View Full Version : I'm back. Finally. Kind of. Ugh. Damn viruses. -_-

Project Blaze
03-18-2011, 01:22 PM
Hey, sorry for goin' all AWOL 'n such. I just didn't have much choice, seeing as I got some nasty virus on the PC. Oddly enough it was just after I posted my personal nickname... weird coincidence. But anyway, it's been bugging me that I haven't at least stopped by real quick for a second to put up a notice to explain why I can't come online that much anymore.

I'm/we're just waiting to try to get better protection before I try to get on that much again, seeing as this is our only PC in the entire house. And we aren't rich to go splurge on a whole new PC and just ditch this one. So, just for now (even as much of a total killjoy as it is), I have to lay off the net for a while. But I'm not leaving for good, just a little "forced vacation" I guess. -_-

So, I'll be back, I just don't know when. I won't let it be something like an entire year though. lol
But I'll be back sooner or later either way. See you then! Just wanted you all to know what was up with me not being here and such. I better go though, it's been too long. Talk as soon as I can! ^_^

- Blaze

03-18-2011, 06:04 PM
I feel like the majority of the posts I've made in your threads have been "wb" or "k see you soon" posts XD

enjoy your real life outside of the internet

03-18-2011, 08:15 PM
I feel like the majority of the posts I've made in your threads have been "wb" or "k see you soon" posts XD

enjoy your real life outside of the internet


Be careful about what sites you visit, nasty viruses. Or switch to Linux.

Project Blaze
03-19-2011, 02:16 AM
Thanks. I've worked it out with the crew and we came to the conclusion that, for now, a really short time limit should be set. The entire PC was on totqal lockdown, literally. Nothing would open or work. I'm not familiar with the Linux OS, but it does sound pretty efficient. I/we might look into that. ^_^

So, for now there's a 15-20 minute time limit for my visits here every day. Which is really all I feel like coming to online tbh, any and all other sites atm can wait. So, 15-20 minute daily net limit. Sucks, but that's the way she blows it all up. XD At least I worked out a temporary solution to that little problem for now, until we know what the hell to look into first with this thing. Time's about up, but I've got one more post to make. Talk tomorrow! ^_^

03-19-2011, 06:07 AM
Nice to see you still are here:), btw what anti virus system do you use?