View Full Version : Outie

09-06-2007, 09:14 PM
Well, thought I would post, I may not be on for quite some time. So much stress lately...

lost my license, was caught racing

my parents are mad, took truck offroading, after numerous times getting yelled at in the past. Had to call my dad to get towed out, cause I got stuck. Nuff said

Skool sucks (wats new)

People pressuring me about prom (worst thing is, if I got a date, I couldn't drive her anywhere (no license + busted truck...)


Way too much, and hell, I have been taking this my whole life, and im about to explode.

Thiniking about starting smoking, cause I can't take the stress much longer. Sure, I'm only 16, too bad eh.

Can't drive for awhile, and haven't even found an engine for my truck yet, so that just sits at the shop. I wish I had some time to work on it.

Congrats to G-F on all the achievements, and good luck to whatever happens. Dunno when I will be back, so see you all whenever.

- Eric

09-06-2007, 09:17 PM
wow u got caught racing? ur truck? did you win at least? lol - well you are at a part of life where you will be packed with work and stress, i know i was

dont start smoking - it'll screw your life even more trust me, you'll probably go into debt paying for it lol

good luck with life man !!

09-06-2007, 09:19 PM
Trust me man, I win all races, as I do not fear death. Many would say I am selfish for speeding, but dun really care.

Not the first time I was caught either. Wreckless driving on more than one account. Have to go to court soon, which will only add to the hell

Time will tell. My friend who smokes works with me 2morro, will just have to see how stressed I am...

09-07-2007, 06:24 AM
Sounds a bit crap, pressure is on everyone at that time, i just got passed that crap, smoking will scre you up more.

I hope court goes how your racing does...Win. :laugh:

09-07-2007, 12:51 PM
ur still a minor - well not sure what the law is in ur state but here if ur under 18 yrs of age - ur a minor and for an offense you created - they probably wont let u get a new license until ur past 18 or if u are 18 - no license for 6 month or 1 year period - either way good job :D u wont get the death penalty dont worry - and don't tell me the death penalty would have been better lol

09-10-2007, 10:37 AM
lol slacker, lots of trouble huh? so what now with you moderator status?

09-10-2007, 01:29 PM
Oh dear, I hope you weren't racing in the middle of the day XD. All my races took place around 3 am. lol

09-10-2007, 01:47 PM
lol slacker, lots of trouble huh? so what now with you moderator status?

lol @slacker - i have to talk to you about this :mask: next time u come on aim and if i remember or u read this post - remind me

09-10-2007, 04:23 PM
So I didn't read this at first because I thought "he already posted why he was away - why read another?"

Getting caught racing and your truck still in the shop ain't the worst thing that can happen. Don't start smoking, if you were in the UK you've already been allowed to smoke for 2 years and buying can start at 16 but it's not a good idea, part of my dad's debt is from smoking even though he can buy tobacco really cheap. Don't smoke, it won't look that great when you go into court and your parents will be more angry with you, it's really not worth it.

Good luck with the court case, man.

09-14-2007, 08:33 PM
Doing so-so now. Went to court, and got my license restricted, which I won't be following at all, since I work later than the restricted license allows.

If some1 wants my mod, then they can have it, since I am pretty much very busy lately.

09-15-2007, 07:09 AM
aww man thats some bad luck you got there :(. What happens if you make another offense if your license is restricted :/

09-15-2007, 10:31 AM
O M G! Thats treible! Anyway im sure you will get over it! Dont start to smoke you will die yunger ! And thats just what you dont need!;-)

09-15-2007, 11:24 AM
if he commits another offense while his license is restricted he'll probably have his license taken off him and either have is truck towed away and put in a lock up or crushed.
Figure yourself lucky, alot of kids get caught, their cars are checked over for stolen parts and usualy get crushed.
When is the restriction lifted on your license?