View Full Version : Anonymous siding with "Casey the Punisher"

03-18-2011, 12:39 AM
The legend of Casey the Punisher (aka Casey Heynes) took a dramatic — and some would say disturbing — turn on Wednesday, as a notorious hackers group hijacked the 16-year-old’s school web site in protest of his suspension. The hacktivist group “Anonymous” has garnered notoriety for recent attacks on various company web sites in support Julian Assange and Wikileaks. Now, apparently, they’ve turned their guns on Chifley College, Dunheved Campus at North St Marys, the Australian school which suspended Casey Heynes for his role in the infamous bullying incident. Video of the skirmish has gone viral, despite it being banned by YouTube.

Noting that Casey was actually the victim of a bully, but received a four-day suspension anyway for fighting back, Anonymous declared the launch of “Operation Fat Hero,” in which the school’s web site was taken down and further cyber disobedience was solicited from readers. Excerpt from the attack manifesto:

We have had enough of this bigotry. They failed at providing a violence-free environment for their students, and when Zangief Kid (Casey) took things in his own hands they b****slapped him for defending himself.

Anonymous then advocated people flood the school with emails to “let them feel your wrath.”

ow long before images of Casey with a Che Guevara beret begin popping up? Updates, of course, to follow.

The moral of the story here is that you shouldn’t suspend a bullied kid unless you’re prepared to feel the wrath of the hacker community. Because most computer nerds were probably bullied when they were in school, they take this very personally.
Hacker group takes down school web site of bullied Australian kid | Off the Bench (http://offthebench.nbcsports.com/2011/03/17/hacktivist-group-takes-down-school-web-site-of-bullied-australian-kid/)

This is going to blow up big time with the work of Anonymous involved. I give Anonymous a golfclap for what they are doing right now.

03-18-2011, 02:50 AM
Down with the system, anarchy anarchy!!!!!! Rise of the people, Rise against the bully. Call in the airforce. Prada and vodka.

You shell not take this post entirely serious, but still its bad to throw out a kid for defending himself. call in "vuxna föbannade hackare"= grownup pissed off hackers.

03-18-2011, 06:13 AM
I love Anonymous! They work for Justice! :')

03-18-2011, 01:25 PM
man... it's not gonna be long before we start seeing businesses take honest provisions in their ethic and conduct in fear of DDoS attacks from anonymous. Strange, brave new world we live in.

03-18-2011, 04:58 PM
I think he deserved to be suspended. Yeah, he was bullied, and that's awful, and I certainly don't condone bullying... but he reacted in a way that was totally out of line. He could have killed that other kid. But really, a 4 day suspension? Not a huge deal :/ Nothing to go white knight over, in my opinion :/

But yeah. Anonymous is getting large enough that businesses are going to try and get all sorts of things in their favor against this kind of stuff.

03-18-2011, 05:11 PM
I think he deserved to be suspended. Yeah, he was bullied, and that's awful, and I certainly don't condone bullying... but he reacted in a way that was totally out of line. He could have killed that other kid. But really, a 4 day suspension? Not a huge deal :/ Nothing to go white knight over, in my opinion :/

But yeah. Anonymous is getting large enough that businesses are going to try and get all sorts of things in their favor against this kind of stuff.

He pulled off a wrestling move ha ha, so yeah I guess he should have been suspended xD

The point is though, regarding the acts of anonymous, they will soon have the power to stop wars! :D Ha ha!

03-18-2011, 05:24 PM
He acted in a way that he stopped the bully from harming him. In all reality he used self defense and what he is justifiable. He had reasonable belief that he wouldnt stop hitting him so he used force, the other kid needs to be kicked out of school and arrested.

03-18-2011, 05:35 PM
He acted in a way that he stopped the bully from harming him. In all reality he used self defense and what he is justifiable. He had reasonable belief that he wouldnt stop hitting him so he used force, the other kid needs to be kicked out of school and arrested.

I think in cases like this, the person committing the offence instantly lose their human rights, in my opinion. I don't know what it's like in the U.S or anywhere else, but in the U.K, if someone breaks into your house and you seriously harm them, the house-owner or anyone involved in the defence of the property will be charged with assault/man slaughter or anything related. It makes me sick.

As I said, anyone who commits any crime on the level of assault or house break-ins, and beyond, they instantly should lose their human rights, and they will have to just face the consequences, whatever they may be.

03-18-2011, 06:22 PM
if someone breaks into my home they are getting a belly full of lead and its legal, but they must be a threat, so pretty much once they break in and you see them you can have your weapon out and if they come at you and they disobey your orders to stop you can open fire.

03-18-2011, 06:36 PM
if someone breaks into my home they are getting a belly full of lead and its legal, but they must be a threat, so pretty much once they break in and you see them you can have your weapon out and if they come at you and they disobey your orders to stop you can open fire.

See, the UK is crap because we don't have rights like that, and it's all because we're part of the Human Rights group in Europe I suppose. Urgh. The UK is just too damn soft for their own good, the government has lost sight on what they're doing!

03-18-2011, 06:44 PM
Im sorry to hear that man i dont think the UK would like me because i would open fire or beat the ever living crap out of someone illegally entering my home.

03-18-2011, 06:50 PM
Im sorry to hear that man i dont think the UK would like me because i would open fire or beat the ever living crap out of someone illegally entering my home.

We still do that :P We just have to deal with the consequences, ha!

03-18-2011, 07:08 PM
Correct me if im wrong but your police officers dont have firearms do they? if that is true doesnt that scare you?

03-18-2011, 07:14 PM
Correct me if im wrong but your police officers dont have firearms do they? if that is true doesnt that scare you?

They judge it on how bad the area is. But you do get a lot of officers going around in flack jackets, carrying SMGs, in train stations and such. But in active areas where gun crime, etc is at it's highest, they have armoured vans going about, and armed officers on patrol. They should give general police officers fire-arms though, anyone could pop-up anywhere.

They just rely on fast response units to be called out when something random and serious happens, because all of our stations have a weapons cache.

They're doin' it wrong.

03-18-2011, 07:21 PM
I would agree that they are doing it wrong

03-18-2011, 07:27 PM
I would agree that they are doing it wrong


They also send officers to heavily patrol areas that don't need it, they distribute the force badly. Also, if officers are pursuing a speeding/reckless vehicle that's in a chase, they're not allowed to shun the car or anything to try and stop it, they just chase until the other car gives up.. It's like LOLWUT? I don't understand. It's the Police Force's fault for giving the units expensive cars to patrol in! Grr!

03-18-2011, 07:33 PM
imo, officers being able to maintain the peace without having to carry firearms to coerce people into staying in line sounds awesome and like a much nicer scene than what we've got over here in the US. I say kudos that the culture/society has grown beyond the need for firearms to regulate it.

03-18-2011, 07:46 PM
imo, officers being able to maintain the peace without having to carry firearms to coerce people into staying in line sounds awesome and like a much nicer scene than what we've got over here in the US. I say kudos that the culture/society has grown beyond the need for firearms to regulate it.

Firearms dont coerce people to do anything but dont pull a deadly weapon on an officer, or try to seriously harm them with a vehicle. Going back to what jay said it depends on how bad the area is perceived to be. What happens if there is an active shooter and the officer could, if he had a firearm, have stopped the threat?

I cant picture a country without officers carrying weapons, how are they suppose to do the thing they swore to uphold "protect and serve" you cant protect people from an active shooter if you dotn have a firearm, so in a sense if that situation was to occur the officer failed at his duty.

03-19-2011, 06:15 AM
See, the UK is crap because we don't have rights like that, and it's all because we're part of the Human Rights group in Europe I suppose. Urgh. The UK is just too damn soft for their own good, the government has lost sight on what they're doing!

If a burglar broke in to my house and I attacked the burglar can charge me for assault, its a mad world:( (it has happend)

03-19-2011, 07:10 AM
If a burglar broke in to my house and I attacked the burglar can charge me for assault, its a mad world:( (it has happend)

I wouldn't give them a chance to charge me. I would f* their **** up so bad, they wouldn't be able to make another single decision for themselves.

03-19-2011, 08:36 AM
I wouldn't give them a chance to charge me. I would f* their **** up so bad, they wouldn't be able to make another single decision for themselves.

Then someone else just charge you instead. Even the police can get charged by the bad guys.

03-19-2011, 08:47 AM
Then someone else just charge you instead. Even the police can get charged by the bad guys.

Yup.. it's a backwards world.

03-19-2011, 03:02 PM
You should ask a lawyer or a judge, email someone and find out why its illegal to defend yourself in your own home that is just odd.

03-19-2011, 03:15 PM
You should ask a lawyer or a judge, email someone and find out why its illegal to defend yourself in your own home that is just odd.

Ha! That's actually a stunning idea, that's definitely one for when I get bored!

03-20-2011, 10:19 AM
You should ask a lawyer or a judge, email someone and find out why its illegal to defend yourself in your own home that is just odd.

Ive saw on the news about a cop that shot a crazy guy with a knife that ran towards him. The cop was drawn to a court to see if he did a "serviceerror" It wasnt impossible that he was going to be charged for overviolence so yup its a mad world.

According to translate it was misconduct

03-20-2011, 03:02 PM
Paec, im not really sure what you meant by service error

edit: the video came up on the group page of "Casey - The kid who had enough of being bullied is a legend " add in the ""

he is claiming that he is a victim, richard, and that casey started talking smack and richard attacked.

04-05-2011, 12:42 PM
that was a big kid, and I dont think he was in danger from that smaller kid enough to skip strait to a finishing move like that. One good slap across the face would have sent the little guy running. Overkill in my opinion.


If the harassment was constant (likely considering someone was taping it) then suspending the kid for finally having had enough is wrong, the school should just admit they failed to prevent bullying and that this was the result. Its better to snap and perform a wrestleing move while your young than snap and bring a weapon to school when your older.

Suspending a child who is constantly bullies is pretty ass backwards logic though. How have you helped this kid when you send the message that he is in the wrong?

04-05-2011, 01:56 PM
Self defense is self defense, size doesnt manner if you are being attacked you have a right to protect yourself. What he did I think is legit legal because his intent was to stop the attack not to do serious harm, which did not occur.

Casey shouldnt have been suspended in the first place the video clearly shows that he was hit several times he tried to block and when he attack the final time he defended himself. Clearly Casey was in the right to do so, should he have gotten in trouble? little bit but not to the extent of getting kicked out of school for a few days. However, Richard on the other hand should have been exspelled, arrested, and charged with battery.

04-07-2011, 05:17 AM
Self defense is self defense, size doesnt manner if you are being attacked you have a right to protect yourself. What he did I think is legit legal because his intent was to stop the attack not to do serious harm, which did not occur.

Casey shouldnt have been suspended in the first place the video clearly shows that he was hit several times he tried to block and when he attack the final time he defended himself. Clearly Casey was in the right to do so, should he have gotten in trouble? little bit but not to the extent of getting kicked out of school for a few days. However, Richard on the other hand should have been exspelled, arrested, and charged with battery.

Just what I thought. Excpelled for self defence. The school didnt seem to do something before.

IT turned into a discussion in the newspapers at home, some liked it others didnt but this is what we do here. We discuss on and on and on until its case closed.

04-07-2011, 07:30 AM
Just what I thought. Excpelled for self defence. The school didnt seem to do something before.

IT turned into a discussion in the newspapers at home, some liked it others didnt but this is what we do here. We discuss on and on and on until its case closed.

The general case will never be closed. You will always get bullies, who think that bullying their way through school is the way to get by, because they're dumb asses and generally lack the knowledge of a passable human being.

04-07-2011, 02:54 PM
The general case will never be closed. You will always get bullies, who think that bullying their way through school is the way to get by, because they're dumb asses and generally lack the knowledge of a passable human being.

But in some cases the bully is in some part the victim to. The roots of the problem is often the bullies parents. Im not promoting bullies in any way and many of them are just plain old stupid but there is almost always a reason.

04-07-2011, 04:01 PM
Your not much of a victim when your victimizing someone else paec

04-07-2011, 05:00 PM
If you victimise someone, you instantly lose your human rights, in my honest opinion.

04-07-2011, 08:26 PM
I dont think you lose your human rights unless you do something extremely unspeakable, that will not be named. If you claim to be the victim but your harming someone else there is an illogical statement, if you're a victim why are you victimizing someone else. 2 and 2 isnt adding up to 4

04-08-2011, 08:13 AM
I agree with JokersVirus here. Everyone should keep their human rights unless you take the rights away from someone else.

If you commit a crime that does not go under the category of removing human rights? Than your rights should not be revoked.

04-08-2011, 10:00 AM
Im not justifying bullying here. I hate it myself but there is often some reason for why the bully is like he is. Maybe his/hers parents drink and the bullys dad is hitting his wife and other stuff.

Like in diseases you will not "treat the person completely if you just treat the symptons. You must get to the source.

04-08-2011, 05:29 PM
No matter what their daily life is like, that does not mean that them treating other people like **** has been justified.

You might be right, their parents might be losers, but like I said, they still have no right whatsoever to treat others unfairly.

There is NOTHING justified of bullies, no matter for what reason, its pure stupidity and childish attempts at getting power, its no better than a tyrant treating his country like a bullied child.

Ilyich Valken
04-08-2011, 06:01 PM
I dont think you lose your human rights unless you do something extremely unspeakable, that will not be named. If you claim to be the victim but your harming someone else there is an illogical statement, if you're a victim why are you victimizing someone else. 2 and 2 isnt adding up to 4

I kind of agree with Jay here... whatever your reasoning is, whether your life at home sucks or nothing's been going your way, you choose to victimize someone, it may not be premeditated, but it is still a choice.

You could walk away, do something to manage your anger or get rid of your feelings. The moment you decide to bully and make someone else's life hell, you're essentially becoming what was ruining your life.