and the sad part is I can't take the game back because I had the game foe really long and went camping so now I cant take it back and I am stuck with that game now:(

Cant you sell it on ebay or something. My self is to lazy to sell things online so my room(and other rooms) are full of old games and stuff.

And about lost planet1/2 I think that the soldiers faces/masks look very strange. Its like michelangelo gone rampage on their faces.

Ilyich Valken
02-28-2011, 10:22 AM
aw, after all that nomming you did on it, it was fail?

It was a horrid game lol

03-01-2011, 09:28 AM
Worst game I bought in 2010 was hands down WET, although Burger King's Sneak King sucked pretty hard too.

03-01-2011, 11:15 AM
The worst game I got was Black Ops... I can't think of any other titles that stick out to be as bad as that though... I will edit my post if I think of any :)

03-02-2011, 02:14 AM
The worst game I got was Black Ops... I can't think of any other titles that stick out to be as bad as that though... I will edit my post if I think of any :)

Dude, come on, Black Ops wasn't the best game ever, but it sure wasn't the worst one in 2010. Nowadays, I even prefer it over MW2.
The worst game I played in 2010/2011 was ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead. I don't think it came out in 2010, but I bought it then - so it counts. The controls suck, the AI is terrible, Delta Force 2 has better graphics and the voice acting is probably the worst voice acting you'll ever hear. Its story sucks and the gameplay is horrible. I never leave games unfinished, but this one sucks so bad, that I don't even get the enthusiasm to finish it so I can uninstall the damn thing. Instead of buying Metro 2033 or Starcraft 2, I bought this piece of crap and guess what - it sucks.

Ilyich Valken
03-02-2011, 07:04 AM
Dude, come on, Black Ops wasn't the best game ever, but it sure wasn't the worst one in 2010. Nowadays, I even prefer it over MW2.
The worst game I played in 2010/2011 was ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead. I don't think it came out in 2010, but I bought it then - so it counts. The controls suck, the AI is terrible, Delta Force 2 has better graphics and the voice acting is probably the worst voice acting you'll ever hear. Its story sucks and the gameplay is horrible. I never leave games unfinished, but this one sucks so bad, that I don't even get the enthusiasm to finish it so I can uninstall the damn thing. Instead of buying Metro 2033 or Starcraft 2, I bought this piece of crap and guess what - it sucks.

>.> Maybe that's one of the only disappointing games he bought in 2010?

I usually don't buy a lot of games, I rent them or borrow them from friends, so I can't really say what the worst game I bought was. Probably Dark Void.

03-02-2011, 07:42 AM
Dude, come on, Black Ops wasn't the best game ever, but it sure wasn't the worst one in 2010. Nowadays, I even prefer it over MW2.

You clearly don't understand the meaning of this topic then, if you think that's what I'm saying. It's the worst game I got in 2010, it wasn't the game I thought was the worst out of all the other games that came out in 2010... Jesus. Think before you type, yeah? Read the title of the thread first before you twist my post.

>.> Maybe that's one of the only disappointing games he bought in 2010?

Thank you Ilyich, at least you understand the meaning of this thread.

03-02-2011, 10:26 AM
It was a horrid game lol

dang lol. The first one was pretty fail, and the demo of the second one seemed so much better. Glad I didn't get it xD

03-03-2011, 08:50 AM
[QUOTE=Jayhmmz;263500]You clearly don't understand the meaning of this topic then, if you think that's what I'm saying. It's the worst game I got in 2010, it wasn't the game I thought was the worst out of all the other games that came out in 2010... Jesus. Think before you type, yeah? Read the title of the thread first before you twist my post.

What the hell? I didn't twist your post and I didn't mean to insult anybody. You have no right to get so pissed off over something like this - since I didn't want to insult you and I didn't twist your post.
Did you not buy Medal of Honor 2010? Or Alien vs Predator? How many games did you buy in 2010 for BO to be the worst one of them?

03-03-2011, 08:56 AM
[QUOTE=Jayhmmz;263500]You clearly don't understand the meaning of this topic then, if you think that's what I'm saying. It's the worst game I got in 2010, it wasn't the game I thought was the worst out of all the other games that came out in 2010... Jesus. Think before you type, yeah? Read the title of the thread first before you twist my post.

What the hell? I didn't twist your post and I didn't mean to insult anybody. You have no right to get so pissed off over something like this - since I didn't want to insult you and I didn't twist your post.
Did you not buy Medal of Honor 2010? Or Alien vs Predator? How many games did you buy in 2010 for BO to be the worst one of them?

Not everyone liked black ops, so he can think its the worst game he bought 2010.

03-03-2011, 09:17 AM
[QUOTE=Jayhmmz;263500]What the hell? I didn't twist your post and I didn't mean to insult anybody. You have no right to get so pissed off over something like this - since I didn't want to insult you and I didn't twist your post.
Did you not buy Medal of Honor 2010? Or Alien vs Predator? How many games did you buy in 2010 for BO to be the worst one of them?

You didn't insult me, nor did you piss me off... ha ha.
I was just stating, that you were implying that I thought the worst game in 2010 was Black Ops, which is not what I said. I said Black Ops was the worst game I had bought.

I bought a lot of games in 2010, but I cba stating them all here.
All I will say, is that I'm entitled to have my own personal preference and my opinion is that Call of Duty is getting stale, and fast.

03-03-2011, 09:32 AM
oh man, Im so way behind cod 4 was the last cod game I played. But from what Ive seen both mw2 and both seems pretty fun but short.

03-03-2011, 12:30 PM
Well... I didn't actually buy it, but I received Bayonetta as a gift for Christmas in 2010... a little late, but didn't say the game had to come out in 2010 (which it apparently did, in the US, anyway)

Anyway, I thought it was terrible and definitely the worst game I bought/received/had money spent on @_@

Dili will probably say Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit XD

03-03-2011, 01:17 PM
[QUOTE=Jayhmmz;263500]You clearly don't understand the meaning of this topic then, if you think that's what I'm saying. It's the worst game I got in 2010, it wasn't the game I thought was the worst out of all the other games that came out in 2010... Jesus. Think before you type, yeah? Read the title of the thread first before you twist my post.

What the hell? I didn't twist your post and I didn't mean to insult anybody. You have no right to get so pissed off over something like this - since I didn't want to insult you and I didn't twist your post.
Did you not buy Medal of Honor 2010? Or Alien vs Predator? How many games did you buy in 2010 for BO to be the worst one of them?

But I love the new AvP =O

Besides, thats a famously good single player series. If you got it expecting a well balanced multiplayer that would keep you entertained as long as BFBC2 then thats your own fault.

As for worst game I got in 2010, it technically came out in 2008 but I purchased a copy of valhalla knights for the psp last year and bleh... its so bad.

03-03-2011, 04:36 PM
I'm not stating that "You must like Black Ops, or you will be shot for being a traitor to the motherland!" :D What I'm mean is, what's with all these bad comments and reviews about it? It's like MW2 with better character development and a not so foreseeable end. Didn't you like MW2 to hate Black Ops?
As for AvP, the marine campaign was ok, but the rest of the game was awful. It was a real disappointment. I didn't like it and I was expecting a lot more when I bought it.

03-03-2011, 04:57 PM
It's like MW2 with better character development and a not so foreseeable end. Didn't you like MW2 to hate Black Ops?

I wasn't sure on MW2... I can't decide whether I liked it better or not.
Campaign wise, I think both of them were good, and gripping in their own way. I really loved the angle that Treyarch came from with their story-line in Black Ops though, would you agree?
Multi-player wise... I just really cannot decide between MW2 and Black Ops, even though I've played more hours on Black Ops according to Steam. I think I prefer the weapons in MW2, but I prefer the maps in Black Ops. I think Blops went over-kill with their load-out, in my opinion.

03-03-2011, 05:31 PM
I wasn't sure on MW2... I can't decide whether I liked it better or not.
Campaign wise, I think both of them were good, and gripping in their own way. I really loved the angle that Treyarch came from with their story-line in Black Ops though, would you agree?
Multi-player wise... I just really cannot decide between MW2 and Black Ops, even though I've played more hours on Black Ops according to Steam. I think I prefer the weapons in MW2, but I prefer the maps in Black Ops. I think Blops went over-kill with their load-out, in my opinion.

Yes, I like the Black Ops campaign better (and I am going to make a tread about it one of these days). As for the multiplayer, I prefer killing zombies over fighting guys with insane weapon combinations like the ones in MW2 and the weapons in BO weren't too good either - so I kinda dislike both multiplayers except for the Special Ops and the Zombie Mode. Overall Black Ops was better from my point of view (yeah, I know that I didn't use to say that a few weeks ago, but it'll all be explained in the thread I am going to make real soon). I really hate the lag I get while playing Black Ops - and I get it despite the fact that my PC's rig is much higher than the required system requirements >:(