View Full Version : Avoid HomeFront

03-19-2011, 11:13 AM
I went out yesterday and picked up myself a copy of the highly anticipated FPS HomeFront expected a really solid game, well I was wrong. For starters The story is way too short only about seven missions = about five hrs of gameplay. Next I The game was sooo repetitive I almost broke my controller. The A.I is either not paying any attention or too much attention. The way your heath is set up you die with around three hits and sometimes one. Thank God this game was short because I would have never finished it if it kept getting harder. The A.I. of your teammates is ridiculous they are constantly running into walls or standing in your way and your always the last one to do things if you and your team has to climb a ladder you can't climb the ladder until the rest of your team does first how stupid is that. The next thing is the graphics their nothing special either. I saw a bunch of graphical flaws and glitches in singleplayer. I saw trees glitching out and I saw enemies spawn right in front of me like I was in multiplayer, and speaking of multiplayer I had been told that this game was designed more for online than than as a singleplayer game. Well that would be great if they put more time into maintaining the online servers. HomeFront servers are some if not the worst multiplayer online servers I've ever seen. and I know the problem wasn't on my end because I could have gotton on GTA or Cod servers without a problem. I know they are worrking to fix the servers but I am already fed up with this game it was unfinished in my opinion and should not have been released until all of these problems were fixed. HomeFront 2 better wow me in ways I've never been wowed before if I'm gonna buy it

Ilyich Valken
03-19-2011, 11:18 AM
Most FPS games aren't any longer than 5-8 hours, so I don't know why you'd expect much on that front. I can't really attest to any of the single player problems you've encountered, but yeah, the servers are a little overwhelmed, they're working on that, and you have to keep in mind, the game JUST came out on Tuesday. They're not going to have an instant fix. Add onto that the problems that ANY games with dedicated servers have if not stress tested before hand have,

It's really NOT a bad game. The multiplayer is fun and entertaining, and makes up for any shortfalls of the campaign, in my opinion.

03-19-2011, 11:23 AM
I see your point but you don't finish a game like Halo or Call of Duty in 5 hours and on some level I have to agree with you the last chapter of the game is actually good and kind of fun but for the last level of the game to finally be able to get me interested thats kind of bad

Ilyich Valken
03-19-2011, 11:32 AM
Actually, you could easily blow through Halo of CoD in that amount of time, people do it all the time (and about half of them do it just to do it, not paying attention to the story or exploring.)

But yeah.. I haven't gotten much to the single player.. been too ****ing busy.

03-19-2011, 11:36 AM
yeah but for someone like me who sucks at FPS to go through it in that amount of time even with the difficulty by the way the game chooses the difficulty based on how well your playing the game. and just one more little complaint you run out of ammunition veryu quickly

03-19-2011, 12:00 PM
Except the glitches and AI problems i still feel sort of obligated to get this.

//You die with 1-3 shots? Great! Realistic! Any more and i would start to wonder if i had invisible full body armor.

//Cant go up ladders before your team does? Hah, Probably wouldnt bother me much as i usually play in tactic mode all the time. If my team where going up a ladder and i had to wait for them? Cover them while they climb it.

03-19-2011, 12:12 PM
Can I just shoot you down Metallica, and say this is only Kaos Studio's second game, ever. You can't expect them to be perfect. It's not Kaos Studio's fault that gamers have been let down, it's the Media's fault.

You're being far too harsh towards Homefront. I understand that it's your opinion, but you're instructing people to "avoid" the game when, as Ilyich said, it's only been out for a few days.
I myself haven't experienced any problems on-line whatsoever, and I've been putting a lot of hours into it, so it's probably an issue on your end, as I doubt it's just coincidence when I consistently have zero problems on multiple servers.

Also, I would like to add that you're being far too negative, and you haven't focussed on any of the fantastic points in the game at all, which annoys me; you have just mauled it. Homefront has many positives, which makes it worth playing/owning, and I'm sure Ilyich will back me up on that if he reads this.

Anyway, my proper, unbiased review of the game is up now. Go read it.

03-19-2011, 06:16 PM
I can understand all your points and your right Jay I was being way too negative I finally got into a working game on XBL and it was awesome soooo let me change my statement if you have an Xbox 360 with Xbox Live definitely pick this up for the multiplayer but if you don't have XBL I would rent it just to blow through the single player anyone with a PS3 should buy this once again for the multiplayer because as we all know PSN is free and Jay its not a problem on my end the HomeFront servers are very flawed at the moment everyone is having problems getting into game I guess you are just one of the lucky ones

03-19-2011, 06:28 PM
Gotta admit.... I raged A LOT at this game.

Not only the glitches he mentioned but it seemed to me the AI was always reloading even though they were never REALLY shooting anyone. Then they'd be like... "TAKE POINT" and BOOM you're dead. Along with a bunch of other stuff.... I mean I understand it's their second game or whatever, but any person who has played FPS games should have pointed this stuff out in the Beta or even the Alpha.

03-19-2011, 06:43 PM
Gotta admit.... I raged A LOT at this game.

Not only the glitches he mentioned but it seemed to me the AI was always reloading even though they were never REALLY shooting anyone. Then they'd be like... "TAKE POINT" and BOOM you're dead. Along with a bunch of other stuff.... I mean I understand it's their second game or whatever, but any person who has played FPS games should have pointed this stuff out in the Beta or even the Alpha.

Indeed. As I said in my review, it annoys me when you have to wait for the AI to move into position for you to be able to continue with the next phase of the mission.. it also annoys me that you have to wait for every one of the characters to go up a ladder, climb over an obstacle or go through a door before you're allowed to; much like Medal of Honour campaign.

03-19-2011, 06:46 PM
Yeah I JUST got to read your review... lol. I'm a little backwards. =P

03-19-2011, 07:01 PM
Yeah I JUST got to read your review... lol. I'm a little backwards. =P

He he :D

Thank you for reading! But yeah they do have to iron out a few things to make the game as good as it can be. I just wish the graphics were a bit more polished to be fair!

03-19-2011, 08:34 PM
and say this is only Kaos Studio's second game, ever. You can't expect them to be perfect.

Crytek's first game Far Cry. Enough said. 8)

03-19-2011, 08:38 PM
Crytek's first game Far Cry. Enough said. 8)

Yeah but I still wasn't expecting Crysis to be as awesome as it was when it was in the process of being hyped up.. it just turned out that it was.

03-19-2011, 08:39 PM
He he :D

Thank you for reading! But yeah they do have to iron out a few things to make the game as good as it can be. I just wish the graphics were a bit more polished to be fair!

I didn't expect it to be perfect... but like I said... some of the stuff was pretty danged obvious...

It was a FANTASTIC idea for a game... just the execution was a lil shotty.

03-22-2011, 06:27 AM
I work at a Gamestop and the day it came out we saw about three trade ins (since we dont allow new games to be returned once opened) and one "defective." I gotta say that kept me from purchasing the game even with my discounts.

03-22-2011, 06:57 AM
I work at a Gamestop and the day it came out we saw about three trade ins (since we dont allow new games to be returned once opened) and one "defective." I gotta say that kept me from purchasing the game even with my discounts.

Well I've experienced no problems with the game whatsoever, apart from the length of the campaign being heavily disappointing. Don't jump to conclusions, because the people who wanted to trade it are probably gamers who just play single-player, and haven't got an Xbox Live Gold account or they might not play on the Playstation Network; because the single-player is very short.

03-22-2011, 07:24 PM
Agreed with Jay.

Also people have to consider for themselves if the game that they have been reading about everywhere, actually suits what they want in a game.
People with their oppinions and preferences will always be different from one another. :)

03-22-2011, 09:51 PM
Agreed with Jay.

Also people have to consider for themselves if the game that they have been reading about everywhere, actually suits what they want in a game.
People with their oppinions and preferences will always be different from one another. :)

Indeed. I have tried out many games in different genres in the past, which I don't usually play, just to see if I liked them or not. Trial and error is the way you have to go sometimes, instead of taking people's word for it :)

Cast your own judgement, I say!

04-04-2011, 07:50 PM
Homefront is back on my Sh** list it just reset my rank from 34 to 1

04-05-2011, 06:37 AM
Homefront is back on my Sh** list it just reset my rank from 34 to 1

Woah, that sucks :(
I don't even have this game any more, none of my friends got the game, so I didn't have a lot of friends to play the multiplayer with, which leads me to get bored with a game.

I traded Homefront in to get Crysis 2 Limited Edition for PC :)

04-05-2011, 07:26 AM
Woah, that sucks :(
I don't even have this game any more, none of my friends got the game, so I didn't have a lot of friends to play the multiplayer with, which leads me to get bored with a game.

I traded Homefront in to get Crysis 2 Limited Edition for PC :)

While on the Crysis 2 subject, Just finished crysis yesterday.
It had been so hyped up over the last years that i got slightly dissapointed but hey. still worth the money :)

How is crysis 2? Would you mind making a review? :)

04-05-2011, 07:31 AM
While on the Crysis 2 subject, Just finished crysis yesterday.
It had been so hyped up over the last years that i got slightly dissapointed but hey. still worth the money :)

How is crysis 2? Would you mind making a review? :)

I'll get on it as soon as I can matey :)

Campaign was quite short.. however, the multiplayer kicks ass :D

04-05-2011, 12:20 PM
I'll get on it as soon as I can matey :)

Campaign was quite short.. however, the multiplayer kicks ass :D

Thank you very much! :)

Ah well it is of no concern.. Tried the MP demo and that was quite fun.

Just tell me right quick. Do you have BIG maps with objectives like BFBC or is everything just like the demo and cod where you are in a relatively small area?

I tend to prefer bigger maps you see. :)

04-05-2011, 12:45 PM
Thank you very much! :)

Ah well it is of no concern.. Tried the MP demo and that was quite fun.

Just tell me right quick. Do you have BIG maps with objectives like BFBC or is everything just like the demo and cod where you are in a relatively small area?

I tend to prefer bigger maps you see. :)

Small areas mate. Not too small, just average sized.
Up to 16 players on a server.. anything more would be a bit ridiculous to be honest, with the type of game it is.

04-05-2011, 05:11 PM
Yeah I have to say though Jay Homefront was actually pretty good until it pulled this s*** it makes me want to strangle the a$$holes over at Chaos for not fixing these bugs sooner I heard PS3 still has no updates or fixes for Homefront's problems and most of the work is being done on the PC version as for Xbox 360 I got one update since I bought the game my friend has had six so something is clearly wrong with there updates system

As for Crysis 2 how is the multiplayer I played the demo and I loved it has anything been changed too bad its only 6 on 6 matches

04-05-2011, 05:23 PM
As for Crysis 2 how is the multiplayer I played the demo and I loved it has anything been changed too bad its only 6 on 6 matches

It's fantastic :)
It's a good balance and fun gameplay, like Call of Duty 4 :)

04-05-2011, 09:01 PM
Actually I'd love a Crysis 2 review as well. Since I'm upgrading my rig from a forced stock HP Pavilion to a Custom Built AlienWare Aurora with limitless overclocking possibilities!

So I am obviously wanting Crysis 2, but, nice as the graphics are, graphics do NOT make a game! (Look at Aion Online...)

So please, do make a Crysis 2 review! :cheesy:

04-06-2011, 04:40 AM
Actually I'd love a Crysis 2 review as well. Since I'm upgrading my rig from a forced stock HP Pavilion to a Custom Built AlienWare Aurora with limitless overclocking possibilities!

So I am obviously wanting Crysis 2, but, nice as the graphics are, graphics do NOT make a game! (Look at Aion Online...)

So please, do make a Crysis 2 review! :cheesy:

I will do :P

For me, graphics do make a big part of the game.. but that's just my personal preference only. I appreciate excellent graphics, so anything below par, is a disappointment for me, personally.

04-06-2011, 10:41 AM
There are only two forces in the gaming world - the graphics and the gameplay. In the long run the graphics will always be conquered by the gameplay :D
That's my opinion. Either way, I think that Homefront is an awesome game with great potential. Though the ending was like "WTF? What the hell did he do that for?!" and the graphics were not too good, the gameplay, the ambient and the rest of the story are amazing.

04-06-2011, 11:07 AM
There are only two forces in the gaming world - the graphics and the gameplay. In the long run the graphics will always be conquered by the gameplay :D
That's my opinion. Either way, I think that Homefront is an awesome game with great potential. Though the ending was like "WTF? What the hell did he do that for?!" and the graphics were not too good, the gameplay, the ambient and the rest of the story are amazing.

What the hell did who do what for? :P
Nothing ended on a personal note in the campaign.. It was just generalised.

04-06-2011, 11:38 AM
What the hell did who do what for? :P
Nothing ended on a personal note in the campaign.. It was just generalised.

Connor committed suicide. He could have thrown the flare at the enemy tanks and get the hell out of there, but he didn't. He did something a suicide bomber would do. It's just stupid. They needed a heroic death in the game, so they did this, even though it makes no sense.

04-06-2011, 11:48 AM
Connor committed suicide. He could have thrown the flare at the enemy tanks and get the hell out of there, but he didn't. He did something a suicide bomber would do. It's just stupid. They needed a heroic death in the game, so they did this, even though it makes no sense.

Ah right, see, I couldn't even remember that because that's what I expected in the game.. it didn't really surprise me :P

04-06-2011, 12:33 PM
Connor committed suicide. He could have thrown the flare at the enemy tanks and get the hell out of there, but he didn't. He did something a suicide bomber would do. It's just stupid. They needed a heroic death in the game, so they did this, even though it makes no sense.

Please do use spoiler tags when saying important stuff in campaigns. I dont get "spoiler offended" but others can.

04-06-2011, 12:47 PM
I expected him to die to (I knew that someone was going to die and I knew that girls don't die :P), but the way he died makes no sense.

And sorry for spoiling the end guys. I thought you've seen it already.

04-06-2011, 09:02 PM
I get spoiler offended.

I havent completed it yet, thank you for the spoiler dude.
You could have changed to spoiler tags when Paece mentioned it.


04-06-2011, 09:13 PM
Meaning of this post listed below!

No offense is intended, but if butt hurt happens due to message below, please reffer to Jokervirus' sig for further information!

Learn to put /SPOILER, brah!

04-08-2011, 09:38 AM
Sorry for the spoiler. I didn't mean to insult anyone and I didn't realize that you haven't finished it. Sorry.

04-08-2011, 12:14 PM
I added spoiler tags to everyone's posts who quoted the spoiler to tell him he spoiled it :P

04-08-2011, 01:00 PM
Sorry for the spoiler. I didn't mean to insult anyone and I didn't realize that you haven't finished it. Sorry.

Is okey, just got pissed of at that moment... But no point in crying over spilt milk... So.....

I added spoiler tags to everyone's posts who quoted the spoiler to tell him he spoiled it :P

Dependable as always Muffin. ^^

04-08-2011, 01:03 PM
I added spoiler tags to everyone's posts who quoted the spoiler to tell him he spoiled it :P

I hate to say this but you missed one. Exentenzed quoted shooter99 where he spoils.

04-08-2011, 01:07 PM
I hate to say this but you missed one. Exentenzed quoted shooter99 where he spoils.

Edited away the spoiler myself.. Good eye paece.

04-08-2011, 05:05 PM
You spoiled the spoiler, bro!! Wtf man! :(

04-08-2011, 06:58 PM
I hate to say this but you missed one. Exentenzed quoted shooter99 where he spoils.

Edited away the spoiler myself.. Good eye paece.

Thanks for catching that, guys ;3

04-15-2011, 10:11 AM
I just found this site and you can get ms points for free and it only takes 30 seconds! -->

Ha, fail link.

04-26-2011, 12:33 AM
yea i only played the campaign and i was disappointed. i think it was overhyped. it had a good story and atmosphere. but the gameplay was the same old thing. and it was CRAZY short. barely took me 5 hours if even that. and there were parts that were frustrating. parts where you had to protect something and the only way to really be able to do it efefctively was to have died trying to do it a few times. i hate being sucked out of immersion of a game because i have to redo something that is trial and error. i didnt feel like this game should have been like that.

05-04-2011, 04:00 AM
Thanks for the heads up on homefront....I was so close to buying it aswell....i guess its on to BF3 for me :D

05-24-2011, 12:06 AM
With games like Homefront, it's all about your trade off between Multiplayer and campaign... I personally like good campaigns so it was a bit of a let down...

06-17-2011, 06:21 PM
Can I just shoot you down Metallica, and say this is only Kaos Studio's second game, ever. You can't expect them to be perfect. It's not Kaos Studio's fault that gamers have been let down, it's the Media's fault.

I agree. No one's good at everything from the start.

06-18-2011, 06:58 AM
I still stand by what I said in my review that this isn't such a bad game. Sure, the campaign is short and the ending is a bit crap, the visuals are also a bit lacklustre, but the multi-player is epic. The only reason why I don't play the multi-player any more is because no-one else got the game, because they're too quick to judge it from what others have said about it.

It's the same with any other game for me, if none of my friends play the multi-player of a game, then I will get bored of it quickly.