View Full Version : Review Crysis 2 (PC) Demo

03-02-2011, 05:48 PM
Just had a go at the Crysis 2 PC demo, and holy crap, it's way better than the demo released for the 360. Once again, PC proving it's visual and game-play power over the console when effort is put in. I love Crytek.

They have spent three years developing the Cryengine 3, and my lord, has it paid off. They have managed to make this game look better than most games out there at the moment, if not the best (yet again, since they dominated every single game visually with Crysis and Crysis: Warhead).

The multi-player manages to look highly polished and gleaming with awesome, whilst running with absolute smoothness, it's really impressive. However, according to reliable sources who have played the full pre-release Crysis 2 leak last month, the graphics are even better in the Campaign.
Apparently, the Campaign in Crysis 2 ****s on the Multi-player on all fronts, which excites me, as the MP looks impressive on it's own. But, and it's a big but... although the Multi-player for Crysis 2 looks pretty good, the game-play is a bit... lacking, to put it in simple terms, and it's nothing new. I wasn't really expecting much from the multi-player though, so if you're like me and didn't highly anticipate an awesome online experience, then in terms of what they have shown us in the demo, it's not too bad at all.

So basically, I will definitely be buying this game upon release... well, I'm gunna pre-order it :P

My PC is a pretty awesome PC for gaming, and it wasn't even close to being tested or pushed to the limits when running Crysis 2 full graphics, so this is good news for gamers with PCs they think that are lacking in power, as Crysis 2 seems to be a pretty well engineered game in terms of the way the Cryengine has the visuals rendered :)

I would recommend all first-person shooter fans to give Crysis 2 a go, especially if you own a PC! :)

The End.

03-02-2011, 05:56 PM
There so many good games coming out this year I cant decide which ones to get... I'll read up on this game for sure..

03-02-2011, 06:05 PM
There so many good games coming out this year I cant decide which ones to get... I'll read up on this game for sure..

You got that right! It's a very good year for gaming, for sure!

03-02-2011, 06:35 PM
Yeah I tried Crysis 2 Multiplayer Demo and it was so awesome!
The grapical and gameplay.

Looking forward for the full version.

03-02-2011, 07:06 PM
I remember the original, definitely had great graphics and I enjoyed the gameplay (never owned it though).

I might get this one but no guarantees.

03-03-2011, 09:57 AM
Just had a go at the Crysis 2 PC demo, and holy crap, it's way better than the demo released for the 360. Once again, PC proving it's visual and game-play power over the console when effort is put in. I love Crytek.

They have spent three years developing the Cryengine 3, and my lord, has it paid off. They have managed to make this game look better than most games out there at the moment, if not the best (yet again, since they dominated every single game visually with Crysis and Crysis: Warhead).

The multi-player manages to look highly polished and gleaming with awesome, whilst running with absolute smoothness, it's really impressive. However, according to reliable sources who have played the full pre-release Crysis 2 leak last month, the graphics are even better in the Campaign.
Apparently, the Campaign in Crysis 2 ****s on the Multi-player on all fronts, which excites me, as the MP looks impressive on it's own. But, and it's a big but... although the Multi-player for Crysis 2 looks pretty good, the game-play is a bit... lacking, to put it in simple terms, and it's nothing new. I wasn't really expecting much from the multi-player though, so if you're like me and didn't highly anticipate an awesome online experience, then in terms of what they have shown us in the demo, it's not too bad at all.

So basically, I will definitely be buying this game upon release... well, I'm gunna pre-order it :P

My PC is a pretty awesome PC for gaming, and it wasn't even close to being tested or pushed to the limits when running Crysis 2 full graphics, so this is good news for gamers with PCs they think that are lacking in power, as Crysis 2 seems to be a pretty well engineered game in terms of the way the Cryengine has the visuals rendered :)

I would recommend all first-person shooter fans to give Crysis 2 a go, especially if you own a PC! :)

The End.

If you are going to buy it on realease date, prepare that it can come some serious bugs. (just saying)

03-03-2011, 10:00 AM
If you are going to buy it on realease date, prepare that it can come some serious bugs. (just saying)

That's the risk you take with any game :)
I trust Crytek more so than I trust any other developer.

03-03-2011, 10:03 AM
That's the risk you take with any game :)
I trust Crytek more so than I trust any other developer.

I have never bought a single game on the realease date. The biggest cause is because Im such a cheap bastard. I got money but I still wait to buy it.

About crysysist1 wasnt taht game kinda buggy when it came?

03-03-2011, 10:05 AM
I have never bought a single game on the realease date. The biggest cause is because Im such a cheap bastard. I got money but I still wait to buy it.

About crysysist1 wasnt taht game kinda buggy when it came?

Yeah, but what you do is smart :) Because you don't buy the games on release day, it allows you to read reviews on the game to make sure it's worth buying! I'm just impatient ^_^ Also, seeing as I review games, I feel it's my duty to provide to my readers!

Crysis and Crysis Warhead didn't have any major bugs really, not from my experience anyway... However, the Multi-player that came with Crysis Warhead, which was called Crysis Wars, sucked a bit... too many network issues.

03-03-2011, 10:07 AM
Yeah, but what you do is smart :) Because you don't buy the games on release day, it allows you to read reviews on the game to make sure it's worth buying! I'm just impatient ^_^ Also, seeing as I review games, I feel it's my duty to provide to my readers!

Crysis and Crysis Warhead didn't have any major bugs really, not from my experience anyway... However, the Multi-player that came with Crysis Warhead, which was called Crysis Wars, sucked a bit... too many network issues.

I hope they fix the networks this time then, cause I would really see the multiplayer interesting.

03-03-2011, 05:08 PM
I personally think that it would've been much better if Crysis 2 was based on a tropical island - pretty much like its ancestors. I don't like the idea of a ruined city environment which kills the fun of exploring and makes it hard to find your way to your objective.
I think I'm gonna wait for some reviews before I buy it - I have a thing about sequels -.-
Either way, this year is going to be an awesome gaming year, especially in the first person shooting genre. Duke Nukem Forever, Bulletstorm, Homefront, Battlefield 3, Crysis 2... Awesome.

03-03-2011, 05:27 PM
I personally think that it would've been much better if Crysis 2 was based on a tropical island - pretty much like its ancestors. I don't like the idea of a ruined city environment which kills the fun of exploring and makes it hard to find your way to your objective.
I think I'm gonna wait for some reviews before I buy it - I have a thing about sequels -.-
Either way, this year is going to be an awesome gaming year, especially in the first person shooting genre. Duke Nukem Forever, Bulletstorm, Homefront, Battlefield 3, Crysis 2... Awesome.

I hear you, on everything you mentioned.
I was expecting some sort of explorable area... but I don't like that it's gone for the "Oh no, our cities are being invaded..." sort of stuff...
I know Homefront is about home cities being invaded, but that's different! Crysis has the base for creativity for locations!

But yeah, epic year for gaming :) Don't forget MW3!

03-03-2011, 05:55 PM
I hear you, on everything you mentioned.
I was expecting some sort of explorable area... but I don't like that it's gone for the "Oh no, our cities are being invaded..." sort of stuff...
I know Homefront is about home cities being invaded, but that's different! Crysis has the base for creativity for locations!

But yeah, epic year for gaming :) Don't forget MW3!

Exactly. NY being invaded by aliens for a game or a movie is kinda like "the butler did it" for a book or a play.
As for Homefront, that is completely different. Even though North Korea winning a war against the USA is impossible, I don't mind it as long as the game is fun - and it will be.
ps: Have you ever noticed how many games present the US as being completely destroyed by Commies? Fallout 3 (and New Vegas), MW2, Homefront, Red Alert 3 etc... What's with that?
pps: MW3 should be fun and I am looking forward to it, but the fact that the actual story won't be continued in this one kinda disappointed me. Instead, you get to play as Ghost and a bunch of nicknamed special forces guys and fight thousands of enemies all by yourself. Whey. And we're gonna see Roach's face in this one - typical for IW - not showing how the playable characters look like until the next installment.

03-03-2011, 05:58 PM
ps: Have you ever noticed how many games present the US as being completely destroyed by Commies? Fallout 3 (and New Vegas), MW2, Homefront, Red Alert 3 etc... What's with that?
pps: MW3 should be fun and I am looking forward to it, but the fact that the actual story won't be continued in this one kinda disappointed me. Instead, you get to play as Ghost and a bunch of nicknamed special forces guys and fight thousands of enemies all by yourself. Whey. And we're gonna see Roach's face in this one - typical for IW - not showing how the playable characters look like until the next installment.

It does get a bit tiring having the same old thing, over and over, in games and in movies.

In regards to MW3 story-line.. Oh really!? :( I heard they were continuing the Makarov story! Damn :(

03-03-2011, 06:16 PM
It does get a bit tiring having the same old thing, over and over, in games and in movies.

In regards to MW3 story-line.. Oh really!? :( I heard they were continuing the Makarov story! Damn :(

I was hoping at taking a shot at Makarov myself, as well as burning Moscow down, but: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7NB_kQ4mog&feature=related
Don't take it for granted though, it's just a rumor, but it sounds like Infinity Ward. Once you finish MW3, there would probably stand: "Ha! You didn't see the end of Makarov >:D You'll have to whait for MW4, then 5 then 6 and so on and on in order to see the end of the Modern Warfare series - we don't say thanks fo buying, since you are the one supposed to say: Thank you allmighty game makers for feeling our gaming needs". The MW series get a bit old and linear. They should really switch back to WW2.

03-04-2011, 11:00 AM
It does get a bit tiring having the same old thing, over and over, in games and in movies.

In regards to MW3 story-line.. Oh really!? :( I heard they were continuing the Makarov story! Damn :(

I can understand that USA and new york are the primary destruction target for game/movie makers. No other city is as recognizable as new york. Everyones knows how it looks and so on. But like you say its getting a bit dull now. Saving usa from russians,northcoreans,nazis,chinese,zombies and aliens. I bet that list almost never end.

But where would you want the games to be set in?

03-04-2011, 04:25 PM
But where would you want the games to be set in?

In a made up place! Developers need to be more creative! They could create something fantastic and even more spectacular if they just did their own thing and didn't just base the terrain and surroundings on a City that already exists IRL.

03-05-2011, 02:20 AM
In a made up place! Developers need to be more creative! They could create something fantastic and even more spectacular if they just did their own thing and didn't just base the terrain and surroundings on a City that already exists IRL.

Like Rapture(bioshock)

But I also think that having it in a real place give it more feeling of "home"

ps: I would love to see a new game in London.

03-05-2011, 06:17 AM
Like Rapture(bioshock)

But I also think that having it in a real place give it more feeling of "home"

ps: I would love to see a new game in London.

Same here, there's not been enough games which feature here in England, or the UK in general. I know I said that developers need to be more creative with their locations, but considering England doesn't feature a lot in video games, I think it would still be a breath of fresh air.

03-05-2011, 07:50 AM
You neven really get to free the USA. Unlike in older games, where you actually free it, in newer games it's all about watching the Statue of Liberty fall, the Washington Monument destroyed, The White House burned down, Americans losing wars or turning into zombies etc. I'm starting to think that developers kinda hate the USA and love to make destroyed US terrains. As for NY being the most recognisable city, that's not true. The only part people know about is the part with the Statue of Liberty. The same goes for Washington DC, Paris, London etc. They only know the parts where all the monuments are.
I prefer fighting in real places. I don't like fighting in fictional countries or cities like the ones in the ArmA series. But I don't mind fighting in places like the ones in Crysis and Far Cry (Korea, Africa, The Caribbean etc, but they don't tell you exactly where, you just know the country/continent).

03-05-2011, 09:05 AM
You neven really get to free the USA. Unlike in older games, where you actually free it, in newer games it's all about watching the Statue of Liberty fall, the Washington Monument destroyed, The White House burned down, Americans losing wars or turning into zombies etc. I'm starting to think that developers kinda hate the USA and love to make destroyed US terrains. As for NY being the most recognisable city, that's not true. The only part people know about is the part with the Statue of Liberty. The same goes for Washington DC, Paris, London etc. They only know the parts where all the monuments are.
I prefer fighting in real places. I don't like fighting in fictional countries or cities like the ones in the ArmA series. But I don't mind fighting in places like the ones in Crysis and Far Cry (Korea, Africa, The Caribbean etc, but they don't tell you exactly where, you just know the country/continent).

But isnt it the statue of libery and manhattan that makes the all famous skyline of NY, Like London has the "needle" the eye and towerbridge.

And you might see the buildings of america fall over and over again but its just to make the us gamers more angry at the enemy,and you often plays as an american.

03-05-2011, 11:09 AM
They are lots of parts that make NYC, NYC. The Skyline is just a part of it, Yankee Stadium in the Bronx, The World's Fair in Queens, Coney Island in Brklyn. I guess Skyline takes place in NYC but I really wasn't looking for the familiar buildings. No time with the enemy around the corner. Even though Yankee Stadium map will be awesome !

03-08-2011, 01:21 PM
speaking of glitches, sorry I loaded this to my facebook, so I have to link it:


as for everyone saying there is nothing new in this multilayer, thats not entirely true from my point of view. They have the speed and fluid movement that a lot of recent FPS games lack, and the ability to turn behind the scene auto aim off, as well as more strategy in the form of the armor and cloak abilities being default built in.

While Brink is aiming for the same thing, in a way, with its fast paced skill based gameplay this evolution is exciting. It means our games are going back to more skill oriented hardcore experiences, after the explosion of casual gamers many of our competitive games where watered down with slow movement speed, radar, spawning with grenades, up to six built in auto aim features, and weapon camping (although one could argue that there has always been weapon camping). This made it easy for a new or unskilled player to get lucky and end your killing streak.

I know its risky, but having a lot of room for skill mastery in a game really makes a game a lot more fun for the true hardcore fans. Who will no doubt be slaughtering noobs like weasels on weasel stomping day.

03-08-2011, 01:43 PM
Call of Duty has the option to turn auto-aim off, does it not? I'm sure I seen the option today on xbox...

03-08-2011, 01:47 PM
speaking of glitches, sorry I loaded this to my facebook, so I have to link it:


as for everyone saying there is nothing new in this multilayer, thats not entirely true from my point of view. They have the speed and fluid movement that a lot of recent FPS games lack, and the ability to turn behind the scene auto aim off, as well as more strategy in the form of the armor and cloak abilities being default built in.

While Brink is aiming for the same thing, in a way, with its fast paced skill based gameplay this evolution is exciting. It means our games are going back to more skill oriented hardcore experiences, after the explosion of casual gamers many of our competitive games where watered down with slow movement speed, radar, spawning with grenades, up to six built in auto aim features, and weapon camping (although one could argue that there has always been weapon camping). This made it easy for a new or unskilled player to get lucky and end your killing streak.

I know its risky, but having a lot of room for skill mastery in a game really makes a game a lot more fun for the true hardcore fans. Who will no doubt be slaughtering noobs like weasels on weasel stomping day.

Talking about perfect noob strategys and irritation moments, you have to mention the carl gustaf noobs in bfbc. I saw one guy which only used the cg. He camped in a building and practically blew all opponents out the window.

03-08-2011, 01:56 PM
lol yay commentary:


If anyone would be so kind as to contact Parry here please let him know that I harbor no ill will for him.

Ilyich Valken
03-08-2011, 02:55 PM
Call of Duty has the option to turn auto-aim off, does it not? I'm sure I seen the option today on xbox...

Even if there is a "turn auto aim off" option, you can't truly turn it off on consoles or it would be hard to aim with the controller .. at least, for most people.

03-08-2011, 03:03 PM
lol yay commentary:


If anyone would be so kind as to contact Parry here please let him know that I harbor no ill will for him.

Nice commentaries, wallhacking sniper:p

03-10-2011, 03:48 AM
So I just got a wireless 360 controller pc adapter and it worked flawlessly with this game. Usually Im all about the mouse and keyboard but the speed of this game really lets you pull off some cool stuf.

Today I jumped and punched one player and then used the ground slam ability to kill another, and then ran and slid through a broken window to avoid incoming fire. I dont think I can do crazy stuff with my keyboard. Especially in the dark.

Maybe If I mapped they keys on a keyboard out better I would stick with it, buts kind of like trading off mouse accuracy for melee speed and making it easier to slide and fire.